Top ten drama farming subreddits

1  2018-11-13 by crowsigil

Top Ten DramaFarming Subreddits:

  1. unpopularopinion
  2. The_Daddy
  3. AgainstHateSubreddits
  4. News
  5. AmItheAsshole
  6. ChapoTrapHouse
  7. TrollXChromosomes
  8. Vegan
  9. confession 10 Worldnews

Are there any that I missed? Comment ur idiotic opinions below 🤩😘


Not a single gaming subreddit? smdh

Sorry I don't care about gamers 😎

Oh hi, Blizzard.

r/politics you fucking retard

r/politics is a massive herd of mayos chortling about how right they are. Is that really drama? #🙊 😎

It is whenever Bernie, political violence, idpol, or Hillary are brought up.



SRDines are peak lolcow material tbh

Yes but their subreddit hurts my eyes

You forgot /r/self.

Needs more r/tulpas

Also r/witchcraft and r/occult
