GamingCircleJerk pretends they are not SJWs, but then reveal they are when they get outraged by a SJW bait video

1  2018-11-12 by JabroniMark99


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I love that this guy doubled down after his channel was brought back

Just wait for the dox and life ruining tbh

It's the economical choice. He was nobody until he was controversial. It's literally all he has.

Wait are you saying that rightoids are the easiest target audience to manipulate for views as long as you pretend to be anti sjw?? Lies and slander

Lol lefties are pretty easy too buddy. Example: CTH and half the racebaity articles on the interwebs. Partisans are perfect consumers.

usually being a leftitst youtuber gets you more hate than views tbh. But yeah there are some exceptions like Destiny but nothing like the whole rational/alt right community

hbomb and shaunjen both do alright. It's an emerging market and it'll get bigger with time, but right now right wingers dominate.

both of them being hypersensitive sjw faggots probably hinders them somewhat

Eh, last I recall hbomb makes about 6k per video and shaunjen about 1k. There is a market for their shit.

yeah and chapo gets a lot of money too, doesnt mean they wont eventually all be gassed

its the same male feminists and ghazi users that keep all the other professional patreon victims afloat too

they like to gloat about success but theyre the ones propping it up with their own welfare money, its weird

hbomb at least entertaining videos and understands how edit and record audio.

hes like budget even gayer and more obnoxious jim sterling, and ghazi loves him

also a male feminist

Smh Shaun is better than any stupid gay media you consume

yeah sassy twitter comments and getting irrationally angry at video games for like 5 years on end is real top quality stuff

There's only so many hours in the day, and lefties don't have much time to browse YouTube after the mandatory 8 hour Twitter session.

yeah but on twitter they don't get ad revenue and most of left twitter is too broke to pay anyone anything

Even YouTube gives out pretty much no ad revenue these days.

As for broke lefties, have you considered making a petition to redistribute the wealth from bourgeois Chapo class ($110k/month on Patreon alone) to the leften-proletariat of Twitter shitheads?

B-but CTH NEED their 100k, a shitty podcast just costs a lot ok. Did you even think about how expensive cocaine is?

Oh yes, all wingcucks are easy to bait and profit from

But on youtube the vast majority of political baiting is trageting rightoids (sjw owned compilation, the millions of anti sjw channels, etc). They are the easiest group to get views from on that platform

Yeah I honestly can’t think of any sjw content that’s nearly as popular on youtube as some bigger anti sjw channels

YouTube leans right, Twitter leans left, podcasts lean left, etc.

Uhu.... not like CTH makes 100k/month or anything.

lol no they arent you just dont recognise when it happens to you

Who do you think made him as well known as he is right now, exactly? 🤔

To quote the comment you replied to and obv didn't read,

He was nobody until he was controversial

Can't be controversial if the only people watching his videos are rightoids. They weren't the ones who made him recently popular.

Didn't he have half a million subs or something?

Have they not figured out that this guy just trolls everyone? He did that "Finding all the KKK and killing them" that got to the top of /r/gaming a while ago. He's just after views and pissing people off.

I think he just likes dark humor and posted them every so often, but now its so popular he might as well get more views off of them. Most of his channel is no commentary gameplay of video games.

They should try doing this irl and post the epic results of them getting their fucking racist asses beat

The absolute state

These spergs, unironically: FICTION IS REALITY

Who watches no commentary gameplay? Like not just for a few minites before you buy the game, but hours and hours. Its like gaYmer cuckholdry

i've done it a handful of times for various reasons. some games suck but the story is ok, so why buy it and play it just for the story when i can watch some guy do it?

also i watched a few for games that are exclusive to consoles i don't own. also i watched people do re games on the hardest modes just to see how they did it.

Lol gaymer cuck

The ultimate radical centrist

Or maybe it's that he's playing a video game and just fucking around in the VIDEO GAME

If they think this dude is a psychopath, I'd love to know what they think about the torture I subjected my Sims to.

Killing people in RollerCoaster Tycoon by removing parts of the track or dropping them in the water 👌

Annoying feminist trapped in the pool in Sims.

Black Man Drowns Because He Can't Swim

We still talking about the Sims?

Life does imitate art

This guy should do this next. No reference to a feminist other than the video title.

torture I subjected my Sims to

You sadist.

All I do in my sims games is create huge awesome gay orgies

You simulate r/drama?

I have a confession to make...

Yes I do.

I always make myself the center guy that gets ejaculated on by everyone else.

* laugh track *


Stellaris lets you enslave entire species of sentient beings, convert them into cattle stock, and then sell the resulting food surplus back to the empire you originally conquered them from.

Stellaris is kino

GCJ lose their shit over video of gameplay round 3. They banned me for making fun of them after my last thread.

*an SJW bait video

people who use SJW unironically aren't exactly known to be highly proficient writers

So everyone here?

I don't think the next Oscar Wilde is posting on reddit right now

If the Internet existed back then he would have been a huge shit poster.

"people that correctly label what we are aren't smart!!"

I very much doubt I fit the profile

I just don't take my vocabulary from gamergate :/

implying that's where the word originated

typical sjw amirite


You do.

Being annoying by the term SJW is also categorically an easy pick.

Conservatives are literally statistically low iq

Gamingcircklejerk Is a cess pit. Bunch of smug, self satisfied shits

Circlejerk Sub Worse Than Group They Exist To Mock, Nobody Surprised

At least drama halfway realizes this

Drama isn't a circlejerk sub, we exist explicitly to make fun of the lolcow who sperg out here.

Never mind there’s no self awareness here

Jesus fucking christ


this but unironically

/uj this but unironically

Once tou get above 20k subs its over imo. Im surprosed drama is still around

Learn to spell.

No u

All circlejerk subs are horseshit.

/r/dota2circlejerk was decent but then all the /r/dota2 lolcows disappeared (or figured out not to be lolcows) and now it's been dead for 2 years.

I like pfjerk and carscirclejerk

r/wowcirclejerk is ok ATM because r/wow has been sperging hard this entire xpac

Tbh /r/bookscirclejerk is still okay only because /r/books is such irredeemable smug pretentious garbage




yeah wtf was that


somehow even dumber than people writing /s

Yeah because /s isn’t necessary on reddit at all 🤣



I saw womeone do an /s on 4chan.

It. Did. Not. End. Well.

Thank you for the idea

When they can’t think of a clever way to say something within the rules of the subreddit so they just spell it out literally.

He said in /r/drama.

It's like the SRD of video games

/r/moviescirclejerk might even be worse in that regard. For some reason those kids can't go like ten seconds without popping a massive hate chub for Ben Shapiro because he tweets retarded opinions about movies once in a blue moon

I don’t like them because they try to diss my Daddy Mike Stoklasa😤😤😤

They are the equivalent to chemotherapy. They were created to tackle a cancer, but now it's just become a second cancer.

Wait. So it's perfectly okay for people to kill KKK members and peopel rejoice, but not for you to deliver a black man to the KKK? Okay let's remember that this is not real life. It is a FICTIONAL game and based in the 1800's where this was prevalent. Games have the optipn for people to roleplay or do things they normally WOULDN'T DO. You have plenty of games where people do evil play throughs and kill innocent people so I don't understand why you would be putraged by this. What a person does in a game shouldn't be held accountable to them as a person.

However, if the guy playing the game is making racist remarks and shit then yeah I can see why it's wrong or advocating for the actual killing of black people or talking about how he wishes that you could kill them. Ouch you have a right to ne upset.

Also that title is clearly for clickbait or a way to draw in views. I hate clickbait anyway so he probably deserves the hate he gets

Awful comment, thanks for sharing.

I still stand by what I said and you know I'm right. No one actually believe that someone is fucked from something they do in a game lol

I don’t care if your comment is right or wrong. It’s retarded, and you’re retarded.

nice bait idiot

ugh dumb boomers thinking video games will make you violent lmao

wtf!!!!!!1 this will lead to some very real problems and encourage people to become violent

GCJ ironically more of a circlejerk than r/gaming

this is all pretty gay

They should try doing this irl and post the epic results of them getting their fucking racist asses beat

Someone is mad. Imagine not knowing the difference between games and real life.

Well I don't know about you but when I throw a black man into a KKK crowd in a video game, I feel like I could also just get out and do it IRL. It's an empowering epic gamer moment I guess lol!

I can't even count the millions of men I have murdered in games, but someone says feminist and it is time for revolution.

are they suggesting someone should kidnap a black guy and bring him to a random kkk group irl

Yes, just so they can watch on sideline and see a fight.

Sjws are more easily baited than Christ fags

taking the lord's name in 2018, the audacity sir


I always assumed the Venn diagram between Ghazi and Gamingcirclejerk/GamersRiseUp users was pretty close to a singular circle. Those stunningly awful attempts at humor can only come from people who consider everything around them problematic and will tell you why at length if you let them. When your identity is "mom of the internet," it's scientifically impossible to ever be funny.

yeah those subs are just the way they vent over losing internet arguments continuously

tfw you somehow manage to be more insufferable than gamers. Yikes.

haha u got offended by the deliberately offensive thing I just said, libtards rekt ecks dee

being offended is the same thing as being full of righteous indignation because you are unable to distinguish what people do in video games with what they do in real life

Gamingcirclejerk used to be ok but over the last year they really took a hard buck into the dirt

I'm subbed there and the comments on the post made me cringe, that channel is obviously just a guy doing clickbait and controversy for views, nothing new, carry on.