Turns out there are chemicals in Anime that turn the freaking kids trans.

1  2018-11-13 by Sedjin


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Regardless, anime is a disease.

The smartest thing you'll ever say.

he doesn't understand the deep meaning and multiple layers of poetry in Ed's sperg emojiposting

Brainlets gtfo

this but unironically

At least it's not snoozeposting

t. victim of snoozeposting

without anime where will we get our cute lolis and highschool pettanko girls?

Sign me up as a Nurgle worshiper, then.


I agree with Ed for once!

Fucking boomers you already ruined my country don’t ruin my anime.

Also, at times anime can be more masculine than whatever garbage we are putting out rn.

I’m sorry for your loss

Is this post ironic

Jojo is the most masculine show there is tbqh.

Where are the women then? Jojo is for 12-year-old girls.

JoJo is unironically good, even non weebs can enjoy it

[X] Doubt

Seriously, doubt. The hottest girl on that comic is 14 years old.

Now you have my attention

>Where are the women then?

Get a load of this faggot

There's like 1 female character who gets introduced halfway through this season.

Adding tbqhfgh at the end of a sentence doesn’t make it true

Doesn't make it false either

It does baka desu senpai

So why does tumbler fawn over it you manchild

Anime is not masculine, go to the gym until your opinion improves.

the other post in his history: Why do I want to fuck my own sister?


there's nothing more masculine than a show about cute girls hanging out and having cake. There music is good for working out too.

Ask any black guy about their opinion on dbz

Ugh, furries

duh? is this supposed to be a surprise?

pretty much every single weeb out there is either an internet neonazi or trans, and out of the trans ones, like 80% are anarkiddies and rest are internet neonazis too

Textbook weeb rule of the internet: Every weeb is either FULL LEFT or FULL RIGHT

Full left are transes and full right are gays.

Gay Nazis😍

The true height of fashion and impeccably dressed men


let's have sex fuck

Nazi uniforms in rainbow colors would probably look pretty fly tbh

I'm a weeb and a centrist.

puckers lips wrong

Neonazi reporting in!

reluctantly, i assume the tankie role to maintain radical centrism

I'll be the smug centrist to keep the balance you sacrificed yourself for o7

Both need to go to the concentration gulag

I'm neither and I'm moderate too. I'm libertarian





So you only want to fuck kids some of the time?


Oh ok, so all of the time then

only 600 yo forest God spirits in the bodies of 12 yo girls

Anarcho-fascism is the only true libertarian ideology

The thing is, you only hear about politically active weebs when they're super far right or super far left because those are the outspoken ones. This makes you make a false connection between weebs and, what, radical ideologies? This is actually pretty retarded.

Weebs are retarded though.

Gay noises

trans noises

Learn acceptance chud smh



This joke was barely funny when you posted it in the comment thread right above this one

I am 100% not joking about people who post in /r/ChapoTrapHouse violating our immigration policy and needing to contain their idiocy back over there, even if they are so embarrassingly retarded that even the hosts of the podcast they're so obsessed with make fun of them.

You comfused someone making fun of chapo from a chapo user, please out yourself.

Suddenly it's unfunny and annoying when someone constantly spergs "Refugee get out" when Chapo is involved, got it.

Out yourself, fuckstick.

I loathed outposting since the start since it's the peak SRD meme, and you are confirming my impressions.

Boomercide is the the only way.

Being trans isn't something you're born with, it really is obvious. If someone opened up a "trans conversation therapy" center and had semi-competent people in there I bet they could get a success rate of over 90%.

Weebs like traps, it's only natural some become traps.

nah they like cute anime girls, then some want to be the cute anime girl while others just want to fuck the cute anime girl

I want to be the cute anime firl with a dick so I can fuck the cute anime girl.

In China they have internet-addiction rehab where they force the kids to go outside.

Yeah and die of lung disease because the air is so polluted

You're acting like this isn't a solution to the problem.

In my middle school there was this super awkward sperg kid that went from posting "only 2 genders" memes to walking around in choker, lgbt t-shirt and makeup just in the span of 3 years.

He's now posting on Chapo about he's a "reformed chud looking to do better."




Is he...uh...how old is he now and does he still...uh...do that?

It's a rather recent thing, I just started high school. But so far, judging from his Twitter, he is still weird.

High school is still snowflake phase though

You are probably right.

What are you doing here, shouldn't you be learning about the powerhouse of the cell or some shit?

oh my god there are 14 year olds on r/drama

Are you really surprised?

Polish high school I am 16 😎

At least you don't hide your newfaggotry, young one.

lol youre gonna be so fucked up in 4 years

Shut up chud, pattern recognition is not good praxis



Not a chapofag, just co-opting their slurs

Imagine borrowing vocabulary from those autists

He’s not borrowing he’s stealing

If you steal a giant turd you still end up covered in shit.

I think it's more that they're socially ostracized, so they go to hobbies popular among socially ostracized people. Correlation doesn't equal causation, after all.

50% of trans people are on the spectrum iirc

Seems like a conservative estimate tbh

tbh most "real" trans aren't. Fat-Twitter- gamer-weeb-cross dressers are though. Maybe they confuse autism and social retardedness for dysphoria?

someone linked a Forbes article that said so here, so it must be true.

An inordinate number of “otherkin” are autistic too, I’m pretty sure.

That's crazy cuz that's about the rate around here

Putting random numbers on our made up nonsense now? Bet a conversion camp could bump that number near %100 percent if you shock them a few times.

By over 90% I basically meant a very high success rate. Sorry, I didn't realise you autists don't get the concept of approximation.

🤭 Thanks for clearing that up! Maybe soon the recommended therapy will be an inpatient treatment plan with no anime.

That and more and more are transbians; almost every documentary I've seen on trans people prior to the 2010's, there was not one who was transbian. All were dudes who were attracted to dudes. If I lived in the 1980's or was born in the early 90's or 2000's, I'd probably think it was a legitmate thing-now in this era, the more I learn about it, the more I'm convinced it's a fetish among depressed, suicidal, anime geeks, and porn addicts.

I've been saying for years now the actual gender dysphoria patients have been overwhelmed by tucute teenage girls and adult fetishists, and that the trans* community is majority non-dysphoric at this point.

Exactly. I am not sold on the whole gender identity thing but I feel for the people that are truly suffering from dysphoria. If surgeries and everything helps them, go ahead, hell I'd be happy paying taxes to cover that.

Reddit Trans culture is clearly not that though. Everyone is pornsick anime obsessed freak with a fetish of lesbians. There is only so many "playing female characters in video games made me realise I am actually a girl" that I can read before realising that this shit is stupid.

The good news is in 15 years or so the thousands of David Reimer cases society created by indulging this fetish will provide their own solution to the problem and make everyone retroactively embarrassed to ever admit their support for this nonsense.

No one doesn't watch porn, what the hell is "pornsick"?

Someone obsessed with Porn? Here's the Urban Dictionary definition cause I am too lazy to write it myself.

Typically a man that is so obsessed with porn that he has a distorted view of sex. A porn sickman will watch violent porn or fetish pornthinking it's how women want to be treated not realizing it's a fantasy where porn actresses are getting paid to be treated this way and is not reflective on most women. Will turn more sexist as time goes on.

A porn sick man may also end up watching hentai porn filled with traps and lesbians. While he is masturbating suddenly becomes confused about his gender. A Porn sick married man no longer pays attention to his wife and is obsessed with watching porn. He will excuse his own behavior by blaming his wife. Society caters to this conditioning and kids looking up their parent's browsing habits stumble on porn too.

Porn sickness also affects women that watch porn to see what is expected of them and they are being tricked into believing abuse is just naturally apart of sex.

I don't watch porn

Could I get converted to trans?

Catgirls now make much more sense

you say that as if that's a bad thing

There is a meme about how gaming turns you into an alt righter. I am imagining one about how anime turns you degenerate. I would make one but I am at work and I dont get paid to meme > . <

Not. One. FUcking. ANime. Avatar. On. That. Twitter. Link.

These people aren't anime fans. They're just riding on our trap train.

Alex Jones would've been right

Isn’t there a tranny that tuned tranny because of anime

implying that more mtf bussy is a bad thing

unironically being a medium blogger and “””essayist””””



Internal screaming


A very popular trans furry sloth that is found frequently on Drama/Trans Twitter.

She's blocked me.


She blocked me

I think you mean "He" blocked you.

>trans furry slot

At that point youve transcended gender pronouns. Youre an "it"

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

It typically takes about a month for a sloth to move one kilometre.

Unless its chasing down a victim.

so it moves more than the average twitter tranny


Normally I can at least kinda understand furries cuz they design their shit to be aesthetically pleasing but wtf is that. You can make yourself look like anything and you still make it ugly? At least they're honest

Maybe a sloth cums for days.

And That's a good thing.

>badmouthing Saint Ray

That Twitter furson momentarily forgot she’s a furry.

The virgin PhD research vs the chad "literally not a parody ugh do I even need to say more than the title i can't even, YES THIS IS REAL IN 2018"

Tweeted by some degenerate with a furry anime profile pic

He's right btw. Anime is for degenerates

I do blame anime for highers than average levels of autism we tend to see.

Good lord, is it any wonder no one wants to do research in this field of psychology?

Scientist: Huh, I wonder if if there are certain aspects of anime such as its nontraditional gender norms and the fact that it is associated with socially awkward individuals means that higher levels of watching anime is associated with being trans.


lol iirc the (((scientist))) in the twitter thinks trans ppl are just super gays or something

hes not wrong

I thought all social science and liberal arts was fake though? Are you saying this is an exception?

I have my master's in a social science field so it would be weird if I thought that was true.

master's in a social science field

my condolences

They are not trans. Its called girl (male).

Actually sounds plausible tbh

Calling Blanchard the creepy villain from Sense8, Mr. Whispers.

Of course they had to filter it through pop culture.

Ray Blanchard is my favorite drama catalyst.

"Anime turned my kid trans!" This is real. This isn't a parody, it's freaking Whispers blaming anime for making people trans. I can't even, he's beyond parody.

I've seen satire Facebook pages that read like this, this nonsense could come straight from a parody of a conservative Christian organisation warming about the dangers of satanic poke-a-mans turning your kids gay.

I love it how nerds will sperg at the mere thought of someone taking away their vidya.

we could always use more traps

She literally has anime and a (presumably) trans furry in her banner. You can't make this up.