
1  2018-11-10 by AnnoysTheGoys


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Probably up there with getting struck by lightening. In my county in Virginia, we have not had anything like that at all. I spoke with a Sheriff I know about Broward a while back and he told me the problem with Sheriff Israel is he is corrupt and a leftist, so it reflects in his department.

You see, the way a Sheriff department works is Deputies have to be on board with the Sheriff who is supposed to represent the county of people, or lose their job. My guess, the Broward Sheriffs Department is way more corrupt than we even suspect and these Deputies did not conform to Sheriff Israel and his perverted policies.

Of course you're defending Israel....



Purchase goat fallopian tube vitality elixir to gird you from Deep State-------->www.i.deepstate.shield.co

2 overweight guys in high-stress jobs over 50 yo have heart attacks a month apart! Conspiracy!

They even admit there's no proof this is a (((deep state))) op, but it's a weird thing to happen so it must be.

heart attack weapons

This is literally out of a dan brown novel.

Yes Mr Bond, I am going to kill you, but first let me tell you about my diabolical plan to turn my Heart Attack Ray GunTM against the unsuspecting people of Mississippi. Coincidentally, all of the victims will be morbidly obese and confined to scooters, thus obsolving me of any suspicion!


Why is he the villain again?

That or a fucking anime.

that or a fricking anime.


Bad bot.

Why did you think about anime? I can't think of one that would have that.

Death note, I guess.

Jojo, Sheer heart attack has no weaknesses.

Why did you think about anime?

Because they're a weeb and can't think of anything else.

I don't blame them because anime is superior to western entertainment. It's just that I couldn't think of an anime that would have that. There aren't many spy-themed anime.

The CIA actually confirmed they have the capacity to do that in the hearings though the 70s 80s and 90s Also look at the official declassified MK ultra files

I mean for using all my fucking tax money they BETTER have this by now or what the fuck have they been piddling around with

I mean we have the drugs to do all sorts of things to people nowadays, including drugs that induce massive amounts of cancers. But that’s different than an actual “gun”

A novel that got basically everything wrong about both supercomputing and encryption, which is funny, considering both are integral to the plot.


In 1957, the KGB trained the 25-year-old Stashynsky to use a spray gun that fired a jet of poison gas from a crushed cyanide capsule. The gas was designed to induce cardiac arrest,making the victim's death look like a heart attack.

After three weeks, the CIA – believing Stashynsky to be useless – handed him over to West German authorities, which now began to investigate him for the two murders. At first, the West German police were also suspicious of his stories, but after interrogation and visits to the two murder sites, where Stashynsky re-enacted the killings, authorities determined that Stashynsky was telling the truth.

Cyanide leaves traces.

If you're looking for it, I don't think people check every single heart attack victim for cyanide then did they? No of course not it wouldn't be practical and they wouldn't know to bloody look for it in the first place because the death looked like a heart attack and not cyanide poisoning.

Mary Magdalene was a CIA agent all along!

It wasn't one of those. It's got the word "fortess" in it's name and it's about the NSA and shit.

The one with all the computers and stuff?

Yes. I remember now. Digital Fortress. That's the name.

I was thinking tom Clancy

I haven't read any Tom Clancy novels. And I do mean "literally". One of his novels (Digital Fortress) has a blind (or deaf?) assassin character that shot one of his victims using a weapon that induced a heart attack.


To carry out the assassinations, the brothers are issued a weapon utilizing succinylcholine, developed by a Columbia University professor whose brother died in the 9/11 attacks. The succinylcholine is delivered through a hypodermic needle disguised as a pen. Twisting the nib switches the tip from a normal tip to a sharp needle that delivers 7 milligrams of the substance. Only 5 milligrams are necessary for death. The substance causes complete paralysis at 30 to 50 seconds and death at 3 minutes, shutting down all the muscles within the victim (including the diaphragm), with the exception of the heart. However, it makes the murder look like a heart attack, thus raising no suspicion.

I heard of a guy in real life who used that kill his girlfriend or someone, and he would have gotten away with it if he hadn't been such an idiot that ran around bragging to everyone about how he'd done the perfect murder. But IIRC she knew she was getting injected, she just didn't know he had mixed up her medicine with poison. Successfully injecting someone if they weren't cooperating with you would be 1000 times harder.

It's a fiction novel ofc, but in the book they described the injection as a bee sting iirc, bump in to them and keep walking

Look it up on youtube, cuckold!

buy heart attack weapon

go to nearest point of interest

Aim it at a crowd of Americans

several clutch their hearts and keel over

turn on my heart attack weapon

it starts shooting whoppers

We've actually had Buger Gun technology for 30 years now.

Wow what reference to pull

Tell me old man what was it like back then?

It was glorious. sip

hamburger music starts playing

Heart attack weapons are a real thing tho. They’ve even been photographed.

Oh man I was worried this was it glad to know I'm safe.

This is retarded but I've been laughing about it for the last 3 minutes.

Are you kidding? Those aren't just two random deputies. That's Brett and Brad Buckskil. The Buckskil brothers? Ring a bell?

Buncha uncultured bigots, downplaying cia involvement, questioning me with numbers, 2800, whatever umiz you're smarter than that phony

We know T_D is filled with boomers when there isnt a single death note reference to be found in that thread.

Lol Trumpsters are so fucking stupid they literally think that the feds are using “heart attack weapons” to knock off some random sheriff in Florida.

There's no place with more cumulative retardation than TD. And /r/Drama already has the handicap of being Darqwolff's main sub.

The McDiabetus .45

This title is much better than the conspiracy retard's comments.

Lol they've gone beyond /r/conspiracy and are now on the level of /r/directedenergyweapons

Holy shit. That sub actually exists.

Gigantic Meteor 2020

Sheer heart attack has no weaknesses!

As if two Floridians dying of a heart attack are a statistical anomaly

make computers somewhat difficult to use again, save us from the boomers

The real heart attack weapon is the average Amerifat's diet.

I see