Soyboy gets CUCKED by EUROCHAD and lets EUROTHOT wife show her gussy to losercels online. Just another day in Merkel's EU.

1  2018-11-09 by just_the_tip_mrpink


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Imagine not breaking up with her the moment she even ASKS about this kinda stuff.

CUCKED MEN are so pathetic

Eurocide when?

Weeaboo calling for genocide. Smh.

at least I'm a self aware weeb




post bussy first


you aint wrong


you aint wrong

u gay

you aint wrong





whatever makes you happy


sure why not




racial word

cunt word

lol wtf

at least I'm a self aware weeb

That really doesn't help your case buddy.

It makes it worse tbh, it’s like a smoker who is aware that he is slowly killing himself but lacks the willpower to take control of his life.

are you saying there are a lot of smokers that don't know they're slowly killing themselves but lack the willpower to take control? what kind of stupid-ass analogy is this

whoa as a smoker i need to point out slowly killing myself is a feature not a bug

Only amerimayos, sorry.

He can't break up with her, she'll take his money. Imagine marrying a woman in 20XX.

That's why you're ALWAYS supposed to sign a pre-nup


"Welp it says here that there was romantic pressure on her to sign the prenup or the marriage was not going to happen? Welp, that's coercion, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to throw the prenup out, yeah you owe her half plus alimony thx"

Imagine marrying a woman in 20XX

dont worry just convert to Islam brah

Prenups are just damage control. You're still going to get fucked.

Just don't get married. There is no benefit to getting married that offsets the risks.

And it's also not the 1650s anymore. You aren't going to hell for tapping some ass without running it by a fucking priest.

Don't you still get fucked if you live together? Pretty sure they can still get their claws on that $$$

Sounds like he's the housewife here

imagine imagining this was real.

Hearing about a Euro getting cucked isn't surprising, what I am surprised about is how she could work at a job for 6 months without being paid, wtf how the hell don't you sue or just say fuck it after two weeks?

This is life in SOCIALIST EUROPE. Apparently you work like a dog for years before MIGRANTS take your job and you give up your wife to the (((MUSLIM INVADERS))).


What's even more hilarious is he claims that his country wasn't affected by the recession. Like what???? Your country isn't affected by the recession yet you are turned into a slave? I'm 2874839292% sure this is a troll. Hilarious though.

i'm writing this from my car on my tablet

No way this guy's for real

Even about being a freak, doing her 10 minutes from behind once per week while she's quiet watching Always Sunny and asks every minute if i'm done because she already wants to shower isn't the definition of being one.


Reminds me of a jav like that.

Working for tips only, its the kinda shit that happens in the rough parts of the mainland (psst, I mean the Slavic area, you know the bit that's always fighting about Kosovo or some shit).

"All was well. I was, of course, pimping my wife out as a camslut and running the website for her. We had a good, traditional European marriage going - until this!"

Damn those Italian Fascists.

Hahahahahahaha cucks deserve this

If it is real. You can't marry a sex worker, then get mad you're married to a sex worker.

The absolute state of foids. Sex positivity was a mistake.

Also, why is everyone on /r/relationship_adivce so insanely gullible?

Any advice sub is incredibly easy to bait, mainly because the subscribers are so concerned with providing "good advice" and pretending like they're helping that they don't stop to even consider the obvious fucking bait.

This has to be fake. How in the world can you work for 6 MONTHS without being paid??? Im sure there's trash manual labor jobs that paid something.

Greece/Portugal - it was a thing during the recession.

Lots of professional Portugese/Greek puss moved to the South West of England for some reason, but the men didn't. You are literally guaranteed to fuck a Portugese pharmacist (minimum) or doctor/dentist (best case) if you are a relatively attractive professional man living in South West England.

So, Redditors need not apply.

I love this oddly specific shit, it's like Animal Planet for mating humans

r/drama moids fall for a blatantly fake cuckpost AGAIN.

SMDH do u ever learn

Red dead 2 and everything

The only way it would have been more fake is if it was a nintendo switch.

And some tendies.

The Always sunny part sealed it.


I have a low sex drive so I only want to have a quickie once a week. Also people fly from other countries to fuck me.

TL;DR he pretty much cancels everything he said in the first post, he's not a cuck, she stops cams etc... Yawn. It was probaby fake to begin with anyway.

And then the thot gave him a crisp $100% bill and everyone started clapping

> bugwife buys bugman a PS4

> wife has already selected bull to fuck on camera

> bull is flown in, probably from Africa

> bugman is driving around, browsing Reddit while wife is getting dogged by Agdawigendo.

Memes write themselves.

Reading that post made me feel sick.

A 34 yo who still successfully cams? Don't buy it, even most of the 18 yo to early 20 yos look too old with a few cute exceptions

as a pedophile, you aren't the target audience.

👏 All 👏 men 👏 are 👏 pedophiles👏

no, just you.

I was channeling my inner terf.

First of all, not a pedo. Also men will generally prefer 18 to early 20s over a woman in her 30s, doesn't make them pedos either. I mean if he said she markets herself as more of the mature MILF type it could be possible but as an innocent girl next door type it doesn't make sense, simply too old.

"blah blah blah i'm a pedophile".

literally that's all i read.


This truly is the worst timeline.

at this point literally the only way he can get his shriveled balls to start producing T again, is to kill his wife, and the guy that bragged about fucking her to his face while he served him tea and crumpets.

This has to be a bugman meme. Come on.

bought me a PS4 and red dead redemption

can I fuck chad on live stream

If this is real we’ve reached peak humanity

Does this sound like a crappy porn plot to anyone else?

That's half of /r/relationship_advice