u/CrosbyStillzandSwag can eat my ass

1  2018-11-14 by Momruepari


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Best one yet

How does he keep doing it

trademark still isn't bussy


Highwaymen > Crosby Stills Nash Young

liiiiterrrally the 20th century's most majestic track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q3j-i7GLr0

This is what purgatory sounds like

Ok thats it, I'm about to search through your whole post history and find your favorite band about which I will also say thoughtless, barbaric things, and it will hurt more than this egregious slight to my idols because CSNY are actually not my favorite band, although they do have the #2 and #8 spots on my favorite albums list.

smh, I'm guessing you probably like to listen to Mumford and Dick

No I like obscure faggy art rock so I can feel smug about music

King Crimson?

Plebe shit

Oh so you don't listen to the good artfag rock, thats what I thought

The only people who like King Crimson are trailer trash Tool fans who think it makes them look sophisticated.

psssh I don't think I've even heard a tool song before, unless you count

I love you for the pretentious kike you are 😘😘😘😚


My proudest moment as a father happened the first time I heard Mumford and Son. Their song started playing and I asked, "What the fuck is this?" My son said, "Gay English Bluegrass." That's when I knew he would turn out alright. I bought us steaks that night.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

more like so fag more like so fag

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jesus christ

i'm usually a good little libshit but you say the mean homo word one damn time...

He only does it when you give pleb opinions on the most beautiful soaring melodies ever heard by the human ear you thot

Spirit of Eden by Talk Talk is the greatest soundscape ever made. This is non-negotiable.

I like Talk Talk but ngl, "Such a Shame" is my favorite song by them. At least I listen to the album version with the wonky first two minutes.

I prefer their later, more experimental music, but I do love their early synth pop stuff too.

I'll give Spirit of Eden a listen tomorrow

hmmm only song ive heard by them is It's My Life. And not the Talk Talk version but the No Doubt cover

ok just listened to the whole thing. First 3 tracks were great. Last 3 made me snooze

I think that’s the opinion that a lot of people have of it. I think the whole thing is great, but definitely those first three tracks are the stronger part of the album.

good recommendation tho

Jefferson Airplane did it better (can't beat Grace Slick), just like your boys did that one Joni Mitchell song better.

But this is Boomer shit.

nah dude stephen stills' lead playing elevates the csn version. I like the JA one okay but I don't like the way they phrase the chorus, its too herky jerky sounding

My ass got dragged to their concerts twice by my ex-wife. Once at Shoreline in Mountain View CA in the late 80's, and again in the early 90's at some venue near Albany NY. Some of the gayest shit I've seen. We also went to dead shows in the Bay Area in the late 80's and early 90's, and those were fun. You could have a hell of a weekend without ever leaving the parking lot.

/I don't say "hella" anymore.

I don't doubt you one bit but can CSN really be the gayest shit you've ever seen being a 50+ year old man that uses r/Drama?

You got me there. When I think about it, I've seen a lot gayer shit then wannabe hippie boys dancing around in tie dyes.


By the way, almost 50. 49 and will be 50 in about 4 months.

We also went to dead shows in the Bay Area in the late 80's and early 90's, and those were fun.

Jesus you're my parents age

has to be the oldest on this sub. unless theres a bunch of senior citizens lurking

Soon. Senior citizen discounts. Look out fucking IHOP!

more like so fag

I rape ur mom

thank you, father

now that I think about it PPL is probably a better comparison

If you push the chins together and smear shit under his neck you can pretend its bussy

Ruepari posting 😍😍

I like the thumnail

YIKES 😬😬😬 this guys name is "i rape ur mom" backwards y'all. its problematic some1 stickied this folks 😀

dadruepari > momruepari

200 IQ mensa club Controller over here

Glorious, you have filled the meme void after Tia left

who be this Tia you speak of?

Meme expert, top of his class

thats nice, who made it?

You have channeled your avant-grade.

Band-pride boomer or meme-pride zoomer? I hope to see you both in the lowest circles of hell while I trip the light fantastic.