One of the boys from BTS wore a shirt with a nuke on it. In Japan.

1  2018-11-13 by Ghdust2


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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pretty WOKE for an effeminate kpopper 😎😎😎

Honestly, cancel anyone involved with BTS on any side, it's gone too far

And r/aznidentity wonders why pan asianism is such a joke lmao

I laughed at this shit cause it’s the first time me hearing about it. Lol at those dumbasses who’ve never stepped on Chinar before

Based gooks

What is this bts shit?

It's a K-Pop group. Think mass produced, gook versions of One Direction. But with dyed hair so people can tell them apart.


Koreans and Japanese hadan uneasy history before the US taught them to get along.

korean/japanese relations are worse because of america not better

Uh no. Did you forget WWII?

No, what I do know is that the US actions lead to the Korea split and they appointed a Korean who hated Japan as it's first president which only worsened relations.

Imperial Japan literally raped Korea.

burger education

the first korean president was a terrorist who fled to hawaii after trying to assassinate the general governor of korea

rhee was apart of the Yangban and was a slave owner, before annexation 43% of koreans had been slaves, after annexation slavery was abolished, obviously this would make a slave owner mad and biased against japan

yet america thought he would be the person who should rule korea

Sounds like a bunch of noise. Eisenhower told Japan and China to chill.

and let the ccp gain power

They didn’t have to do that. They could have accepted American freedom.

you think chinks would do that?

and they didnt exactly have a choice

How many of you are there?

about 22

before annexation 43% of koreans had been slaves, after annexation slavery was abolished

o boy, almost ate this bait hook, line, and sinker

the first korean president was a terrorist who fled to hawaii after trying to assassinate the general governor of korea

wouldn't trying to assassinate japanese government officials make him an archetypal japanese patriot though

no because otoya yamaguchi only killed communists

are you even fucken Japanese dude, I was obviously referring to the "government by assassination" of the 1930s not to Katana Boy


do i sound like a goddamn japanese look at my reddit history and my user name

i dont know what its called in english

i google translated it, yeah we're talking about basically the same thing

but the whole period not just the one Incident. this stuff kept happening. large scale and small

i dont really know much about it

its not exactly covered well

who has time for history when you gotta memorize how to write ten thousand different blobs of squiggly lines

That guy must have a set of brass balls dangling.

ok i was gonna take the anti-japanese position on this one but it's not just "with a nuke on it" it's literally a bunch of engrish nonsense about patriotic liberation of korea and then a picture of the actual Hiroshima cloud specifically

Korean viewpont is just crazy

Holy hell, the absoute audacity.