Survivor of Las Vegas has been killed in Thousand Oaks

1  2018-11-09 by 20171245


Couldn't even think of a good title.

Crisis Actor Overdoses During Method Course

Great. All titles will be rewritten by you from now on.

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Survivors of the Las Vegas shooting don't live long

Final Destination 18: High Noon Edition

Burgers can't escape their fate.

That isn't drama bro. It's just a sad and brutal reality of burgerland (not saying it's like Syria,it's still among safest places to be on earth). I just hope that they sort their issues with guns out.

Theres no issues with guns retard. Its like banning alljewish jokes because of the synagogue shooting

Of all the retarded false equivalencies I have seen parroted by retards on the internet

This is probably the most retarded.

And that's really saying something.

thats not an argument to what i said it is just an attempt at shaming me. a wolf cannot be shamed by a sheep.

I gotta admit this is some high quality bait you really had me in the first half.

h-haha... g-good one randolph. i will save face pretending this is a joke.

2nd amendment is not bait or a joke coward.

Please explain to me how a lack of universal background checks nation wide and absolutely nothing preventing people with undiagnosed mental illnesses from purchasing guns is a good thing.

Don't worry I can wait.

explain why you want to ban "assault rifles" when they are for less than 300 deaths per year. or whatever other nonsense "common sense gun control" you are for

we do have background checks. the laws we have in place dont prevent crime because criminals dont follow the law. some of the biggest mass shootings in usa recently people called the FBI or police to report someone, and the state didn't show up. that or the person wasn't allowed to get a gun but the system failed in stopping them. so your answer is more gun control laws that are proven to not work? retard

explain why you want to ban "assault rifles" when they are for less than 300 deaths per year.

Maybe it's 300 too much. I don't know, I am pro gun because it kill a shittons of amerimutts children.

Universal background checks are only required in 5 states. Don't talk about shit you don't understand.

Please point to where I said I wanted an assault rifle ban. Don't worry, I can wait.

Sure, there will always be gang violence. And there will always be suicide. But shouldn't we make it more difficult for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns? Shouldn't we make it harder for people to commit suicide with guns?

We make airplanes more safe, despite some airplanes still crashing, don't we?

Why should there be nothing in place to prevent people with undiagnosed mental illnesses from buying guns?

Let's top this off with two more things.

Are you projecting when you call other people cowards, despite you yourself avoiding questions entirely that do not have an answer that perfectly fits your narrative?

And before you go off on some tangent about firearm regulation being un-American

The first three words of the 2nd amendment read "A well regulated." Really makes you think.

Gang members buy stolen guns on the black market. Background checks will do nothing to them.

Yeah except a gun costs $15,000 in Australia on the black market. Do you know a lot of gang members that roll around with $15,000?

Also if a gun costs $15,000 you don't use it to shoot someone who disrespects you.

black market

It's the African American market you filthy fucking NAZI 😤😤😤

you're still following the logic of "if we create more gun laws then maybe we can stop shootings", instead of tackling why are men killing themselves and how to stop gang violence. look at the road that brought the UK, where you need a license to buy a butter knife. do you actually want more of a police state? again, feel good laws and you have no rebuttal against that.

it's more of an invasion of privacy too. the devil is in the details and how they classify mental illness. a large amount of women are on anti depressants and go to therapy and they won't kill themselves, but that still means they can't get guns. a soldier coming back with ptsd won't be able to get a license if he seeks help which limits his career choices. there's plenty of cases like this, i think until the 80's gays were considered mentally ill. it would also require the state to build a database of people in therapy and the reason.

again, there were people who did mass shootings, who were reported, and they still got guns because the system failed. the only thing you suggesting is preventing legal gun owners, who can actually prevent crime and protect themselves. not only that, a big point of having guns is so the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence, which is key for freedom.

clinton passed a very restrictive gun law that lasted around a decade, it didn't prevent violent crime, especially not at the expense of how much it was restricting your rights.

still unemployed then?

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You really are projecting the whole "coward" thing.

Talking about things I've never uttered a word about like "feel good laws" and "butter knife" bullshit. You're pulling this shit entirely out of your hat.

How do mental health evaluations and universal background checks fall under that?

Background checks are "Feel good"? Really? You expect me to believe that?

Not only that, but how do universal background checks prevent law abiding citizens from getting firearms?

And so what if someone mentally ill isn't a felon? I don't want a fucking undiagnosed schizophrenic grandma to start shooting at whatever she sees in her visions.

After all this fucking time, you still haven't answered the god damn question.

"How is a lack of universal background checks and practices to prevent the mentally ill from acquiring guns a good thing?"

Or, maybe you're not a coward.

Prove me wrong.

Answer the question.

youre trying to abrasive instead of actually saying anything. i baited you into an argument you clearly have no actual talking points for. i already addressed the background checks and mental illness.

You're not answering any of my questions now.

You're a selfish coward shaking in your boots, fearing for decades a boogeyman coming for your guns who, despite all of this commotion, has never shown up once. Meanwhile, children are being shot in schools and Americans are being slaughtered in churches, mosques, synagogues and restaurants.

For every mass shooting, gun sales go up. The more mass shootings, the more gun companies and the NRA make.

You're a pathetic tool being used by corporations to block any effort to prevent domestic terrorism so companies can continue to profit off of it.

Instead of having an ounce of self awareness, you chose to double down on the hill you picked to die on.

You are a sad, sad man and you might have had my pity a few dozen domestic terrorist attacks before.

says man with no arguments but feels passionate about gun control because he is literally brainwashed

muh diversity and bigness

I love it when burgers bring up this argument. You do realize Europe is both bigger and more diverse than America yet only has a fraction of its gun violence right?

i said nordic country, which people in usa for gun laws constantly compare themselves to norway that has guns or australia. which we are bigger and more diverse. do NOT misconstrue my argument.

I WILL misconstrue whichever argument I want, sweaty.

I'm American and so fucking stupid I don't know anything about the UK but I'm going to use a stereotype I once read on the internet to make it absolutely clear to everyone that I'm a fuck head who doesn't know about laws in other countries.

uk sucks ass. i'm always shocked you guys defend it. something like what happened at bundy ranch would be unfathomable in uk, which i don't agree with them but people will challenge the government.

Didn't you guys elect a guy who played a successful businessman on TV but as a nation, you were all collectively too stupid to understand that TV isn't real?

no one cares about uk politics or anything about it so i think enough said there. dont you guys have some old chick named May? ew gross. tries to dance to get people to like her. yuck.

There is absolutely no need to keep posting and confirming that what everyone was saying about you is true.

Why are you proud of how ignorant you are?

literally no one cares what uk people think about usa unless you have a talk show. btw our version of The Office is much funnier.

Nigga u gay

Shouldn't we make it harder for people to commit suicide with guns?

Bud you know where you are?

Lives only western country that has virtually unrestricted laws around guns.

Country has virtually all the mass shootings.

Suffers from lead poisoning from how many bullets they fondle each night and can't see a connection.

im waiting for a retort.... tick tock.......

What's to stop them from getting one if they don't pass the "test"? You do know bad people don't follow the law, right?

Airplanes still crash, despite all of these airplane safety advancements.

So I guess we should give up on making airplanes safer.


Except a plane isn't sentient.

A plane is piloted by a person.

A gun is shot by a person.

Are you at all retarded, mister?

So we are not talking about mental disorders?

Pretty sure a plane can't get a mental disorder?

Oh, so you're saying you're okay with pilots not getting mental health evaluations before taking you into the sky?

You do you, pal.

Way to change the narrative.

Good day to you sir.

Maybe you should think before you speak so anyone with a functioning brain can understand what you're trying to say.


But the logic behind the statement still holds true.

I really do enjoy people like you who say "its only 300 deaths." Imagine that out of this 300 there are children with futures cut short, parents who leave behind orphaned children, guys and girls who have heartbroken spouses, all because one nut case could buy a gun from walmart.

Consider this: there have been 307 shootings out of 311 days in this year. Name me a first world country that has a similar rate of violence.

For a supposedly first world country who is the leader of the free world, the US seems to have the unique problem of its citizens fucking massacaring each other with assault rifles. Funny isn't it?

I'll name a country with higher violence but first you have to find a country with more guns tgan the us has...go ahead, I'll wait...

Thats the point my guy.

The point in trying to make is that the US has too many guns that are being handed out like candy

How do I submit Snappy quotes

How do I submit Snappy quotes

God really did not want him on Earth

Ban country music.

who wudve thought gun toting mayos wud b the end of country? 🤔🤔🤠

Probably the gun toting mayos

Only assault style country music.

Ironically, the fact that they were line dancing meant he got multiple kills per shot.

Does this mean that the current high score holder should have his trophy revoked? this is basically cheating

if they didn't want to get shot they wouldn't go to country music bars

Country fans eternally btfo.

tfw antisocial so will never have the opportunity to be a repeat mass shooting victim





does the shooter count as a victim if he kills himself

named Telemachus



Even more bizarre then the story itself.


When Penelope challenges the suitors to string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through the handle-holes of twelve axeheads, Telemachus is the first to attempt the task. He would have completed the task, nearly stringing the bow on his fourth attempt; however, Odysseus subtly stops him before he can finish his attempt. Following the suitors' failure at this task, Odysseus reveals himself and he and Telemachus bring swift and bloody death to the suitors.

The Telemachus of greek myth was a mass bow shooter. this is only karma.

Goddamn, that's some synchronicity.

It's the universe, you guys

We do live in a universe.

Alexa play X Files Theme

Akhtuahlly Telemachus never shot with the bow.

Sucks that he died but pretty fucking patrician name

Obvious crisis actor. He's collecting his sweet, sweet Soros money in heaven right now.

be american

go to a country music concert

get shot at country music concert

all your friends die, you survive

get sued by hotel for being shot at

go to a bar

get shot at again

die this time


Wait, they got sued?

Burgerland is a meme

so they only sued people who tried to sue the hotel in the first place?

what's the hotel supposed to do to stop the shooting, check everybody's luggage for guns?

if only there was some way to get rid of guns..

Or at least make it much more 10x harder to get them.

ban criminals

what's the hotel supposed to do to stop the shooting, check everybody's luggage for guns?

Yes ? Using a radar like in airport wouldn't be amiss.

Why? That's not the duty of the public. If you don't like guns go towards the source, stop outsourcing it to the public. Casinos are a open place, if you had to go through multiple screenings nobody would go. Nobody goes to the casino solber and seeing a bunch of bored, high on power fake cop security guards you're just not going to go.



Why? That's not the duty of the public.

It's like mall cops, lmao. Not nessecary per se but usefull nonetheless.

Casinos are a open place, if you had to go through multiple screenings nobody would go.

Really make you thinK :thinking:

That's sketchy. I wouldn't go back to a place that they'd expect me to chill and had to use that. Why go to a place that you can't trust your surroundings?


Casinos are there to keep the dumb poor. The house always wins so we can just tax them and if some cunt can't handle losing then they should be the issue not the security of a building that should be a safe place.

That's sketchy. I wouldn't go back to a place that they'd expect me to chill and had to use that. Why go to a place that you can't trust your surroundings?

Not having rando with guns reassure me personnally, but who am I to complain.

> guns


Guns only for the educated will help this.

Aren't educated against gun tho ?

The 1% are, they have not experienced a time in there life that one saved them or fed them. I'd hide the farms shotgun before giving it up, not because I want to hurt others. I want to be able to secure my land and in the case that I'd need to go hunt my woods and get a turkey, deer, or other critter.


As well, if you live outside the city then the city cops can't help you. If I call 911 they'd send the state troopers and having had to call them before for a donuter/hit and runner. It took them more than a hour, had the drunk got violent that gun would have been the only thing separating 2 teens and a old man from a violent drunk.


City dwellers might not need them as much though those skills should be taught, if there is a wild deer and your family is starving to let that deer live is a crime against humanity to allow them to suffer from starvation.


Something like yurop seems to be a good compromise then ? Relativelly easy to get hunting guns, but all other kind of gun are almost impossible to get.

Just like hunter jim doesn't need a fully automatic, rapid fire, scoped, with incendiary rounds just to noscope 360 to T-bag a terrorist, cop's don't need anything more then a pistol. Anything else should be restricted to the military.


Cops get pistols, hunters get rifles/shotguns, and military gets laser activated thermonuclear warheads.

This but one hundred percent unironically.

fuck that, they'd lose my business instantly for pulling that shit.

what if you have a CCW? not allowed in?

what if you have a CCW? not allowed in?

Wait, you can bring a weapon in your casinos right now ? lmao, burgerland I swear.

You can currently bring a gun into a drinking establishment? Fucken hell America.

oi mate, you got a loiscense for that drinking establishment?

Is burger and doesn’t even know how burger liquor licenses work.


OK, I googled it. It seems they sued to have it moved to federal court. They're not trying to get money from anyone. Scumbaggy, but not as scumbaggy as it could have been.

It’s called a counter-suit. When someone sues you for anything the best line of defense is to always sue them back for something, even if it’s petty, and would never actually be held up by a judge. I don't know why that is, but it's what the lawyers say anyway.

From the story sounds like it’s so they get to pick their own judge, somehow .

Memes just write themselves. True freedom is getting shot at and still getting sued. Poor Eurotrash won't even understand this level of freedom.

Vegas is absolutely the trashiest place i've ever been to.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.


Only in murica can you dodge one mass shooting just to get shot in another

If you can dodge a won't be twice...

His mom can lick my balls lmao

Country fans, when will they learn

That's some Final Destination shit right there.

I want more gun control

What exactly do they mean by that? Don't you guys already have strict background checks and shit? I legit dunno and I am asking

strict background checks and shit?




They're trying to finish the job! You know who they is

Is there a link between mass shootings and mental illness?

No fucking shit

Go to school: shooting

Go to open door concert as no shooter can captured you in a room: shooting

Go to disco in your free time to forget about school: shooting

Did we ever find out why the Las Vegas shooter did it? I forgot about that.

Marriott forced the Illuminati to contact Mossad

Apparently just a crazy man who wanted to kill a lot of people.

Nah, we stopped caring after we sent our Thoughts and Prayers ™ on Facebook.

I have a friend from australia, and every other american shared acquaintance is like, 'hyuk hyuk, in australia, everything is trying to kill you hyuk fucking hyuk.'. after the third time this basic bitch says this to him in three weeks, I ask him how he hasn't remarked anything about gun violence, and the dude just goes OFF. 'No shit, right! Fucking americans are always fucking shooting each other... mad cunts... how fucking ignorant!" Well, I didn't know that he was a freedom hating anti-white racist, so I pulled out my gun and told him to get the fuck away from my house and that I was standing my ground.

Australians are fucking stoopid.

Lmao at right wing bussies thinking islam is the real threat when they forget that mayos exist.

Last Islamic terror attack: August 31, Netherlands, 0 deaths

Last mayo attack: lmao like literally everyday for the past year. 307 days out of 311. Too many deaths

Last Islamic Terror Attack: Yesterday, in Australia, 1 death 2 injured.

But I get your point

That wasn't a terror attack, that was a false flag by the mayo deep state to distract the masses from what's really going on.

קח את העורלה שלו

(((mayo deep state)

i don't believe in coincidences this obvious

Jesus fucking christ, you burgers don't let up.

Just another day of "coexisting" with the race of peace.

Be American

Survive a shooting


Still get shot