Supposed Korean nationalist lashes out at ... the Jews of all people. Accidentally reveals himself to be an idiot.

1  2018-11-12 by ReichSmasher2018


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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muh holocaust

There it is!!

Why are Asians hating on Jews lately? First Tila Tequila wants to gas Shapiro, now this... Smh Asians, get your shit together.

Why are Asians hating on Jews lately?

Must be due to having tiny penises

Understandable Jews do have the most massive hogs

Penis envy as usual

Speaking of which, do you know where I can find gay Jewish men?

It's for a friend.

I hear Shapiro likes a little on the side?

Judging by his sister's massive milkers, I think he'll have his own massive thing as well 😍


Actually, she’s got a big dong too. Ben’s hung like a fruit fly.

I think what is public vs private is different.

From recollection Singapore pretty much has a secret alliance and koreans have visa free travel for Israelis so lot of Aussie jews hang out there on their way to Israel.

Then you have the average asian citizen that hates everything not their native nationality

No people on earth have done less harm to the Jews than the Koreans.

This is what it means to live in a country with little or no ... khm... (((brainwashing))).

He's expressing a genuine feeling, currently extinct in the West.


Japanese always tryna put the korean man down ya feel me? bts based and redpilled standing up for korea

japantimes is pro zainichi

this, japantimes is a bunch of libtards. Go read asahi instead.

asahi shimbun?

theyre leftist too www

yeah but at least when you drink asahi super dry by the crate loads when reading it the leftist bile is digestible. Still shit though. I get all my news from 2ch like a proper γƒγƒˆγ‚¦γƒ¨οΌ

