The eagle-eyed 'pedes of r/conspiracy discover a ☭☭☭COMMIE☭☭☭ on the mod team, then call each other shills.

1  2018-11-09 by Kochroach


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Meta content on r/conspiracy is so boring. Just talk about aliens or ghosts or the Illuminati or some shit. /x/ is more interesting in every way.

I dunno, there's something special about the way everybody there pretends it's an actual conspiracy sub and not just another DDF metasub, like a shittier version of r/SubRedditCancer with somehow shittier powermods.

I’m a long time member of this community, and my history speaks for itself. I source my comments and attack arguments when dealing with real users.

This is like the easiest thing when official r/conspiracy policy assumes 90% of the sub isn't "real users" lol.