
1  2018-11-13 by EternallyMiffed


You and your little "drama" buddies are too busy staring at men's bussies to know an attractive woman if she swam up to you in anthropomorphic-shark form and let you fuck her on a cold, windy cape cod beach.


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Pretty fucking racist to call all latinos soyboys like that.

latinos messikans

There was a thread on r/opieandanthony where boomers unironically admited to changing their diet because of a 4chan meme.

Eh, they are indeed putting chemicals in the water. You could for example not eat chicken fed with growth hormones and other dreck.

I was referring to the "soy makes you a cuck" meme.

Of course they put chemicals in the water, why the fuck do you think westerners get sick from ice cubes in third world countries?

Yeah it’s called fluoride so your boomer teeth don’t fall out

I don't think any amount can counter the meth menace

>Complaining about water treatment so you don’t get cholera or some shit

I'd rather have cholera than be low T thank you very much

Nonstop diarrhea, cold sweats, vomiting, and dying young to own the libz.

Maybe they should use some Star Trek lasers or plasma bullshit.

Imagine eating soy in the first place.

Indian tofu dishes are the best when I want to cut back on meat.

real men would never eat delicious asian food because Jordan Peterson told us not to

What, really?

probably. didn't he say only eat red meat or something

But many Asians cuisines include Pork?

Fucking tons of them

Thats my point

His idiot of a daughter told him that and he said he didn't sleep for 8 days after breaking diet.

It's incredible how anyone with an ounce of self respect left can fall for these lunatics.

when I want to cut back on meat.

So never?

I'm a soft cock pinko whos worked at more than one abattoir.

I love eating meat, but I still feel its wrong the way we treat animals so I cut back evey now and again.

Just eat seafood lmao. If you feel empathy for fish or even worse shellfish you are big gay.

I fish a lot, I caught a 1.8m Tiger shark a few years ago, dragged that cunt 10 metres up to the shiploader then belly flopped that bad boy into the ocean. You're welcome, you can enjoy the swimming again thanks to people like me.

I eat a lot of squid and octupus as well.

When you want to cut down on fat while still retaining a similar protein intake.

Why would I want to cut down on fat? It's that carb shit I try to avoid.

porque no los dos?

Need calories from somewhere and fat makes you feel satiated longer.

because rabbit starvation

Soy jokes are like the NPC meme in that they're funny as long as you don't personally buy in to them.

As much as I chuckle at the gaping mouthed, Nintendo manchild photosets, it's even funnier that a bunch of obese NEETs are eating twice the amount of red meat thinking it's gonna make their pubes thicker or some shit.

I personally don't consume anything that isn't at least half chicken breast by volume but I'm a swolecel so that's unavoidable.

Link it you fat fuck.

I am shocked to discover r/opieandanthony is full of morons who don't make the best life decisions


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Is the soy turning the freaking latinos gay?