Tankers invade r/deathtoamerikkka claiming Castro only killed fascists.

1  2018-11-11 by Harbinger147


Have you posted bussy yet?


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All those Somali shepherds they blew away in the 1970s were actually the real imperialists.




Yeah my damn autocorrect changed it to tankers

Haha dumb bitch

Whenever I think right-wingers are uniquely retarded, I remember the left's weird love for the mass-murdering dictator and soviet stooge Fidel Castro, and realize that all sides aren't worth defending and that everyone is terrible.


As the grandson of Cuban refugees, it really makes me sick to see the beatification of Castro and Guevara on the left. Those men weren't heroes. They were fucking monsters.

What a fascist

I used to be a Republican. Then I saw the hope that Barack Obama preached and saw the light. Of course, he won and the Republicans lost their minds and went full evil, turning into this evil and vile caricature because nobody has the balls to step up and stop this.

lol. More proof that these are literal children. I mean, your frame of reference is Obama lmao. Not even Bush ffs.