Saying trump is hitler is retarded, saying trump doesn't have an authoritarian style is also retarded. But pretending that saying trump has an authoritarian bent is the same as saying he is hitler is DDF level retardation.
The right always repeat ad nauseam something that some liberals said once years ago. The entire "they call everyone they do not agree with nazi" is the main example.
Hmm, maybe the Republicans calling for revolution should capitalize on this? There is clearly a demographic of people that are willing to kill for their ideals here, that just need a leader to direct them in more fruitfull directions. That is more than Reddit "Liberals" have.
Because it makes losers think that if they do the same thing they will get famous. Incels would get hard thinking about women fawning over them no matter what it costs.
Physical pain vs. Emotional pain. I do hope they are exceptionally well endowed men with violent tendencys wearing broken glass and sandpaper condoms with razor blade cock rings.
1 BussyShillBot 2018-11-13
The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.
I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues
1 PantherChamp 2018-11-13
Have you and Snappy ever kissed?
1 Tobans 2018-11-13
1 MPHJ-7 2018-11-13
1 MPHJ-7 2018-11-13
0 w 0
1 Ranilen 2018-11-13
Is slash fiction still a thing?
1 SnapshillBot 2018-11-13
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 confusedblues 2018-11-13
Actually, shillbot...
1 PantherChamp 2018-11-13
Shooter: *is white
Shooter: MAGA
Shooter: I'm a Republican
1 GandalftheChromatic 2018-11-13
Retards: His entire birth and being raised to be a school shooter was a demonrat falseflag
1 Ranilen 2018-11-13
Pretty likely tbh, these are the people who genetically transmogrified a Muslim into a Hawaiian black guy 50 years ago.
1 sevgee 2018-11-13
1 Ranilen 2018-11-13
1 sevgee 2018-11-13
Idk wtf I was expecting.
1 dramasexual 2018-11-13
He talkin bout obama fam.
1 sevgee 2018-11-13
Oh. The 50 years ago part threw me off lol
1 Ranilen 2018-11-13
SMH being this ignorant of basic American history
1 MrAlphonzo 2018-11-13
They'll tear a hole in the fabric of space and time to move the goalposts further, not even this can stop them.
1 IDFSHILL 2018-11-13
Every single event unfolds the same way.
Shooting/mass killing happens.
magacels start invoking "coulters law" within 30 minutes.
Magacels declare the shooter a liberal/antifa crazy.
Magacels start to photo shop various pictures to prove that point.
Shooter is revealed to be a white male and or conservative.
magacels start invoking 1 drop and declare anyone that isn't pure European mayo doesn't count as white.
They further declare the shooter is antifa/liberal.
They stop talking about it after they know they realize they were wrong.
1 hehxbcjsiw-fi 2018-11-13
You should unironically follow through on that quit the internet thing before it drives you to quitting something bigger.
1 Rosaarch 2018-11-13
Still an hero
1 dootwthesickness_II 2018-11-13
Zodiac Killer spotted
1 mayocide-when 2018-11-13
do Americans consider that creature as "white"?
1 GeorgeCostanzaTBone 2018-11-13
Like nobody already didn't knew it
1 HelloCompanion 2018-11-13
Sis, we already been done knew.
1 PureGold07 2018-11-13
White, Republican, and probably a virgin.
Lulz they're so delusional. I'm starting to think Republicans are the true NPC's.
1 allendrio 2018-11-13
authoritarians in general are just fucking dumb.
1 Inceltiers 2018-11-13
1 allendrio 2018-11-13
1 Inceltiers 2018-11-13
Bruh MAGAtards are cancours but screaming HE IZ A DICTATOR BASH THE FASH1111 is just as fucking retarded
Chapotards and MAGAaustists deserve each other
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
t. c o p i n g MAGAcel
1 allendrio 2018-11-13
never said you were one sweaty, bit defense there hon ;]
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-11-13
Saying trump is hitler is retarded, saying trump doesn't have an authoritarian style is also retarded. But pretending that saying trump has an authoritarian bent is the same as saying he is hitler is DDF level retardation.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
Hitler volunteered for the army while donald faked bone spurs to dodge a draft.
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-11-13
Ed, all I know is you always spur my bone.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
I bet i do! ๐๐
1 PantherChamp 2018-11-13
D... daddy is back?
1 Inceltiers 2018-11-13
Alright fair point I can agree to that
1 Elite_AI 2018-11-13
Authoritarian doesn't mean dictator. You're jumping to attack an idea that was never expressed.
1 Inceltiers 2018-11-13
Yeah I recognise that Did a brainlet post
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-13
Literally nobody said he's a dictator, you're just shit at reading comprehension.
1 IDFSHILL 2018-11-13
Every single event unfolds the same way.
Shooting/mass killing happens.
magacels start invoking "coulters law" within 30 minutes.
Magacels declare the shooter a liberal/antifa crazy.
Magacels start to photo shop various pictures to prove that point.
Shooter is revealed to be a white male and or conservative.
They further declare the shooter is antifa/liberal.
They stop talking about it after they know they realize they were wrong.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-11-13
The right is literally beginning to use "drumpf" in as cringy, and at times even cringier way than left has. What a world
1 RobosaurusRex2000 2018-11-13
1 22333444455555666666 2018-11-13
has a leftist even unironically said drumpf since like 2016?
1 Servodellagleba 2018-11-13
The right always repeat ad nauseam something that some liberals said once years ago. The entire "they call everyone they do not agree with nazi" is the main example.
1 22333444455555666666 2018-11-13
im a leftist and i call people i dont agree with nazis tho ๐ค
1 seshfan2 2018-11-13
The "Drumpf" episode of Jon Oliver aired in February 2016. Imagine still using a dead joke from nearly three years ago.
1 pepperouchau 2018-11-13
Hot take: orange man, is, in fact, less than ideal
1 pisserpatterwater 2018-11-13
1 Tobans 2018-11-13
Not a virgin anymore fam
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
B L A C K E D hopefully
1 Mother_Jabubu 2018-11-13
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
1 ___Moufasa___ 2018-11-13
1 FieldMarshalHaig 2018-11-13
Lol literally a MAGAcel.
1 CaptainMemer 2018-11-13
BASED centipede OWNS libtard classmates by exercising his 2nd Amendment rights
1 ____________13 2018-11-13
If he were a democrat, he probably would have 'wounded two before turning the gun on himself'.
1 ExoticBite 2018-11-13
Hmm, maybe the Republicans calling for revolution should capitalize on this? There is clearly a demographic of people that are willing to kill for their ideals here, that just need a leader to direct them in more fruitfull directions. That is more than Reddit "Liberals" have.
1 LemonScore_ 2018-11-13
Democucks fucked again.
1 PantherChamp 2018-11-13
Dude I'm honestly surprised you didn't turn out to be the MAGAbomber
1 911roofer 2018-11-13
Black people commit a disproportionately large amount of crimes. You have no room to talk.
1 RobosaurusRex2000 2018-11-13
Poor people commit a disproportionately large amount of crimes.
White republicans commit a disproportionately large amount of domestic terrorism
1 911roofer 2018-11-13
Not compared to Muslims. Then again, with Muslims, its quality over quantity.
1 RobosaurusRex2000 2018-11-13
Not in America. Angry white conservatives make up the majority of American domestic terrorism.
1 Penguinproof1 2018-11-13
And they make up like 40% of the populace. Muslims are like 1%.
1 911roofer 2018-11-13
Muslims are just better at mass-murder. After all, its their holiest sacrament.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
t. school shooting christcuck
1 RobosaurusRex2000 2018-11-13
Those are some great statistics that definitely 100% don't sound like you just made them up on the spot
1 Penguinproof1 2018-11-13
72.4% of Americans are white. 58% of white voters voted Trump. An estimate would be about 42% of of Americans are white Trump voters.
Muslims make up 1.1% of the population.
1 LemonScore_ 2018-11-13
Don't talk to my coke dealer like that
1 LemonScore_ 2018-11-13
There's still time.
1 metamarauder 2018-11-13
He's not convicted yet and not technically a felon, dumbfuck.
1 JabroniMark99 2018-11-13
Its just semantics at this point since they literally know he shot those people.
1 metamarauder 2018-11-13
Yup, but until then the law says he can do this, and anyone making it into...much of anything is an idiot.
1 ErictheRedding 2018-11-13
Defending mass shooters on Reddit is what Reagan would have wanted.
1 911roofer 2018-11-13
Who asked his opinion?
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
Daddy still won't fuck you tho, lmao
1 LemonScore_ 2018-11-13
He's fucking your entire country, though :)
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-11-13
America is going through an enema atm. I'm not gonna lose my sleep over it tbh.
1 MeagerMistake23 2018-11-13
Sorry burgers, I can't keep all your shooters straight. Which one is this? Music-festival-killer, black-church-killer, or gay-bar-killer?
1 Oof134 2018-11-13
High school killer from Florida
1 AnnArchist 2018-11-13
Which high school?
1 Tobans 2018-11-13
It's the incel conservative that shot a bunch of people because he couldn't get Gussy.
1 NormanImmanuel 2018-11-13
Well, it worked out for him, because he's drowning in it now.
In other news, fuck public defenders.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-11-13
Wtf is wrong with these women? Does it even happen to the women that drown their kids in the tub or park their car in a lake?
1 KokomoOReily 2018-11-13
I would have to imagine so
1 DeathtoMainers 2018-11-13
You don't have to pull out nor pay for an abortion. I can't see any downside to fucking a child killing woman.
1 Wheretheflowersgrow 2018-11-13
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-11-13
This is why the media is part of the problem. We have to stop giving these people fame.
1 Tobans 2018-11-13
Y tho
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-11-13
Because it makes losers think that if they do the same thing they will get famous. Incels would get hard thinking about women fawning over them no matter what it costs.
1 banananutbranmuffin 2018-11-13
He had two ex girlfriends by the age of 18. I wouldn't call him an incel.
1 youcanteatbullets 2018-11-13
"Incel" is more of a state of mind, since these people tend to be completely disconnected from reality.
1 IDFSHILL 2018-11-13
I don't know if I'd say this is the norm. Some incels are mental cels, as in they just don't know what they're doing.
But large percentages of them really are just very ugly.
1 banananutbranmuffin 2018-11-13
But being just very ugly doesn't matter, you can still get the ladies on online dating, its 90% personality /s
1 c3h8pro 2018-11-13
Why does anyone give this shitbag attention? He should be thrown away and forgotten to rot, that will hurt him worse then anything.
1 Al-Rokers-BBC 2018-11-13
I'm pretty sure the black penises raping him hurts the most
1 c3h8pro 2018-11-13
Physical pain vs. Emotional pain. I do hope they are exceptionally well endowed men with violent tendencys wearing broken glass and sandpaper condoms with razor blade cock rings.
1 Thatlookedlikeithurt 2018-11-13
Lol, like heโs ever going to be allowed to vote, ever.
1 Inceltiers 2018-11-13
Wasnโt that obvious only a true American starts a school shootings
1 CherryKirsche 2018-11-13
For all their screetching about the dangers of ANTIFA, rightards sure are speeding way ahead in terms of kill counts.
1 80BAIT08 2018-11-13
1 myshl0ng 2018-11-13
El goblino de la mayo
1 NothingEverAfter 2018-11-13
oh, come the fuck.
1 mcslibbin 2018-11-13
stop posting
1 NothingEverAfter 2018-11-13
eh, fuck your mother.
1 RestoreFear 2018-11-13
Can't wait for his speech at the RNC.
1 Memerx 2018-11-13
He's autistic enough to be one.
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-11-13
Never fails.
1 PantherChamp 2018-11-13
Literally haven't posted here in months, buckaroo
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-11-13
Making me all the more right?