Progressive skeptics expose Jordan Peterson. His supporters annihilated.

1  2018-11-14 by kokdeblade


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Oh joy a psychologist knows how to lie and exaggerate well and is using it for selfish ends.

That's never been heard of before.

Peterson is skeptical of the models used to predict climate change

If there is one thing to be suspicious of it would be the thing least talked about.

Tbh this is an example of Peterson taking shit about fields outside his area of expertise. Climate models have consistently predicted the temperature changes we're seeing, but he's a psychologist/philosopher who thinks he knows more than a layman about climate science.

Pretty much. I work in the industry and they do vary but we can get a general view of what will happen.

But imagine taking Memerson seriously tho.

The mods are clearly wrong. You can acknowledge that global warming is genuinely occurring while still admitting that all forecasts in the past have been seriously off. I remember what the predictions were when I was, and we didn't shit to stave any of it off. But things are noticeably better than the scaremongering of the 90s said we'd be. Yet the ice caps still exist and I don't have to wear a reflective suit when I go outside. And that's a real problem, because it does cause people to dismiss the idea altogether.

Environmentalists did too much scaremongering in the 90s in an attempt to get things moving, and the scientists got in on it. And now it's harder than ever to convince people that this is real despite it being far better established scientifically now than it was then.

All models are going to be wrong, but climate models are pretty accurate given that they are predicting decades out and without knowledge of changes in human behavior / tech. All the arguments against them feel like quibbling over 10-20% errors and short term deviations while the long term trend shows the world warming up 80-90% on schedule.

The real secret is that it won't really matter all that much to the wealthy and those in wealthy counties. Climate change is a poor person crisis and a rich person's mild inconvenience for the foreseeable future.

Powerful stuff from a climate science denial group led by the former senior lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University.

It's seriously every time with you climate skeptics 😂😂😂

RA Fisher (google him) believed the statistical arguments for cigarette smoking being harmful were not persuasive. Anybody can be wrong, that's why science weighs global consensus a lot more than lone scientists working with lobbying groups run by exercise scientists.

still not refuting the argument that modern climate models are wildly incorrect

Did you even read the paper you posted? It's not even about them being wildly innacurate, just an argument that the uncertainty levels are too high to prove the role of human activity in climate change. And given that one of their main arguments is a cherrypicked (the next graph is from a couple years later and basically refutes it) graph that almost has the observations outside the 95 percent confidence bands it's not super convincing.

denying science


If your bitcoins ever recover you should capitalize on your insights and buy some cheap real estate in a coastal flood plain.

EPS is retarded. Theyre claiming since he went on pragerU and hes skeptical of people pushing climate change, THEN HE MUST BE A CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER!

He lays out it out pretty clearly here in 5 minutes

tl:dw "are you going to stop driving your cars? Are you going to stop using electricity? Are you going to stop heating your house? Then no, nothing will change."

Bedroom status Clean

I'm not gonna read all that you sexy ass nigga

Buckos, this is what happens when you let your penis get cheesy