Another paki(I think) sperging out in r/Drama. Did a paki caravan enter this sub without the mods notice?

1  2018-11-11 by Dimesgalore


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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It's because they have nothing worthwhile to do in their daily lives.

If you're going to mention him at least mention the Indian he's arguing with.

I identify myself and other Indians as pakis cos it offends them and I despise my own race.

Aren’t there like ten thousand different ethnicities bundled up inside of “Indian”?

Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Nepali, Cherokee...

No, thats like calling Germans from east and west Germany different races.

Even when they speak languages from unrelated language families?

How fucking retarded are you? Language doesn't determine race.

TIL culture doesn't define culture.

Culture isn't race.

TIL culture doesn't define culture.

Nah, but does caste? Because Indians sure act like it does sometimes 🤔

Yes that does to them.

Geez, why so rude? I can see why guys don't want to date you

How fucking retarded are you? Why would I be rude to someone I'm interested in?

Wow man, you're not gonna get any ass with an attitude like that. Gay men don't like aggressive self loathing

You're a waste of oxygen, fuck off.

You forgot jamaican

Pajeecide When?

be muslim

want independence from X country

get your own country

turn it into a shithole

blame X country

Why are muslims like this?

The original tankies?

I have no idea what any of this even means.