🐺DOG🐺PILE🐺 in r/politics when one user mentions the failings of idpol

1  2018-11-12 by Chromosome-21


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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wheres "they even singled out a user" when you need it 😩

I think i read somewhere that like 59% of mayos voted R in florida in 2018, and that number was even higher in Georgia and Texas.

Like I know mayos are dying out, but maybe dems shouldn't have shit so hard on them until they were less than 70% of the voting electorate.

The real drama is when mayos realize this and we have a race war 😲

still quoting grab them by the pussy unironically

can you imagine saying five words and triggering hundreds of millions of people for over two years?

Only in my wet dreams!

idk "you didn't build that" still unironically triggers me, its nice having a retarded president that everybody knows is a retard so they don't take him seriously.

i wonder how many woman unironically get wet at the thought of Daddy shoving his hand in their cooch

none will ever admit it but I'd bet at least a couple million women have orgasmed thinking of him doing it

wonder if Daddy every thinks about this 🤔🤔🤔

I love it. Women are more numerous than men and they are more likely to vote than men. White women are the single largest voting bloc in America and the retarded Dems are coming out with articles like these?

No skin off my back though

Can politics ever not be idpol? Just the fact that qe have republicans and democrats is already identity politics.

Women must't vote those evil republican to power. Don't they get it that it's all intersectional in current year.

Can we just deny voting rights to people who don’t actually pay taxes? Would wipe out the mayo conservative housewife vote.