India-pakistani slap fight in r/drama of all places ?....... It's more likely than you think

1  2018-11-11 by Dimesgalore


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Its truly over for pakicels

Never even began.

If they can't find anyone their family will just arrange a marriage with their cousin. It's never truly over for pakicels.

The end of British India was a mistake

This but ironically

Seriously, brits were decent rulers.

Nah man. That's a bit too much self-flagellation even for you.

I'm not being ironic; they were better than either Paki or Indian rulers.

Devastating the native industry of the subcontinent and reducing literacy rates is a good thing?

Indian literacy rates rose significantly during British rule.

Please take India and Pakistan back

I would write an essay on why that's a retarded thing to say(from famines to de-industrialisation) but I just downloaded Mandy, so I am going to go watch that instead.

Some other time.

I'm not actually serious, m8. I know the reasons why the independence movement was justified; I'm not a complete retard.

I'm not a complete retard.

I've seen way too many Indians/pakis serious post about Brits being better to give people the benefit of doubt anymore.

don't lump ours with yours. indira and narendra are still miles better than any pm or dictator pakistan ever had, and probably will have.

Don't start another India-Paki war here as well mate. He is just a bit bummed out about the depressing shit that happens there.

But if this thread also devolves into shitfest, nobody reaps the karma but me.


Lol, Indians love to lie.

which part was a lie tho?🤔 not a single pm of yours have finished term of 5 years, you've had 3 military coups till now, started 4 wars which you lost and yet you're itching for more. have fun being china's bitch for next few decades.

All I am seeing is a inbred piss drinker trying to act superior to another inbred cow fucker.

One drinks the piss of a cow, the other fucks the cow. No one wins other than the spectators.

Even if India's politics are less volatile, their leaders are worse.

Listen to me moron, never ever in all the years since it was signed, has Indus Water Treaty been broken by India, not even during Kargil war, the war which was feared would result in nukes being launched. Even then India never stopped flow of water and starved your to your festering shithole of a country.

If you wanna peddle bullshit about India go right ahead, but don't ever talk shit about IWT. It's one of the most successful water treaties in the world, most disagreements have been settled via legal procedures. It's probably the only example of successful India-Pakistan diplomacy.

Why your shithole has complied so much? I guess, that's probably because it knows trying to mess with it will have far reaching consequences on your country than training terrorists and sending them to India. Fuck you and fuck Pakistan.

And I truly with we break the treaty someday. Enough being good Samaritan to you cunts.

The Indus water treaty has never been broken.

Meanwhile India continued to dam up the rivers.

I'm talking about pre-treaty, bhaijan

i still have your old comment in by inbox along with reply i've typed

You sound triggered af.

yeah i have a soft spot for iwt. as i said, it's considered one of the most successful water treaties in the world and has stayed despite 3 wars and dozens of other conflicts.

you should read about it.

and actually read stuff written by journalists and historians, not by your homegrown conspiracy theorists.

guess what, you're as retarded as /r/pakistan poster. and this example might be good microcosmic example of india pakistan relationship. too bad i can't take away your water.

Bhai as if I care whether you archive my comments.

don't call me bhai.

Is it fine if I call you pajeet instead?

you're baiting me like i have not become immune to it in last 2 years, terrorist.

posts paragraphs of sperging.

I'm immune to baiting.

that was only when you mentioned iwt, which i already mentioned.

jesus fucking muhammad fucking ayesha how many times you were choked by a mulla during weekly sodomy session?

So you're only vulnerable to IWT baiting?

no need to give me that ammo cause it was evident from your posts.

Hey "bhai" pass the piss! Im thirsty over here!

Raped so hard by Churchill that your got mind got broken lmao

No but partition was.

"Wherever I go, I must turn the place into a shithole"- your average paki

Well they are all inbred

Same for Indians, except the shit is much more literal.

Indians and pakis, same shit.

Why was I not told about this drama?

I decided to post this closer to mayo waking hours for more karma. Unfortunately it seems I posted it a few hours too early.

Anyway this started because the paki that was spreading propaganda in TIL(the Muslim ww2 one) a few days ago decided to do the same here.

Yeah, just realized it's LinuxNoob.

I have asked him for username ping consent but so far no reply unfortunately.

They're both just about the same, except one shits up the place for Shiva, and the other shits up where they go for Allah

It's like Australia and New Zealand arguing who fucks the most sheep, when they both are balls deep in shussy

Two turds argue over who stinks more.

And over who is more inbred. Get it right.

Also, Pakistani men are not known for being total creeps. In fact they were voted the 3rd sexiest nationality in a poll of 100,000 women.

lmfao, the absolute state of pajeets and islamajeets.

also, as always, pictured: the slap-fight

It's always funny to see the British talk about "grooming gangs" when that's what their entire government was up into at least the 1980s.

Now when can we get some Morocco vs. Algeria action going down in here?