Snappy quote? - "Anime has done several times more for the acceptance and appreciation of feminine boys, gender variant people in general, transwomen, transmen, etc than ANY single loudmouth psycho twitter activist EVER has and it has been since the early 80s at the very least, by fucking far."

1  2018-11-12 by Zoophilic


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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I actually agree, simply because no Twatter "activist" has ever, nor will ever, accomplish shit.

Plus anime femmeboys are so pretty.

I don't even like anime, but fuck, they really are.

If trannies looked more like Astolfo I would be pounding so much tussy.

The joke is that he's not even trans, just a manwhore like in history.

>draw girl

>call it a boy

Every time.

Hell yeah.

Anime is a tool of the rightoids (RACISTS). the conservachuds and the appreventive bootlicking dregs who watch it are more disgusting than a fucking snappy quote.

They do not respect women and especially not transgendered individuals. They use anim as a cudgeon for their bigotry.

Where's the lie

Based and Weebpilled.


anime has done more for the LGPTBQ community than any other medium. not even up for debate, really


Has none fucking watched weird science?

Even a pedophilic broken clock like KiA is right twice a day.

Yep. But just because Twitter activists have never and will never accomplish jack shit while their dye their hair blue in the basement of their divorced mother

Steins;Gate is an overrated piece of shit



gb2 fe:fats


I mean, its not really all that wrong. Homosexuality is far more common in anime and manga than in western media.


Dumb thot deserved it

Nadeko is best girl b weeb

Objective list of characters better than shit snake: bat, crab, sodachi, both sisters, kaiki, bat, ougi, that basketball ghost

This is true, but unironically