Sconnies get their white robes in a twist over nazi solute. Dumb kids doing dumb shit "deserve to have their lives forever ruined" and "anyone who does a nazi solute is a nazi, period."

1  2018-11-13 by YASSS_QUEEEN


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Ayyy lmaooo

When did the Roman Salute become only the Nazi Salute?

It didn't ruin the career's of Bush, Obama or Hillary, so why does it ruin some nobodies who haven't had a chance to fuck up the system?

When did the Roman Salute become only the Nazi Salute?

The 1940s?

what a dumb question. the 1930s and 40s, obviously

Crazy how they got that many r/blackpeopletwitter users together for just that one photo

Aaayooo sheeeeit mang, bpt is the blackest, wokest sheeeeit around, aint no way 💯 bpt would be on that raciss-ass 🚫 grind mang 🔥🔥🔥


At this point you’re like a 42 year old Steve Urkel still sadly reciting his catch phrase as the crowd sizes and pay checks rapidly dwindle

Tbh those kids are retarded and prob racist... but the appropriate punishment should be deleting fortnight, imo


It's WI, that's a given.

If we're retarded, what does that make illinois?

The big gay

I doubt any of the kids are gonna be punished formally beyond maybe making some meek joint statement to the press. The party line right now appears to be that the photographer was the one who asked for this.

Heads are definitely gonna roll at the district level inasmuch as this photo has been out there for ~6 months and not a single adult apparently had any issue with it.

deleting fortnight

This is why I support Daddy Musk

The poorer ones in the group can look forward to probably having their college spots given to someone else since there’s always someone that wants a spot that didn’t get one. Maybe they’ll make better choices in the future.

Joking about fat people is evil, but he's allowed to joke about a 12 year old getting stabbed 19 times. Reddit hippo defense force in a nutshell.

My dad taught me to counter insults with "please explain what you mean"

"It is like talking to a brick wall with this guy"
"P-Please explain w-what you mean"
"It means he is retarded and so are you."

I really love the people also complaining about the circle game being done by the kid in the front

Nazi salute: I sleep
Makes circle with fingers: ahhhhhhh Nazi!

...and now the liberal "media" will blow it out of proportion, emotionally and intellectually stunted "feminists" on Twitter will spastically screech "nnnuuhhhNAZI!", Tucker Carlson will have a fireside chat where he basically just calls everyone who is upset about it a fucking retard and then hang up on his guest and there will be a sudden uptick of low-effort Mayocide jokes made by people who believe themselves to be ultra-clever ironic-memesters.