T_D refuses to believe that Arizonans could ever vote democrat, accuses democrats of stuffing ballot boxes and causing a coup.

1  2018-11-13 by MortalWombat5


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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The FEMA camps should have been real.

Unironic chemtrails for rednecks

Death panels when?

tbqfh, it does seem extremely odd.

State with two moderate republican senators has one forced out by Trump and the other one repeatedly mocked as he dies of brain cancer, leading to electing a moderate dem? Yeah that's just shocking.

I'm still recovering from the circus show where McCain is some sort of a statesman.

One of the effects of electing Trump is that by comparison, practically everyone seems like Thomas Jefferson by comparison

Democrats embracing George W. Bush is the timeline nobody thought possible.

Yet, here we are...

I'm just testing whether youre actually reading these replies before moving on to the next talking point.

You need more milk for /r/drama

i just wish mitt romney would stay relevant, hes a real qt some days

He just got himself elected as a Senator from Utah. Not that that was hard for him or anything, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be hearing more from him in the coming years.

oh shit 😍😍😍

Apparently DDF aren't happy about that one either cuz muh RINO, but anyone who expected differently from Mormon Land is a dumbass

Democrats have literally zero memory or convictions, who woulda thought

I'm not sure if I've ever seen projection as blatant as this.

The party of the crossing the ailes to get shit tier healthcare passed, get the iraq war approved, lmao.

we get it you're a fanboi for the dems

Lol. Your daddy just shitposts on Twitter and changes his mind on policy mid-sentence. The worst thing is: his fanboys follow him along for the ride, lockstep.

91% of Republicans approve of daddy as of November 5th.

Shit tier healthcare is better than no healthcare tbh. I wish there was no compromise with the retard wing because they'd hate it regardless.

Trump is a faggot, and so are you.

There are no good political option in America

I'd bet you're projecting here too. Lmao. Low T meme is for little bitchbois

We live in a society.

McCain was unironically dank as fuck get his name out yo mouth

One thing about McCain, he actually gave a shit about the country. Doesn't mean he made good choices.

All the average burger new about McCain was that he was old and a vet, which makes him cool.

It is called "Not voting straight ticket" Basically means, instead of just voting all R or D, you vote for the ones you think would do the best job in the position they are running for.

I know, it is a very strange concept and hard for many who are batshit crazy, but it happens a lot.

I just don't see people who voted McCain as a Senator - even after Palin debacle - to somehow change their mind in such great numbers.

It's fucking Arizona.

Kinda helps the R ticket in this race was lead by someone who wanted to take away a large percent of the state’s healthcare if she made it to the senate. Shocking people pick having healthcare over a minuscule tax break.

Well, it is all about comparison and where the bar is set at this point in time. Right now, the bar has been dropped into the ocean and we might need Cameron to go lift it for us.

Lol Trump shit all over their elected war veteran senator dying of brain cancer. I’m sure the people who liked McCain just loved that.

It is an illegal coup, and though it is in Arizona, it is for the US Senate and therefore is a coup on the federal government. They are really trying to push this to an actual hot war, aren't they?


Tbh the fact that they describe a coup as "illegal" tells you eberything you need to know about these people's iq.

Well it's as opposed to the legal kind of coup where people exercise the right to vote and remove, over a period of years, the current administration and legislature from office. It's just the illegal kind when it's ur guys

See I was leaning more towards their use of the phrase "hot war"

When Obama was president, a right wing nut job said the military should overthrow him because uhh, tyranny or something. So they do believe in "legal" coups (AKA REEEEEEEEEEEEEE a Democrat who won an election!).

The very notion that they could even consider a peaceful transfer of power after an election to be a coup tells you just about everything we need to know about their mental acuity.

Your shocked why? They can't handle losing especially a red state/district as they can't wrap their heads around why people will vote democrat. No different than why liberals have problems with women voting republican.

Well it is a little different bc liberals generally don't call for a violent coup when a seat flips

No, but that doesn't mean they don't call for violence either as they in fact do.


bird-brain emoji

What did he mean by this?

I've been to Arizona and I have a tough time believing Arizona citizens voted anywhere near dem as well

Both of their previous Republican senators were Trump enemies. The story of the midterm was the GOP losing affluent suburbs.

I think the Dem candidate is basically a DINO.

/u/Cdace I didn't know you were running for office.

One of my lizardpeople subordinates actually

True. She’s a centrist and tries to represent her constituents.

I don't know her position on things, but if shes moderate/centeralist I can see them voting her in.

Not condoning this... but if Russia decided to, you know, nuke us... they'd wipe out 90% of the democrats and leave most of the republicans alone.

Remember that it's the left that's violent

wanting a foreign country to nuke your cities


Turning your country into a THERMONUCLEAR WASTELAND to OWN THE LIBS

I live in a warhead 25 city so finally ican be released from this purgatory

(Dog in MAGA hat stands in front of mushroom cloud in the distance)

"This is fine."

dude don't be facetious - he clearly stated that he would not condone such a hypothetical action, that came up organically in conversation, apropos of nothing.

Get that man a lead apron!

Imagine how shitty America would be without its large cities

Does this genius think the missile silos and energy infrastructure dotted all over flyoveristan aren't priority targets?

T. Minuteman retard

(Not u op)

That, and the source of food. I know "soylent" is a maymay, but city dwellers don't actually consume that much of the stuff.

both sides suck

not very centrist of you comrade

Rofl. The Republicans were advocating that some absentee votes shouldn't be counted. Then as SOON as the Democrat was in the lead they did a 180 and said "no wait we need to count all the votes!!

Finding out that their "red wave" couldn't even get them three Senate seats should cause some serious reeeeing.

Well the “red wave” did cancel the blue wave mainly. There was no massive changes. Kind of like wave physics xxddd

Things are still going, maybe not massive but may be big.

Prepare for an utter implosion if things also don't go their way in Florida

The pede reeeeeeing if FL goes blue will be amazing. I fully expect a crazy MAGAtard will shoot a place up if either of the two races being recounted go for the Dems.

Oh, whoever T_D tries to blame the loss on would legitimately need full time protection.

are you on crack ?

its the best Dem mid term showing since 1974, and all the late contests tilted to the Dems

they did great by any measurement

Imagine srs reposting to my shitpost


There was no massive changes in terms of seats changed, but how various elections went down did/are causing a massive change. For example Beto losing to Cruz by only a couple of percentage points. That's pretty big I say for a state like Texas.

tfw u do a coup but forget to actually target the state government 😵😵😵

T_D can’t fathom that not everyone votes straight ticket.

their lack of centrism is troubling.

I’m bowing out friends. We seem to be up against impossible forces with no chance of winning. If we can’t even trust our election systems anymore, what else is left? Wake me up when we actually do something to fight back. Until then, I’ll sit around and watch the remains of our great country turn to dust. The only thing I’m excited for is watching all the idiots that voted for these people get fucked in the ass by their own policies.

Going to be honest; watching T_D mind shatter when reality slaps them gets me harder than yer nan, m8

I'm surprised people were able to stop smoking meth long enough to vote

Trump supporters are sore losers

They’re sore winners to so it really shouldn’t be surprising.

This is not "odd", this is FRAUD.

The wheels are coming off the Republic right before our eyes. Sadly, Republicans don't know how to fight back against the corruption and lies that are the Democrat party. We just don't think or act in a way that can match this, for lack of a better word, evil.

There is little to hope for, this is going to get much worse. Without the constraints of decency and moral values this is going to get much worse. Florida and Arizona will go the way of California and give us no way forward towards reestablishing our Constitutional Republic. I fear it is over.

TIL that counting all votes is FRAUD. Seriously, have any of these brain damaged loons ever been through an election before? Votes are almost NEVER completely counted on Election day, most of the time it just is such a gap between them it is certain that one of them has won.

See this is why i say that dems winning is better drama, republican winnings all you get is /r/politics "Democracy is at threat its a dark day for america" while TD when its upset: "DEEPSTATE COUP, WE MUST WARN THE MILITARY AND PREPARE PEDES"

the dems would create an elaborate conspiracy to stuff ballots but only get a conservative dem elected and not enough to actually take the senate.

It is an illegal coup, and though it is in Arizona, it is for the US Senate and therefore is a coup on the federal government. They are really trying to push this to an actual hot war, aren't they?

This is the post that keeps on giving.