Guy calling a gussy chess master "some blonde" sparks outrage in /r/chess. Is this sexism or has feminism invaded yet another gaming community?

1  2018-11-12 by Snowayne2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Other targeted chess masters. CHESS MASTERS.

Who does what now? Why am I supposed so to care about mayo’s being mayo?

Some guy called some blonde "some blonde" and /r/chess is freaking out.
Because it's funny.



these women are there basically because they are pretty, no cares about them. this one is not even top 5000 in the world

She's a popular comentator with tonnes of experience. To say she's there just because of her looks is a bit harsh dude

pretty woman with less skill gets job because vagina

gets ton of experience in the field and loads of followers because shes cute

she has a job not because of vagina!!1!11 she has a ton of experience and is popular!!1111

honestly i dont even care about this shit but her commentary sucks, just saying

She's popular, though (because of her vagina), which is the only real qualification for this job.


youse hafta go back bruv

She's up there will most active male commentators, just not with the strongest ones. An IM is nothing to scoff at. The most popular chess youtubers are not anywhere close to her level.

chess master


Op owes me another pair of sides

She is legitimately and International Master, having earned that title the same way men do against the same competition the men do. There is no question she is a master, and not even the lowest level of master. International Master is the second highest title you can achieve.

Are you brigading my thread buddy? 😠


That's amazing :) We don't get many people wandering in here after the great pinging ban.


World rank (all players): 6917





Getting in the top 10K is out of reach for most mortals.

Title: International Master.

It's about ethics in chess


Maurice Ashley is literally standing RIGHT THERE! Middle aged, balding, and a little overweight (you'd certainly call him overweight if he were female

a little overweight (you'd certainly call him overweight if he were female

Dude, really? What you're seeing is muscle. Maurice is fit. Plus he dresses crisply, is enthusiastic about chess, and has his own natural charisma.

👆👆👆 i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Maurice. u wouldnt say this shit to him at tourney, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes.

is that a j&a ref

dont know wat that is bud

its just 🍝🍝🍝 that guy almost recreated on his own

Jrick & Amorty.

That was fucking awful

The last line is, it got thrown into this copy pasta which I believe came from the NBA subreddit

Yeah it's pretty rude. She might not be a top ranking player, but it takes years and years of work to get to where she is. The SJW isn't really a thing in the chess community because you need to be VERY good to be taken seriously. Bored tumblrinas can't just stroll in and start shit.

Tbf, she is fucking good at chess to be an IM.

Bussy turns pawns in to rooks 🤔


lmao how can people call this "shocking" or "disgusting"? It's literally just a boomer being a boomer.