Surprising absolutely no one, it turns out Tucker Carlson completely misrepresented the "violent protestors" and no one bothered to read the police report.

1  2018-11-11 by seshfan2


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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I just assume anything conservatives claim these is full of shit at this point.

Schrodinger's Leftest: leftists are simultaneously weak, effeminate soyboy cucks but also the DEADliest terrorist organization in the world

lol literally nobody says theyre individually physically dangerous you fag, just that the ideas of far leftism are destructive to normal society


Cuntservatives are always bawling bitch babies who make everything the fuck up.



wow the cuck prince of frustrated blue state republicans strikes again.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems pretty cunty to picket someone’s house and spray paint their driveway, even if said person is also a complete cunt

Not that I would believe anything that a whiny little bow-tie-wearing bitch or his family would say, but this is really weak. Just because the cops didn't see something doesn't mean it couldn't have happened before they got there.

They also didn't find any evidence like the supposedly damaged door.

She's claiming there were "legal observers" there. I suspected Tucker made most of it up, and things are starting to really look that way.

After the Acosta "assault" I wouldn't put anything past these people. They have no issue blatantly lying even when video evidence says they're wrong.

I'm sure Tucker is embellishing at the very least. But at this point, we have to remember that America is a third world country and anyone claiming anything has to be treated with that same level of skepticism.

Well, if “Rebecca J. Kavanaugh” says it’s bullshit on twatter, then that settles it, pardner

Can someone link the report I didn't see it.

Lol. What a douche. Only cuckservatives would call 9-1-1 about a bunch of peaceful protesters coming to their house at 2:30 in the morning to hold calm, rational debate with their wife about your political views. Proof? All you have to do is read the police report clearly linked to in the post.

Real conservative wives would have just blasted them off the porch with an AR for trespassing.


52% upvoted

The absolute state of DDF.

wtf is a "legal observer" at an antifa protest?

So a guy who lies professionally on TV turned out to be lying?