/r/rbi actively censoring anyone trying to bring light to the zoosadist leaks, continue to provide help/instructions to dox normal people.

1  2018-11-09 by brainboy66


womp womp


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Until you explain WTF you're talking about, I'm going to assume YOU are an animal torturer.

Snakething and his ilk, I am gonna be doing an effortpost on everything up until this point, I'm just trying to aggregate more on-site links in addition to all the off-site ones I have.

Basically a dude rapes puppies with a stake covered in fire ants and other absolutely degenerate things. He has a cabal with some prominent furry figures.

Snakething, I'm done with, don't care about him he's done for. The rest? They are whatever, IM more interesting in woof, that guy is the BIGGEST danger right now, he has access to a lot of dogs and is doing some fucked up shit, he is enemy number 1. The issue is the only thing that could be used to identify him are some fucking table mats, half his face ect.

I can't take this much degeneracy in one day.. please

wat who the fuck asks if they can do it? NOBODY DOES THAT? Is that a fucking thing? I'm pretty sure even mothers don't do that

change their pads for what? is this the first case of a fully transplanted female reproduction system?

fuck if i know

what the fuck lmao he has pussy on his mind

You got info that could lead to their arrest....or so I can take care of this shit myself? I fucking hate people like Kuro and this guy.

Snakething I believe has been arrested on child pornography charges, and he happens to live in a state where bestiality pornography poesseion is illegal iirc.

The state he lives in is weird, as in its illegal to view, but as for doing it? they don't give a fuck

Their arrest? most are dox'd WOOF remains undox'd and he was the worst, everyone else was a 4/10 on threat scale, he is a mother fucking 11/10

That assumption would quite literally make absolutely zero fucking sense? explain your process in a flow chart of how you came to this conclusion

no u

I understand

The goal of the RBI (Reddit Bureau of Investigation) is to use the power of Reddit to solve crimes/mysteries. The idea is an organized group of Redditors interested in solving crimes/mysteries and helping people in the process.

oh boy, this always goes well doesn't it