Drama queen felt ignored, degraded, and that she was touched inappropriately by man trying to do his job.

1  2018-11-14 by Tessmcpill


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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$50 this is a white woman with a I need to speak with your manager haircut (its probably got a bad color job as well).

No you’re thinking about the old Boomer models. This sounds like a middle class zoomer with a ponytail as to suggest fitness.

It's not an age based haircut, its a fat chick haircut.

I understand it was a first session and was free at that...

This is the kind of person you'd give free fries to but would ask to speak to the manager because they got extra ketchup.

I may have been given free fries, but an employee should always know all of my needs. I'm a very busy person, and I shouldn't be inconvenienced because people don't know how to do their job. It just so happens I have type 2 diabetes, and extra ketchup can cause my blood sugar to elevate to dangerous levels. You'd know that if you asked me. But instead you belittled me, most likely because I'm a woman. I want to speak to the regional manager!

And an unapologetic fattie

Woah, I remember you commenting on a post of mine from five years ago. Couldn‘t really believe seeing u/wildlikechildren at the bottom of this. Brings back memories of me being in a better place.

Go outside.