Lolcow ex mod of braincels gets dumped after being used for money after getting engaged recently

1  2018-11-11 by uselesscurrycel


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g-d bless you

long con


No acess :(

If you’re on mobile you need to go to the desktop site to approve it once

If you believed any of this for a second you're a retard

Imagine being so pathetic that youre obsessed w a sub where the top mod is making fun of you. 🤭🤭🤭

Femcels make me sad. Incels do as well but Femcels are just resigned to what they think is their fate which makes it easier to feel sorry for them compared to incels who rage about it.

lol have you seen /r/GenderCritical?

Femcels resigned to their fate? If so, they wouldn't whine and cry about not getting their fairy tale relationship. At least incels get mad.

Why did you post this here?

When you got married it was posted here so I feel like I had to

Isn't this the guy who said he was going to commit die and everyone was like "nooo dont do it"?


Wow okay I was only asking. Whoever downvoted my simple question should be ashamed for breaking rediquette.