It's tankie #metoo Electric Boogaloo when the DSA minority of glue sniffing comrades decide to shut down in the midst of a sexual harassment scandal

1  2018-11-12 by thebloodisfoul


womp womp


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Being a heckin' good nonce to own the fash.

Epic pinko commie owns the fash with RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT.

This chat began as a place to organize a Dungeons and Dragons weekly game, but later evolved into a private, intimate place for six people (one non-DSA member was included) to share several kinds of private information – medical info, mental health details, therapy session details, locations

These retards think that they're going to overthrow all the governments in the world and they can't even keep secrets from the people they pretend to be elves and dwarves with.

attempting to halt Amazon worker strikes because disabled people might miss a delivery


The struggle of the proletariat is second only to needs of convenient, easy delivery.

i thought Amazon warehouses were meant to be like the thunderdome. how can a disabled person possibly keep up?

Burger politics is retarded tbh.

leftists are always on the lookout for "wreckers" because they literally cannot believe how retarded they all are, and want to think the FBI is just making them look like that

Leftists infighting, spying on their own, and ratting out anyone and everyone for anything?

shocked pikachu