Barely anybody shows up for the NYC protests

1  2018-11-09 by Kilo_G_looked_up


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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I stand corrected, more people showed up to this on one days notice than the walkaway rally LMAO

This has been planned for months you npc

Lol the walkaway protest had more extensive planning. While the idea of protesting Sessions' firing has been in place for months, the protest itself was organized in 1 day because nobody knew when the firing would come.

DDF get a new talking point please.

Holy shit this sub won't stop fucking lying

It is worse than srs fused with circlebroke, negareddit, trollx and chapotraphouse

Did you think that up yourself?

Idk what those brainlets were thinking scheduleing the protest like 1 day after the event. Only bums can go to things like this on a week day with a 1 day notice.

It was a same-day protest. And then they wonder why there wasn't significant media coverage.

They were trying to do some sort of "blitzkrieg", show Dump and his Dumplings that they have the power, the numbers and they can strike any place at any time anywhere across the country.

Yeah, I'm thinking the left is back.

Lol, dumplings. Dumplings are delicious, all hail our Asian overlords.

Imagine being such a weeb that you think dumplings are exclusively from Asia

Imagine being such a mayo you think that shit you put in “chicken and dumplings” is really a dumpling.

There are (((other cultures))) that make dumpling other than dirty mayos, my friend.

Is this that diversity thing they screech about on 4chan?

Fuck you buddy. Bisquick dumplings are delish.

I mean, they have the numbers and can have massive protests, but same day/one day notices won't get a lot of people. Adults have to work and/or have kids they have to take care of.

And students don’t have the interest right away. You need to give some of us for at least a week before we see the hashtags and Facebook notices about it.

It's like these people have lot of free time for grown-up

At 5 in New York. Nobody salaried gets of work at 5. New Yorkers actually start and end work late compared to the rest of the country. (Livin that 10-7 life.)

not blocking traffic


conservatives have a habit of running through protests to show how unhateful they are

There's some devastating COPE going on itt, it’s hilarious.

It's NYC, everyone would run them over.

Is NYC the city of true radical centrism?

No, it most certainly is not

Are you referring to the time a mean fascist selfishly tried to escape being attacked by not hitting anyone with his car?

It was a love that was destined.

The chubby alt-righto who spent his entire military check on a Challenger and the chubby forgettable white girl who seems like she dates irresponsible men exclusively.

dont forget to mention that both sides were fat and stupid.



Yeah, the "all lives splatter" technique of showing how much you care.

It's NYC, everyone would just run them all over.

Imagine protesting for move LOL

Emo crybabies flood street with tears, news at eleven.

More people will show up to College Game Day on Saturday than all of these "protests" combined.

More people, probably 5 or 6 times the number, show up to a high school football game in Texas than are in the caravan of the seventh seal.

What are they even protesting?

Rod (((Rosenstein))) got replaced by daddy.

Democrats are protesting a Republican President firing a Republican Deputy AG?

This still doesn't make sense to me.

He didn't fire him, he replaced him with some other guy to watch over the Mueller investigation. Someone who is an outspoken critic of the investigation in the first place.

Okay, wait I see what happened here.

Sessions had recused himself, but the new AG hasn't, so the responsibility that was shifted down from Sessions has gone back to the AG.

This is... how it's supposed to work, right?

Also... democrats being mad over Jeff Sessions leaving the DOJ is like... fucking bizarre. That guy is a turd.

The real issue is that the Acting AG has never been confirmed by Congress, which would be standard procedure for such a firing (a deputy AG or solicitor general, with Senate approval, would be the temp). Trump decided instead to name some hack on Elfman's staff instead. He has never been given authority with Senatorial advice and consent.

I already knew about Session's memo from reading the news this morning. It was pretty expected given this guys track record - literally anything he can do to make it harder for citizens to sue to the police for abuse he is 100% on board with. Combine that with his archaic drug warrior personality and you'd think that people would be happy to see him go.

A lot of people seem to think that whomever has oversight of the special council investigation at the DOJ has way more power over that investigation than they really do. No idea why this is other than to make it a political football to rile people up.

I mean, what Trump is doing to quash the Russia investigation is completely unconstitutional. And I would protest his firing of Sessions in that sense.

But Sessions had also made the DOJ an ugly joke, something a lot people forget. And on that level I am not sorry to see him go.

I mean, what Trump is doing to quash the Russia investigation is completely unconstitutional. And I would protest his firing of Sessions in that sense.

If you think Trump is shuffling the decks at the DOJ to influence the special council investigation is "unconstitutional" you're incorrect. It's not. It's also not very effective at all since he can't touch Mueller - the only people who can are congress.

But Sessions had also made the DOJ an ugly joke, something a lot people forget. And on that level I am not sorry to see him go.

Well, at least we agree on something.

You don't think that this Whitaker fellow is going to be the hatchet-man on Mueller?

Maybe I am prone to vapors, but that's exactly why I think a mafioso mentality would employ a hack as gray-area recess appointment. Sort of like how he got the Mooch to clean out the press office stable and fired him straight away.

You don't think that this Whitaker fellow is going to be the hatchet-man on Mueller? Also you're ok with appointing a chief-of-staff to Attorney General of the m-frickin United States?


Stop for a minute and try to explain in detail how you think Whitaker is going to do anything to Mueller. FFS Mueller can even charge him with obstruction and indite him.

In fact, the only person in this fiasco that Mueller can't indite is the President because it's unconstitutional to do so to a sitting president.

Literally nothing has changed in regards to the investigation. From day one it's been a creature of congress and it still is and the only reason it continues is because congress allows it to. Mueller reports to them, regardless of whomever is monitoring the expenditure at the DOJ.

Are your one of the GB Shaw spelling-reform people?

Otherwise, nota bene: "indict."

Literally something is about to change with Mueller investigation–it about to go from DOJ jusridiction to House jurisdiction. It's not been a creature of (an insanely pliant) Congress, it's been the creation of the last few Republicans in the bureaucracy who care a shred about professional ethics.

This doesn't make any sense. The DOJ is not the "jurisdiction" of the special prosecutor, the jurisdiction is set when the special prosecutor is appointed and relates to the scope of the investigation.

At the end of the day, Congress gets the final say on if a special prosecutor gets removed. Even if the AG wanted to to somehow fire a special prosecutor appointed at the request of congress, they have the ability to stop this. They also have the ability to impeach the special prosecutor as they want, even if one is appointed by the AG.

Also, can I borrow your rose coloured glasses? politicians in general and "professional ethics" don't belong in the same sentence with each other.

Who gets to be the AG? That's where your error is.

Wowie, the prez is trying to change who is responsible for an investigation into him.

This is how justice is supposed to work, jimminy jillikers, what's everyone so worked up about?

Why do people think that whomever is the oversight of the special council investigation at the DOJ has some sort of super powers that they don't actually have????

Mueller is the only one that can issue subpoenas, convene a grand jury or prosecute people and it's not like he has to get the permission of the DOJ or even congress to do so.

Literally the role at the DOJ is to oversee the accounting of the investigation. Not to run it.

Because an attorney is the head honcho of any prosecution as any non numb nuts knows, numb nuts.

By your own retarded logic, why didn't everyone in the DOJ recuse themselves?

Because I'm not retarded enough to thing that everyone in the DOJ was involved in Trump's campaign.

By your own retarded logic, why was Trump so disappointed in Sessions recusing himself if the AG has no real power over the investigation?

Why do you think this even matters? He can literally fire anyone he wants to in the DOJ, they work for him. It's not even unconstitutional.

The only thing he can't do, is what Nixon tried to do, which was order the AG to fire the special prosecutor, because the special prosecutor works for congress.

This is the biggest and stupidest non-issue around this whole debacle. Nothing is ever going to come out of this, at least not what people seem to think will come out of it, because at the very end of the investigation (as if it will end before Trump is out of office anyway), Mueller will write a report to congress and the senate will throw it in the trash can.

Fixating on a non-decision maker in the DOJ is a great way to identify people who don't have a fucking clue of what to think other than what they're told.

All those words and you didn't answer my question.

You're mentally handicapped, aren't you?



Answer my question.

I don't even acknowledge it as something provable in the first place or answerable asides from conjecture.


Republicans are brushing a Republican attorney investigating a Republican President being fired by said President under the rug?

This still doesn't make sense to me.

These people just really like protesting. You'd have to be on three different meds to understand.

THAT'S RIGHT!!!! Isn't it great?! Tempting to drive my ass in! So proud.


This is America!

I'm scared for my fascist emperor


I'm not even American.

That's why I said emperor, not president you utter prong.



In a secret enclave of a circus tent accessible only by rabbit hole, Saul Adamczewski was sitting in his underpants, puffing on a crack pipe and laughing at The Sorry and the Pity, a documentary about the extermination of his race, the Jews. After taking a couple of hits on the pipe, I was struck by an uncontrollable urge to fellate my degenerate friend. “Go on then, brother,” he had said, and pulled his dirty skids down. “Blimey, it’s massive,” I said. “Massive, but useless,” he sighed. As I leaned closer to his flaccid cock, I saw that he’d drawn a face on it, It was a demonstration of his artistic genius that in just a few lines and dots with a marker pen, Saul and created an uncanny portrait of Adolf Hitler on his cock, with a brush moustache just above the join of his shaft and bell-end, a pair of serious eyes dotted midway, and his pubes straightened into the fuhrer’s unmistakable side part-in. When I put it in my mouth, I was shocked by the taste – like a pint of Guinness infused with a Werther’s Original – and the sound that appeared to be coming out of it. As I worked my magic, and his cock got harder, the voice inside my throat got louder. And I noticed that it was speaking – or rather, orating – in German. I’m no historian, but it appeared to be the speech Hitler delivered at Nuremberg in 1938 that was roaring out of Saul’s cock, louder and louder and more passioned in his conviction that Germany was becoming a great nation, until the crescendo fizzed, spurts of hot, thick semen splashed out, and Saul screamed in appreciation.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Where you they find the time between jobs and family to do that crap?

We're New Yorkers. We dont play that sh** here!!! #ProtectMueller

Tweeted by someone named "Karen Has Her Apron On"

Photo of a sign saying "NYC: America's Bullshit Detector. We Warned You - Now Listen!"

Quick strawpoll, who is more insufferably and undeservingly arrogant about where they are from: New Yorkers or Canadians?