A Wisconsin High School class of 4chan pedes throw up the Nazi salute in group prom photo; the #Resistance ain’t having it.

1  2018-11-12 by NAmember81


This, but unironically.


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VICE writers are so whiny

They are the real nazis smh 😞


They attack and insult nazis, just like the nazis did:



Extrajudicial killings of VICE reporters would do a lot to improve journalism

Well, you are technically right.

Can't argue that.

WTF I love Nazis now.

I love Hitler because he's the guy who killed Hitler.

exactly, pointing out actual nazi activity is being the real nazis and racists!

> actual nazi activity

Imagine saying this with a straight fucking face. Go #RESIS some more

They are the real nazis smh

I mean, that guy does have a ridiculous mustache, and that's the first step to being literally Hitler.

I love how everyone is doing it except for the guy in the top right who you just know is a fucking weeb.

According to Twitter, exactly this weeb reported it.




he only reported it cause a picture was being taken. never trust a yakubian

is a fucking weeb

Possesses common sense*

This kid dead-center is literally doing the "white power okay sign".

lmao they're doing fucking sieg heils but he thinks this is important

It's not even the white power thing it's the "I get two for looking at it".

two for flinching

It's the gesture where the viewer consents to battery. Should be more of those gestures tbh

Not if you put your finger in it without looking

This kills the fascism

fascism can only be defeated by a penetrative gesture

This is misogynist

What it is , is some stupid 4chan larp where they went "Hey guys lets do this hand symbol to show we are alt right and whenever leftists call us out they look like retards because it doesnt really mean alt right" which makes sense as rightoids dont understand the concept of change.

No the "White Power/OK" hand symbol from 4chan is with the fingers pointing upward to form a W and a P.

This is the "Circle Game". You make that circle downward facing fingers. You have to have it below your waist line for it to count.

I wasnt aware of the difference is because i wasnt allowed outside of the basement as a child / dont visit /pol/ enough.

Also never heard of this; instead we played "Get down Mr. President"

And they say people don’t fall for retarded /pol ops.

I mean they say its a wp sign because ppl were using it that way, which makes it so

Nah people using it "as bait" always hold the ok sign upwards because that's how Trump always does it in speeches. The real "white power" sign is done with both hands. Downwards ok sign below one's waist is just Circle Game.

Well I mean at some point they’re actually right, it became self-fulfilling. it’s just... it only caught on properly because of the splergout

/pol/ conceived this baby, but SJWs carried it to term

Its the roman salute. Not “ seig heil “. Retard.

Lol k

I get that severe autism makes it really difficult for you to discern context but in [current] year of our lord anyone doing a “Roman salute” isn’t trying to cos play as Julius Caesar.

It's over for Ceasarcels

Found Richard Spancer's alt.

Yo check out my tiki torch collection

There's literally no evidence that they saluted like that apart from one painting with Romans doing it you fucking spastic

Oh the contect ever since world war 2 is that its a fascist salute.

But its not called “sieg heil” salute.

Fucking retard

Yeah it's not called the seig heil salute and I cant work out what else you're trying to say you illiterate fuck


Also the fascists in italy used ot before germans. Is Sieg Heil italian too? Absolute fucking moron.

We should just call it a flag salute.

I wonder why people stopped doing the flag salute 🤔

It couldn't be that the gesture is overwhelmingly associated with the Nazis, could it?

Uh duh. thats the reason it was removed in 1942

What do fascists in Italy and Germany have to do with anything? It's not like they were allied in a world war or anything.

We should call it a faggot salute

You might be talking to a crazy person

What else would I be doing on r/Drama?

Before the romans?


That's the equivalent of this

its is because you can play off the seig heil like laura ingraham did during the republican national convention as "just a wave" but when you combine it with this sign the intention is clear and undeniable

She didn't play that off well at all. She did just enough to not clearly be seen doing only the salute. It was transparent af.

Jesus Christ brainlets like you actually believe that

They could he goosestepping down the street in grey uniforms and this guy would be calling out a dad pointing a mt a fucking kite.

Would love some context for why this is remotely okay or normal for literally fifty kids at prom

It's not okay or normal, but it's high school kids doing high school shit, the bigger question is why an adult is posting about it repeatedly on social media. What's the next hot gossip from sixth period we're gonna hear about?

That dude is a "journalist" who spends his days bitching about every single thing Trump does on twitter.

Imagine being THAT busy with dumb stuff like that. Nobody cares lel

busy with dumb stuff posts to r/drama 🤔

That guy sucks but this post isnt why

It's not nice to make fun of people suffering from derangement :-( When will they find a cure

high school kids will be voting in just 2 or 3 years

so dismissing clear racist pro-genocidal stuff as "hurr durr its just kids" doesnt fly

...so? Is the guy a "high school kids behaving badly" reporter?

Which just goes to show what I've been saying all along; people shouldn't be allowed to vote until they are at least 35. If we can't trust you to be the president, then why should we trust you to pick the president?

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot.

awww...somebody got triggered?

I’m triggered by your disgusting existence.

awww...poor baby.

it's high school kids doing high school shit

An entire class of kids joyously giving a fucking Nazi salute is not "high school shit" jfc

...so? Is this guy a high school bad kid reporter? If he is, do you think that's the worst thing high school kids did this week? Either he's a retard trying to cash in on culture war nonsense or he's a bad high school kids acting bad reporter. Either way it's lol

What the fuck are you even talking about.

Lmao how old are you

Old enough to know your opinions are bad.

lol k

Keep getting outraged over stupid shit, spazz

Saying "this isn't okay" isn't the same as being "outraged" but by all means continue to not give a shit about any aspect of the world that doesn't affect you personally, it makes you look really cool and epic.

no such thing about bad opinions, only bad targets.

"O-Ol-O-Old en-e-eno-enough to-to-to p-p-p-party..."

You're right. We should remove employment and education opportunities for all these young men...

Lol how in the world is that the bigger problem here

You think kids taking a dumb picture is a bigger problem than culture war morons? lol

i think nazis and racism are a bigger problem than people who write think pieces because i'm not retarded

i'm not retarded

lmao try again

i didnt downvote you retard

i'm not retarded


every morning i wake up and thank god i am not as big a fucking idiot as you CA dipshits.

go fuck yourself with a cactus you knuckle-draggling mongoloid

okey dokey artichokey

Suzie isn't speaking to Stacey because she sent Chad a DM on Snap and oh em gee can you believe her outfit

I thought progressives were against the platforming of racism but this entire feed is just example after example after example of racist memes. I've been exposed to more racist garbage in 5 minutes browsing this Vice/Young Turks contributor's Twitter account than I do normally would in months just doing normie internet stuff.

is there a term for this kind of like echo chamber

autismo chamber

gas chamber?

It's almost like there is more money in inflating divisions than solving them.

Browsing Drama Not seeing enough racism

How can we improve papa? 😥😥😥

gas everyone, omniwar now

instructions unclear, gassed myself first

still a promising start

Excellent choice

I've been exposed to more racist garbage in 5 minutes browsing this Vice/Young Turks contributor's Twitter account than I normally would in months just doing normie internet stuff.

Report them to the police

what if he's a double agent

Or triple?

We must secure the existence of our trust funds and a future for spoiled brats

Fucking Baraboo. Devil's Lake is overrated, Governor Dodge 4lyf.

Fucking circus museum can suck my chode. The only good thing about baraboo is they built a bypass

^ LMFAO @ both of u, imagine being from Flyoveristan


Baraboo is a fucking metropolis compared to 90% of Wisco

I'm not saying I'd rather be dead than live in Wisconsin, but I would let myself be castrated first and then shot dead before living in Wisconsin.

Pretty chill state, lots of stuff to do and people leave you alone. Rent is cheap too and internet is fast.

I mean it's shit enough to be one

Keep flying too, we don't need no carpet baggers

Imagine not experiencing the natural beauty of the Driftless Area

Imagine living near the coasts and living with scary brown people and natural disasters. MISS ME WITH THAT SHIT 😂👌


Hey, it's 2018! Please use the more dignified term "Pennsyltucky." Thank you.

Literally fight me rn. Baraboo is filled with a bunch of hicks anyway this post is completely on point with my experiences there.

It's an entire crowd of whodatmiami's....

Though the one kid doing the power fist is funny

The real crime here is this guy's facial hair.

The photo was removed from the photographers website and in its place he left this note which is confusing af tbh https://i.imgur.com/EQpz5kz.jpg

takes pic of mayoteens heiling hitloser


What is he 12

muh wonderful tool, muh grow up

someone wrap an ethernet cable around this cum guzzlers neck and prove what a wonderful tool the internet is

Lol what a room temp boomer tier apology.

Lol k


How to spot bussy 101

It's like he took a class about how to do the exact opposite when the internet mob starts hounding you.

So this pic was from a 'professional' photographer who thought it was a great idea to take a picture of a bunch of HS dolts doing the seig heil and then again thought it was a good idea to showcase it on their website?

The mayocide really can't come too soon.

Apparently the photographer is the one who asked the kids to do it, though reports are coming out that the school actually does have problems with racism. Which comes as no surprise given that it's a flyover school.

It just keeps getting stupider and stupider...

Domestic flights should be carpet bombing the Midwest as they fly over.

Why is this surprising to anyone? This is how all white people act when there are no minorities around to report them.

You cannot trust them.



You've found us out. I hope no one's discovered that we go back to our inner sanctum for pancakes and white bread mayo sandwiches.


Uh aren't those kind of... brown? No thank you.

Milk: White Power confirmed Flour: White Power confirmed Salt: White Power confirmed Egg: Race traitor if you leave the egg yolk in.

That salute is actually the resting position of a mayo's arm.

Did you know that if there are no POCs present to see, white people eat for free at all restaurants?

No, Olive Garden and Starbucks aren't free

The amount of adults trying to ruin the lives of retard kids is amazing. Highschoolers are edgy cunts I thought that was something everyone knew

Dude probably went to Country Day school or something and has never met a proper public-school kid. I don't think I had a desk at any point in public middle & high school that did not have a swastika carved into it.

Remember when we used to tell kids to be careful what they take pictures of themselves doing, and that whatever they post online is there forever? Have we totally given up on that and now we are shaming people who find our embarrassing pictures?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

There's no point in post-WWII history where teenagers taking a picture of themselves doing a nazi salute at a school function and putting it somewhere for others to see wouldn't have gotten them into a shitton of trouble.

These kids are morons, VICE used to be awesome, people fall for 4Chan shit, etc etc


Vice literally fired the people that once made it so good.

VICE used to be awesome


Why can't people tell the difference between high school edge lords and real Nazis.

Literally Hitler youth.

Did you see the school logo?


Coincidence? I think not.


thats a really faggy eagle. youre just insulting the nazis with that one

because in literally 2 or 3 years these high school edge lords will turn into real Nazis.

"hurr durr jokes on you I was just pretending to be a dumb shit racist nazi! hurr durr"

yeah is your 21 and still pretending your just actually that thing

yeah if your 21 and still pretending your just actually that thing

Where do you think we are

because in literally 2 or 3 years these high school edge lords will turn into real Nazis.

I hope in their process of traveling back to 1930s Germany and joining the national socialist party they dont accidentally destroy the universe.

These kids are assholes, but twitter hysteria is even worse. People are definitely blowing this out of proportion and not seeing what it is, teenagers being assholes.

who think it's acceptable to ruin a kids life for some dumb shit

Imagine believing that their lives will be ruined because of that. This is a small town in Wisconsin. Some 100 year old WW2 vets and Holocaust survivors will visit the school with the media in tow, they will issue an apology with some fake tears and 2 hours later Twitter will forget about it because Trump is again shitposting at 4 am.

I can't believe it was one of the student's who spread it. How fucking lame do you have to be lmao.

Not to mention it's goddamn Wisconsin

Kid get bullied for years by these kids. Turns around and sends one email. Now he or she gets to watch the internet bully them for the next few years and screwing them out of any chance of a future outside of wisconsin. This kid understands how you get revenge. I respect that.

bulllying is a myth in today's schoosl. no kids get bullied.

idk man. nerds are supposed to be bullied. it's what they get

If the bullies can't handle the internet banter, they deserve to get bullied just as much

Is nobody going to mention the hilarious pedo mustache on this guy????

Male feminist Y/N?

Is it not creepy af that this grown ass dude is spending so much time trying to investigate the goings on at a high school? I mean, these are minors.

One of these minors literally send him the pic. He didn't have to investigate anything. He just copy and pasted the email he got to Twitter.

Okay he got a hot take and then proceeded to use his "full digital weight" to blow it out of proportion. Better?

If we didn't blow things out of proportion, we would have a Mrs. President.

Oh no don't get me wrong here, this guy is prime r/drama mod material

Looks like he got sent a bunch of shit related to it; you expect him not to post that juicy stuff?

The moustache certainly is doing nothing to dispel that impression

the funny part for me is him posting all these screenshots of anonymous, totally unprovable claims supposedly from students.

Man, they're still kids. They're being retarded and edgy.

I have a feeling none of those schools "students" who DM'd him about their terrible experiences are actually real tbf

This. How the fuck is that 'journalism'? Unprovable anonymous screenshots of text?

Absolute state of Mayostan

that school actually sounds fun

i want to go there

imagine being this pissed off at kids

It should be completely legal to beat up teenagers for expressing any kind of political view, sincerely or ironically, without any fear of reprisal.

At first I was going to comment how white that whole group looked, but at second glance it's obvious that everyone in that photo is at least as closely related as siblings.