Porn sites are falsely accusing no-fappers of being anti-semitic writes no-fapper u\Jewish-God-is-Satan.

1  2018-11-13 by mohkohnsepicgun



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I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Thought this applied to everyone, do I need to change my worldviews? It's already collapsing.

One day everyone will give snapshillbot questions unironically.

MGTOW and no fap combined. i honestly can't think of anything more pathetic. I used to think suicide was never the solution but I'm not so sure about that anymore

also how is the no fap movement even real just stop touching your penis holy shit hahahahaha

I think we found an answer to

I don't know who is jewing who anymore.

To be this autistic a miss a point, it takes a real ____________ with _______ who _______ those who ___________.

Happened a lot in MDE too. My favorite thing to say was that Islamophobia is pushed by scared jews to prevent the only ideology capable of solving the western degeneracy problem from growing. And that Christianity in itself is a Jewish religion made to control white people HAHAHA. It was fun to see some nazis actually starting to appreciate islam because muh joose

Bonus: syrian refugees were a jewish plan to make the west hate muslims and leftist jews supported them to grow unrest and deflect attention from them

That's why MDE was lit, you could just shitpost in ways never seen before

And that Christianity in itself is a Jewish religion made to control white people HAHAHA

There are a bunch of pagan NEETs who believe this and LARP as norse mythology characters. The cure for autism can't come soon enough

Yeah we had resident pagan larpers in MDE too. It was funny to see them pretend that there is any link between what larpers think is paganism and what it was before. Especially since there almost no record of the exact practices of said pagans

There are much better records of Hellenic religious practices than pretty much any other pagan religion in Europe, and yet there seem to be many more Celtic, Germanic, and Slavic pagan larpers than Greek or Italian larpers. Is it because the colder the climate, the more autistic the people?

Nah its because catholicism is just Hellenic 2.0 this time only with Zeus, Heracles, and Heracles momma instead.

do you mean varg

Christianity was a Jewish plot to destroy Rome

omg i owned some mdes!


Bonus: syrian refugees were a jewish plan to make the west hate muslims and leftist/right winger jewish plants supported or hated them to grow unrest and deflect attention from them

There are other far right ideologies that say that the Jews are intentionally turning europe Muslim due to some kind of deal with Saudi Arabia? I'm pretty sure a lot of people believe both conspiracy theories simultaneously somehow.

Imagine being proud you didn't touch your peener for more than a day.

One time I whacked it 15 times in a single day just to see if I could.

Did it still not die?

What happened from sessions 4-15? I dry wheeze?

Still counts

Salt comes out after 20.

After 3-4 times in a row it's completely dry for me

It's called a ghost load, and it counts.

We owe a lot to pioneers like you.

By the fifth time it had stopped feeling good and by the ninth it was painful.

No surrender!

Can’t get off with a woman, can’t get yourself off. These are the times a man really needs to turn to his fellow men to relieve the burden of being an enlightened MGTOW.

homosexuality is a jewish plot to exterminate white people

having fun is a judaic trap

judaic traps are gay

Still kosher tho

Civilization is a Jewish trick

this but unironically

This comment was made by Anarcho-primitivo-fascism gang

I'd let you fuck my wife if you were anarcho-primitivo-syndicalist, but sadly you choose fascist

This but christianity pilled. Made to cuck whites. Mah allah have his caliphate.

r/mgtowwom could assist in such an endeavor

holy fuck u/geraldo42 is a mod 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

And creator.

good work man

wait is r/MGTOW really like the comments in OP or r they brigaded? knew they were beta tards but didnt know they were mdefugee-tier 😯😯😯

mgtows are usually redpilled, with everything that comes with that. Some of them try to distance the movement from political redpills but it's hopeless imo

You're surprised that there's crossover? Radical ideologies that mainly attract young men and teens have had really fuzzy boundaries since ~2014.

This is how we get nazifur trannies

Why are m*leoids like this?

If you put a lot of young men in one place, they start developing really weird ideologies.

A lot of places that were once merely pathetic have become infested.

Suicide isn't the solution, massive amounts of hormone theropy is, they already hate other women, that's like halfway there in mental transitioning.

Being proud of your lack of masturbation is what serial killers do.

also how is the no fap movement even real just stop touching your penis holy shit hahahahaha

youd be surprised how many pathetic people are "addicted" to wacking it constantly

Not even hiding it

The fucking level of irony this guy is on will never be achieved.

It's literally always the fucking Jews to these people, I don't know how such a small group of people has so many autists up in arms about them but I am uniroincally impressed

Tbf it's a really nice warning flag, like people who are flat earthers or believe in the female orgasm 🤣

It's literally always the fucking Jews to these people



lol jews

When a minority is less successful on average than the nation at large on average, they are hated. When a minority is more successful on average, people start heating up the ovens for them.

Not really true. It is always the jews. Nobody is warming up the ovens for Asians, and they are way more successful than white people.

Maybe it's always the jews because it really is always the jews?

Lmao. "Those niggers are calling me racist! Can you believe it?!"

You must not be Jewish. At our last Control The World meeting we told the Blacks to do that. Shhhhh....

Every time some Aut-Rightist calls people "cucks," it is your duty to remind them of this.

Also, Trump is one of the most pro- Jewish presidents we've ever had, so alt-right Trump supporters are the real cucks.

yeah but liberal jews are crying so loudly in jewishtimes so bless Trump's jewish grandchildren.

This or Roger Stone.

yeah im sure mainstream media outlets are going to to convince them

I don't care about convincing them, tbh. I just want onlookers to laugh at them.

I don't care about convincing them, tbh. I just want onlookers to laugh at them.

how is it any different to the articles about russian hackers or how all conservatives are dumb and poor though

its just pandering to stupid people who consider themselves educated, nobody real takes these things seriously anymore

Statistically, they're very likely to have cuckoldry fantasies themselves.

sjws literally always project lol, when they come out with this stuff its because pop culture has started making a joke of it and their only tactic is madlibs

Firstly, I'm not a SJW. I love my male privilege. I just also like universal healthcare and I want to do something about the environment.

Secondly, I'm not projecting at all. The article I linked to actually describes me pretty well. I'd be considered a liberal, and I'm into BDSM.

Firstly, I'm not a SJW.

im talking about american media writers, theyre hilariously defensive and have zero subtlety

I just also like universal healthcare and I want to do something about the environment.

yeah for sure, did you know that you could have healthcare if you stopped giving shit to random illegal brown people instead

and that the only way to protect the environment is to go full hitler on the third world and cripple their progress

I'd be considered a liberal, and I'm into BDSM.

ok not entirely sure how to take that

I'm just saying that the survey was right about me.

And I'm a brown person (what you'd call a "talented tenther") so why the hell would I want to discriminate against myself? Let working-class white Americans (and Convicts, can't forget them) be the ones to get screwed, for a change. It's not as if their culture is worthy of preservation. It's a crappy knockoff of the crappiest culture in Europe.

you heard it here first

only whites can be racist against brown people

because brown people are totally not racist to other brown people fucking ever. lmao

What does that even have to do with anything? Yeah, we're racist as fuck too. I'm just saying that my targets actually deserve it, okay?

I'm just saying that my targets actually deserve it, okay?

it didn't actually have anything to do with anything, I was just wondering how quickly you would admit to this. You've saved us both a lot of time and I appreciate that.















le epic internet argument win














lol youre retarded

so why the hell would I want to discriminate against myself?

youre presumably not illegal though, like youre allowed in your own country

the cost of living isnt cheap and youre subsidizing it in lieu of having your own safety nets

the only real realistic way to make some utopian self sufficient leisure paradise is basically national socialism and purges but nobody wants to hear it lol

i mean either that or hold rich people accountable but i think you know which is more likely

It's a crappy knockoff of the lamest culture in Europe.

white people culture is literally everything you know that isnt dirt and ruins, thats why people take it for granted

without white culture the entire world would be like liberia, we got that way by subjugating savages but thats racist now apparently

the only real realistic way to make some utopian self sufficient leisure paradise is basically national socialism

What the fuck are you on about? The Third Reich was horribly organized. It just had enough manpower and resources to delay the consequences of its inefficiency. This was true down to every last detail of their operation: stuff like their tanks being overengineered and horrible at adapting to real-life circumstances. Or Hitler wasting resources on one-shot weapons like the V1 and V2 rockets, and then trying to use the V2 on a precision target like a retard. Or sacrificing an entire line of jet-powered bombers in a (failed) attempt to bring down one bridge. Or Hitler’s decision to give a degenerate neckbeard like Heinrich Himmler a position of authority.

Maybe you’re just an edgy moron and you’re saying that a utopian leisure paradise is only possible under a centralized, hierarchical state that more or less does away with civil liberties. I’d actually kinda agree with you on this, but I’d point you to Singapore as an example of what such a society would actually look like (I know that Singapore is a city-state. I’m painting with broad strokes here. It still has more people than any of the Baltic states, or Uruguay). And before you try to credit the white “race” for Singapore’s advancements, it was a dirt-poor wreck that the British neglected for basically the entire history of the empire. All of Singapore’s material advancements came after it became independent.

white people culture

What is “white people culture?” Moldova? Ireland? Ashkenazi Jews? East Germany? Argentina? And again, all over Asia, you’ll find societies that began to prosper after they got their independence. The British and the Dutch and the Belgians (and Burgers, lest we forget the Philippines) just viewed their colonial holdings as cash cows. The only European power that kinda tried to reinvest in its colonies a bit was France.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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First time I triggered this bot.

What the fuck are you on about? The Third Reich was horribly organized.

yeah im not saying literal third reich its hyperbole

im saying unless the west adopts extreme nationalism were always going to be dragged down by shit poor countries

globalism means your quality of life goes down as long as there are people worse off than you

and considering youre in like the top 0.1% as far as quality of life goes you prob dont want to share like that, if you want shit like healthcare anyway

It just had enough manpower and resources to delay the consequences of its inefficiency.

i mean tbh its not ideal to be fighting the entire world at the same time, and it turns out when you win a war you can just say anything you want about the losers

Or Hitler wasting resources on one-shot weapons like the V1 and V2 rockets

i also hate space travel

more or less does away with civil liberties.

not necessarily, just of other countries

if a country focused internally instead of trying to fix the world at the citizens expense then they could have anything they wanted


thats just authoritarianism, and im pretty sure theyre only isolated out of convenience

What is “white people culture?

the literal entire modern world

do you see buildings and have plumbing? are there vehicles? electricity? is there a lack of warlords massacring people with machetes? then your country is very much influenced by white culture

shit countries are shit because theyre not emulating white people well enough, whereas the successful ones that drag themselves out of the third world have modernised or adapted a white lifestyle

Ashkenazi Jews?

lol dude top jokes pretty sure everyone knows theyre neanderthals

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Of all the examples you could have chosen, poo in loo is what you went with? Dude, do you have any idea how many civilizations all over the world developed plumbing independently? Way, way more than have independently developed writing. And I thought Australians knew more about Asia than your average mayo.

Of all the examples you could have chosen, poo in loo is what you went with?

its about modern systems not pale imitations and a hole dug in the ground

and im talking about shit like india where toilets are a luxury

Republicans fantasise about cuckolrdy

Democrats don't

What connects Republicans and Democrats, I believe, is that their fantasies are at least partly driven by what they can’t have.

Connect the dots

Republicans also reported more fantasies with voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something known as “cuckolding,” which involves watching one’s partner have sex with someone else.


I love the contrast between their title and the comments 'Call a Jew a Jew, and you will see how he recoils'

No shit. For all the "muh western civilization" shit, scratch the surface and you'll often find an outright nihilist.

or another thing that starts with 'n'

do women having anything comparable to nofap? i cant think of anything. maybe letting armpit hair grow.


Most women don't need nofap, because it is within semen that the life-force of those with semen-producing facilities lies. For more information, see /r/semenretention.

When your title game is so on point that nothing else needs to be said.

Who would win in a fight?

NoFappers or incels?

NoFappers or incels

There's too much cross-over in that venn diagram.

Either the people who run the porn companies are jews, or not. I don't know which, but if it's true, it's true.