They're catching on to Male Feminists

1  2018-11-10 by rabiiiii


I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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I thought the whole point of Scott Pilgrim was that he's a selfishly self-sabatoging asshole presenting as a nice guy, and through his trials he not only learns self respect but how to love as well? I only watched the movie though.

Much like the people who watch It's Always Sunny thinking Dennis is a super relatable character, plenty of people miss the point.

Isn't Dennis an actual sociopath?!

All the characters are

Wait, I find Dennis relatable precisely because he reflects all my worst flaws with such exaggerated precision it makes me feel uncomfortable(in an enjoyable way).

Am I still not getting it or do I get it better than I should?

No you're getting it the right way.

Some people sincerely see the Gang as admirable people who aren't afraid to tell it like it is

Nobody outside of your head thinks that.

Well after the season finale with an unironic LGBT interpretive dance sequence the showrunners seem to be losing their grasp on why people tuned in

I've literally never encountered someone who thinks that way. And I've been a fan of the show since like the 2nd season.

Either you're memeing or happend to stumble on some extremely random person.

I have. Because they show up on Reddit.

Tbf I've never met any outside of Reddit

Tbf I've never met anyone outside of Reddit

TBF in the newest season it seems like his '93 Land Rover is the source of everything wrong with him.


It has some misses, but overall it was great. There's a 2 parter about the Eagles winning the Super Bowl, and the finale is just surreal.

Or Rick and Morty where everyone thinks Rick is someone to aspire to.

Pretty much

Like when nega Scott who's the opposite of Scott comes out, it shows that he's a genuinely great guy to Scott's assholeness

Ahh the hard times. Maybe one day you'll remember to be funny when writing satirical humor.

If even they are aware of the threat Male Feminists pose, what does that tell us?

says the person is abusive and manipulative

describes behaviors

dude just chides you for smoking weed and overeating, then speaks up about his emotional needs not being met


Please tell me this is a parody site

You sound like a male feminist tbhf

Male Feminist here, who is Scott Pilgrim?

Sorry, I make a habit out of not talking to rapists. Hope you understand

Lol you think me, a guy who called a woman an "autistic whore" to her face is actually a feminist? I was making a joke earlier.


That is male feminist behavior tbf.

Eh, that's not completely wrong.

What in fuck is this nonsense