Magatards triggered by rain try to get even by STICKING IT TO THE LIBS!!!

1  2018-11-11 by Ayylmao11023


womp womp


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Trump could literally squat over every magatard's head and shit in their gaping mouth's and they'd still rush to their keyboards and try to contrive why it's 4d chess or a conspiracy theory.

also daddy's shit tastes really nice <3

I bet it takes like McDonalds and impotence.

a bit of cheeto too

You've got some fucked up fetishes kid.

Reported for kinkshaming

Why do leftists always say degenerate things like this?

It’s true.

As opposed to spamming blacked and cuck porn like the right


Again, that would be the degenerate left.

Wrong. Pol saves blacked and chucked to post everywhere because it’s a big meme to them.

You think /pol is "the right"? Lol

They only support all mainstream Republican candidates, Republican issues, and Trump. What part do they and the right disagree on?

You think /pol supports something in particular? Ha

This isn't something you can go "it's just what I believe, no one knows for sure" dumbass. Anyone can go on there and the board tripping over themselves to shill for anyone or anything that aligns with Trump. It got taken over by the_donald and before then it was already a conservative echo chamber. Who wouldn’t want a sweet BRAAAAAAP from that

Liberals hate honoring the fallen, now?

I learn something new about myself every day.


Admit it, you're absolutely butt-blasted by this... table with knick knacks on it.

In the sense that a lot of them are invoking it to push propaganda yeah that's not really in line with honoring the fallen. Trump not going because he's an incompetent ass is a lot more true and sympathetic than him not going better he didn't get wet, but incompetence doesn't fit the narrative here so malice it is.

Taking this story and blowing it way out of proportion is not honoring the fallen, it's playing into propaganda.

If Obama did this they'd be having a full on fucking melt-down.

You don't get to push retarded partisan conspiracies about how the left/democratic party "hates the troops" and then pull shit like what Trump did.

They spent 8 years reeing at Obama and claiming he had no respect for the military.

Yeah that attitude isn't compatible with the liberal idea of not being ignorant fanatics like the right though.

I'm not interested in optics anymore. The DNC needs to do everything the GOP did and then some.

If rural America wants to act like a bunch of unhinged fundamentalist tards, so too can the left.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

If the left starts acting like a bunch of unhinged fundamentalist tards, then we're just going to have two parties of unhinged fundamentalist tards and both parties will just be great vectors for incubating whatever disaster results from the mess instead of just one of them.


Rural tards wanted a 3rd world country, let them have it.

A group of tards wanting a 3rd world country is not a convincing reason for anyone who doesn't want one, like the rest of the country.

I like this new "being a retard to stick it to the reps" platform. Lets see how it plays out.

this just in, liberals worldwide committing suicide

Wait what? How is this even offensive to liberals?

because lmao fuck the libs this'll teach em

It's on private church property... Literally no one gives a shit.

Nationalism, i'm assuming

Are MAGAtards ever going to realize that they've usurped internet atheists in terms of sheer wankery? Even weebs and furries generally have self-awareness of how obnoxious they are.

Not really, outside of Reddit who gives a shit? And he’ll even within Reddit you don’t even see them unless you are actively trying to see them.

Youtube comments are basically their homeland.

Yeah, but youtube comments have always been cancer.

This is the best thing ever.

I've tried to incorporate "Why don't you just go die under a tree?" into my meat-space life.

And hell even within Reddit you don’t even see them unless you are actively trying to see them.

Tell that to the Daddy Defense Force.


prepares to assemble

Youtube comments, and comments on a major news source's article about fucking anything, reddit is full of them but the circlejerky nature of voting means that it's usually new browsers that see them.

Isn't the post... trolling?

r/the_donald is the new r/atheism. Change my mind.

Didn't they literally do "the faces of atheism" on election day?

Someone convince them to do quotes next, get us the MAGA equivalent of "In this moment I am enlightened"



What's even the context for the rain thing?

pumpkinhead stayed in his hotel instead of going to the 100yr anniversary of WW1 ending.

because of rain

Because he already had high popularity in Europe lol

he also went golfing later that day.

wait, seriously?

fairly sure he did otherwise DDF would be jerking themselves raw over fake news.

Actual fake news here.

wrong he still went to that, what he didn't go to was a memorial for US troops


The decision to ground Marine One, the president’s helicopter, due to bad weather was made by the Marine Corps and the White House Military Office, which then presents the recommendation to the White House in collaboration with the Secret Service, according to a Secret Service official.

jesus christ chapo tard

First time being called a commie. Not sure if insulted because it's worse than being called a n***** or pleased because it's hilarious.

Retard alert

Yes, Trump cares DEEPLY about the traffic in Paris. This really wewed my lad

Logistics retard lmao

Damn gotta admit this makes me very mad

Practically fuming

My theory: Conservatives mistake liberals dislike of religious stuff funded with tax dollars with a dislike of religious stuff in general. It’s the only reason I can think of that would explain why anyone would think liberals will be annoyed that a church has crosses inside

conservatives literally don't have any fucking clue what the word liberal means. They think it means Karl Marx, National Socialism, and Bernie Sanders rolled into one.

Burgerland education is trash. I'm surprised they are capable of learning how to shoot there without blowing their own heads off.

77% upvoted

Looks like this post triggered some people out there

"I am a Trumposexual.

God bless America.

spez: oh man, the libs are triggered."

GOT EM 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙👍👍👍💦

Sucking dick to own the libs.

There's nothing wrong with that pic to a majority of Americans lmao, these guys think that us screaming tards on the internet are indicative of the whole populace, that's how little they go out.

I clicked to subscribe just to get that ugly mug off the screen and found out I'm still banned. Talk about holding a grudge.

get RES to hide any aids stylesheets

The fact that we can't ping these idiots is a fucking crime.

Def. A First Amendment violation

Poor fellows. Their entire ideology is based upon 'owning the Libs'.

Do they realize how fucking pathetic their use of “spez” instead of “edit” is? It happened a year ago, let it go.

It's honestly worse than Drumpf, if only because it's widespread and completely unironic.

Imagine carry that some cannon fodder died in whatever country America decided to fuck with today

Today's liberal hates veterans, patriotism, family and God. This has been a meme on this sub since it started. This is the first time I've seen so many people question it. Something's weird with this sub right now.

Maybe like 10% less of the usual autism

I always find it interesting how loving our country, supporting our troops, fighting for freedom, and loving God all are directly connected. Maybe we aren't supposed to be pushovers, but we are supposed to fight evil. Not tolerate it.

Let's see what the Bible has to say about this:

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Man if you're going to spend every Sunday at church, I'd expect you to at least listen to what you're hearing.

librulz: literally shaking

I always find it interesting how loving our country, supporting our troops, fighting for freedom, and loving God all are directly connected. Maybe we aren't supposed to be pushovers, but we are supposed to fight evil. Not tolerate it.

Looks at the number of homeless veterans and veterans ruined by medical bills


Dear liberals: Despacito