Tay Tay Toe

1  2018-11-10 by htmlcoderexe


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Damn baby <3

Hey, now!

That's no toe, that's a moose knuckle.

A former girlfriend of mine once admitted to me that she had never considered even the possibility of cameltoe as being sexual or something that men might notice or consider "revealing".

She wasn't very bright.

Yeah, the kind that would date you😎

Unironically true.

“Honey, can you fuck my ass with the strap on while I watch gay porn again?”

I mean, if that's what you'd do with it, sure. Have fun.

I mostly just make mine cook.

Suuuuure sweaty, you found a woman in this day and age who can cook 😅😂🤣. Just accept your kinks my man, it’s okay, I don’t judge faggots.

I didn't say she cooks well.

I'm really having trouble with the core concept here though. Why wouldn't I just fuck a man while watching gay porn if that's what I was into?

Which I am, for the record. It's just not like an every day thing.

Lemme break down the core concept in terms you will understand: nigga u gay

Well I hope I'm at least a little gay. Otherwise I got a lot of dicks I'm going to have to unsuck...

We’re all a little gay, you’re just a giant faggot. Hopefully that clears things up. Love you!

He tucks it so well!

u/DistortedLines, is this good praxis or not?


I'll allow it then


Thats not nice!

I’d touch her dick.

can we not upvote obvious shops?


thicc lips? 🤮🤮🤮

jaw drops to the floor, eyes pop out

Sound effect of, "AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!"

Places eyes and jaw back into place, regains composure

... Eh hem, you look quite lovely

I both do and don't want to remember what this is from

Mde meme.

She looked better 10 years ago when she had some thickness on her

only girls with cavernous pussies get camel toes . if shes tight then its impossible to get one. in b4 foid downvote brigade

Hm, this is okay bait, but you can do better. Also, -1 for the inb4. 4/8 b8.

I mean, does anyone doubt that TayTay is a total starfish?

Weird flex but ok

She has a gussy? Wtf?!