Disney World BTFO former Marine Daddy Defense Force Member

1  2018-11-13 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


This is why we need mayocide.


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Cini had been temporarily banned from Disney World property in 2017 for a similar incident, but management eventually decided to let him back in. He noted how that stunt involved a 20-foot “Trump 2020” banner and was done in a much more public place — just outside of the Main Street Railroad Station in Magic Kingdom.

“The first time might have been borderline inciting the crowd, and they called me back and said they’d let me in,” Cini explained. “The second time, I just help up a small sign…and I did not incite a crowd. So I actually proved my own theory. That they kicked me out ’cause of the context of the sign and not the policy.”

cudnt b that u were some mong they banned but decided to give an extra chance, and then started pushing limits again? no... 🤔🤔🤔

so i actually proved my own theory

t. galaxy brain tier autist

It's a stunning misapplication of logic. In his mind he's being all scientific and shit.

It's not like places generally have lower tolerance for repeat rulebreakers and people who are generally annoying mongs constantly trying to stir shit up 🤔

Imagine being this autistic that you get banned from Disney World

I did something retarded and they kicked me out for it.

WTF I thought this was America!?!?!?!


I've done multiple retarded things despite repeated warnings that my actions would get me permanently banned and now I'm permanently banned

Obviously Disney is discriminating against this upstanding pede.

Obviously proof of the deep state jewish cabal who wants to steal our semen!!1!1!!111

Cini, an annual pass-holder with over 1,000 days in the parks

Maybe they were just tired of seeing his damn face every day.

Can you get PTSD that turns you into a man child?

Fucking hell 1000 days

I spent a week in Disney world with family 5 years ago and by day 5 I was so fed up i just said fuck it, fuck you guys, and proceeded get plastered as I made my way around epcot. Couldn't imagine doing that 200 times.

I’m going to do a week there with my girlfriend probably in April next year. I’m dreading it.

Best way to drink ‘round the world.

Disney Park superfans are far worse degenerates than even the most autistic politard.

Disney Deep State. This is what happens when you try to take trump for a ride.

I like how they make sure you know he's a military veteran as if it was relevant in the slightest. Well except maybe more proof that we need better mental health care for ex-military.

Lol he is such an attention whore

Must be nice to get government checks instead of having to go to work every day.

Say what you want about Bojack, but that segment on the troops was fantastic

Shit, maybe he really does have PTSD and he's become an autistic attention whore.

Forty Disney employees escorted me out,” recalled Dion Cini, 49.

I'm sure that's excalty how it went down.

getting kicked out of a children's entertainment attraction to own the libs

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