Circlebroke2 are upset that fat people are considered unattractive

1  2018-11-14 by POST_BUSSY


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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I guarantee a plus size model puts more effort into her appearance than most all of the dudes posting in that thread

To bad a dozen layers of makeup doesn’t remove fat.

Yeah I spend 2 hours in the gym lifting and swimming, but the fat bitch who never works out puts more effort into her looks because she paints it every morning?

Well, I'm sure it's a actually a lot of effort to lug around all those swollen pockets of rancid vegetable oil fat that she's added to her body through many more hours of eating than you. So yes, she has put more effort into her "look" than you have.

It is a lot of effort. Just ask her skeletal system.

Well, by definition:

Work = energy

Energy = mass x acceleration

Ergo, the fatter you are, the more mass you have and the more work you do. The real slackers who do less work are all those physically fit (not fat) people out there. To them I say “get off your perfectly formed slender asses you trim bastards!”.


mass * acceleration is Force.

Work done is calculated by taking the line integral of the Force through the displacement.

What you’re saying is factually correct - I should have multiplied by distance, so the full equation for the work fat women do is as follows:

Work = weight (kg) x acceleration (m/s squared) x distance + EL

where EL (emotional labor) = [BMI (of woman) x penis length (of man)] / height (of man)

Force = mass * acceleration

Work = force * displacement

It's gonna balance itself out. Fatties with high mass is gonna move a lot less, therefore having less displacement.

Energy = mass x acceleration

Fuck off mouthbreathing moron.

Too bad 2 hours at the gym won't make you taller.

I'm 5'10. Not the tallest guy in the world, but not short enough to have manlet rage. I'm good 😎

Motherfuckers in here even have centrist height.

King of manlets is still manlet.




Wew I'm sorry your majesty I didn't know we were entertaining royalty here

King of manlets is still manlet.

As a 5'11" manlet, this guy def isn't King of the Manlets



hmmmm at u

You're borderline, either bow to your leader or ascend. The chart doesn't lie.

This chart is ancient, I'm def a manlet.

Being taller makes your penis look smaller due to relativity. Or so I tell myself between sobs every night next to the 5'7.5" Mark on the Wall next to my bed.

Hey buddy, don't worry, at least you're a foot taller than Ben Shapiro

This true, tho. It’s why male pornstars are generally short

Manlet here. You gotta work with what you have lol.

The difference is there are people that find fat women hot. Just because you can't imagine this doesn't mean it isn't common. Sorry if that makes you mad.

Plenty of gay tops love short guys.

Not really, Its just low standards. No guy actually prefers a fatty over a fit woman.

I'm not a guy (I am a girl, and I am into girls but prefer slim women) but I am in a discord group with mostly guys (about 15-20) who play video games together and stuff, and we have a NSFW channel. Like 75% of the porn posted there are chubby women or even fat women to most people. So I don't know if thats true. When someone has porn, they have a variety of options, but they choose chubby women because low standards? Makes no sense.

Granted most of us are in our late 20s. I've been in discord channels with mostly early 20s and some late-teenagers, and their NSFW channels usually have more slim women. It might just be an age/generation thing.

nice fanfiction

Everyone prefers at least 2 steps above their station. Fatty uggos fantasize about fit uglies or fats with good faces.

Not really that hard.

Also nobody's peddling the average NEET to be the next sex symbol.

I never get this weird concept where you deserve something just because you worked hard. A mentally deficient person could study for 10 hours every day but they still not get a degree because he just can't pass the test.

Because of the pervasive desire we, as a culture, have for people to have "earned" what they have. It makes us feel better to think just things happen and the billionaires/drug addicted homeless deserve their lot in life. It all kind of collapses when you realize that even work ethic is heritable but as a myth it's socially useful.

Lmao these incels don’t realize that putting effort into your appearance doesn’t equal making yourself more attractive. Put lipstick on a pig still leaves you with an ugly fuckin pig

It's not easy to find time to sit around and eat that much food. So yes; they have to work hard to be that unattractive

I don't need to put as much effort in my appearance because I'm not a fan fuck. Im just beautiful all the time

i'm in voice chat right now with a gay man and two other transwomen talking about this thread, and the gay dude was like '80% of the men i come into contact with don't even put effort into their looks, including hygiene' lmao

Imagine getting so mad about a Reddit thread that you cry about it IRL

gay man and two other transwomen

Never change cb2.

A gay man and 2 trans women walk into a bar...

They are offended.

Wtf not all gays are offended at everything. This comment is homophobic and should be banned.


Three men walk out.

Do actual women even use this website???

Are you calling all those Transwomen not women?!?!? /s

Yes and we spend our time shit posting on here or weebing out like a lady.

He originally wanted to say it was "4 guys" but then he realised it wouldn't be as convincing argument.

Sounds like a treasure trove of bussy, where do I sign up

Imagine caring about Victoria's Secret.

reddit turbo nerds construing mockery / laughter at people such as themselves as 'getting mad' or 'crying' lmao


[you guys C O P E pretty hard my dudes.](

L m a o,

you don't even have the courage to post with your main

i don't want the drama jew star on my account from masstagger

i already have 2 posts on drama from making fun of dicklets / people with small pps and pissing off the entire fragile male userbase of reddit and a 3rd post would be the minimum for le jew star

> masstagger

> Unironically caring about that stupid shit

it triggers most of the right wing userbase on reddit tbh

it's a Bad Look to be tagged!

it's a Bad Look to be tagged

> caring about this at all

You already post on CB2 so there's nothing you can do to make your look worse anyways

uh sweaty i would rather be a chad alpha getting bussy / gussy every day transgender communist antifa tankie super-soldier CB2 poster over a virgin beta cishet capitalist [lmao middle classers] enlightened centrist right winger drama / SRD poster / hate subreddit poster

Delusion-posting is not allowed here

this comment has just made the 500 year gulag, 2000 years 😡

you can't pose as someone from Drama and expect to get bussy. there is extreme vetting around these parts

You’re in an open relationship with your wife and her boyfriend. Get lost faggot. We recognize your kind tranny.

you have a bad look anyways given you look more masculine than most of the /r/drama users

Just a quick question for the cb2 crowd, do you guys ever step outside? A lot of the opinions you guys bash and say "RedDit is TAH wORse" about are even more common irl. How do you cope in real life when the 50 year old man at the coffee shop calls you a he instead of a she?

it's a Bad Look to be tagged!

only in the eyes of retards, and why would a normal person care about them?

I could Google what mass tagging is but it sounds gay so I won't

Good play

Unironically please keep up the dicklet mockery, it’s vv important to break down ppl’s egos here

Lol, imagine thinking you're badass for trolling on drama. It's like thinking your good at bowling because you rarely get gutterballs with,the bumpers up.

you type like a boomer

You type like an illiterate.

do you even realize you're talking to a literal transgender genius? my iq is fucking massive idiot. i'm a tortured genius like kanye west and you're vastly inferior compared to me. do you even know what the difference between a jackdaw and a crow is? huh? i bet you don't, IDIOT.

I'm actually transocialist. I work at a bank but I identify as karl Marx himself. My genius is actually incalculable.

Post fempenis or gtfo shitlord

Comparing yourself to Kanye, a literal retard, is not a good look.

i don't see you worth a billion dollars or making music beloved by millions of people everywhere

little heydammit posts on reddit all day instead of making lyrical masterpieces! sad!

Bitch I'm a Jennifer Doudna, billions ain't shit if you don't know how to spend it.

Are you weird nipples girl?

i fortunately am not, thank god. i am however the person who was linked by the 'male feminists' [lmao] and dickcels on SRD who got very upset at the both the facetious and objective opinion that big dicks are superior to small dicks.

dont trannies have shriveled up dicks from all the hormones

Not, it's that tranny who is super insecure about their masculine penis

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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I once heard this guy nuance that his wife had a boyfriend and they were in an open relationship! OUT OUT OUT. I fucking hate you. You’re scum and your circle broke 2 account is scum. OUT!

anybody who uses masstagger is retarded. why would you care what retarded people think?

Hahahaha that was the comment that I had to screenshot and send to my friends to scream about like.

yeah haha cb2 is just having a laugh guys hahha totally normal well adjusted thing to do when an anonymous stranger on the internet has an opinion you don't like ahaha

yeah haha cb2 is just having a laugh guys hahha totally normal well adjusted thing to do when an anonymous stranger on the internet has an opinion you don't like ahaha

sweaty do u know where u are?

this whole subreddit is people posting 'drama' aka 'brigade this person with an opinion i don't like with fake internet points removal' lmao

no you are

pretty gay response tbh

gay does not mean stupid sweaty, you gay idiot

I didn't mean stupid, I mean't gay

I don't think we should be cruel to fat people, but fat "acceptance" is peak degeneracy.

Are people really that shitty that hygiene is that big of a problem? Like who doesn't shower everyday? I genuinely don't understand why this is a constantly touted problem when I see very few people with poor hygiene

Keep in mind the caliber of people that these rejects interact with.

People are 100% shitty when it comes to hygiene whether it's an anime/gamer/comic convention or a rave festival. Hell the Smash scene had to put out notices about people needing to shower and use deodorant.

Like who doesn't shower everyday?

Oh man, there was an askreddit thread a while back about hygiene and the hivemind went apeshit on anyone who suggested that daily showers were necessary or desirable. There are a lot of stinky motherfuckers on this website, was my takeaway.

Where are you going though? Is this the local club, or Games Workshop?

This is the difference.

voice chat with redditors


WHEW I still fucking hate men. If any be was wondering. “””””Women that don’t put any effort into themselves”””” how many of the men who upvoted that are six feet tall and weigh 120 lb???? And also,,, Victoria’s Secret is a company that sells exclusively to women! Why would the VS fashion show be about men in the first place?! I mean it kind of is, because men are terrible and they have make everything about themselves, but in reality, VS needs to appeal to women more than they do men

“””””Women that don’t put any effort into themselves”””” how many of the men who upvoted that are six feet tall and weigh 120 lb????

six feet tall and weigh 120 lb

the phrasing implies she thinks this is the ideal weight for a 6ft man "that puts effort into themselves" uhhh 🤔🤔🤔 no man wants to b that and most gussy wudnt want an anorexic man, thats gussy weight 😂😂😂

poster confirmed 300 lb whale - "whats a good weight for a man? idk i have 0 point of reference for what a healthy womyn weighs even" 🐋🐋🐋

Inshallah brother

The only attractive guys that are 6 ft, 120lbs are the guys in porn because it makes their dicks look like tree trunks.

That's why I've been working out and I'm gaining about an inch a week on my new regimented diet and exercise plan.

Youre losing 60lbs a week? Did you go to a fat concentration camp?

No, I'm gaining an inch. I started off at 5'4", and now I'm at 6'2"

kicks stilts out from underneat you

You'll never escape your fate, manlet.

wow, rude

6ft 120 lbs would be Holocaust-survivor levels of thin.

Look at the dudes in porn now. Its ugly fucks shaped like deck boards with dildos attached.

Don't forget the sleeve tattoo.

I guarantee you that a 6 ft male porn star isn't 120 lbs unless they are going for the terminal cancer patient look.

Don't you talk shit about Danny D like that

Or el nino polla

I can't watch any porn with that dude in it, he's like 5'1" and they always do this weird femdom shit with him and I am just not into that at all.

Bet you're into maledom you closet male feminist.

Look man, if Phoenix Marie has you cradled like a baby and is sucking your dick when you're a grown ass man, it's not me that has the problem. That shit is fucking weird.

Matt Hughes did some great work

Not really. A BMI of 16 is pretty standard for super models (except in fucking France). Of course male models need some muscle (even the gaunt ones) so they'll weigh more, but the number given is at least grounded in the reality of what VS models probably weigh

> Holocaust thin

> super model thin

Yeah, not seeing a difference, here.

The BMI exponent should be around 2.5, so the adjusted BMI will be lower for tall people. 6’/120 is malnourished/dying.

Less boring: I’m 6’2”/165 and I can see ribs in the mirror. If you took off 30 pounds I’d probably have red eyes and skin diseases.

6’/120 is malnourished/dying.

It's literally not.

Are you even human?

120 pounds is literally manlet/gussy weight. Fuck's sake, I'm 5'9 and looked skinny as fuck when I was at 120.

Yeah I said it was for gussy. Learn to read you, you individual of a medically concerning level of low IQ.

I'll have you know my doctor doesn't give a shit about my retardation

It kind of is. Likw your profile pick is of a barbell, you should know this shit. 120 is skinny for a guy 5 inches shorter.

3rd person who needs to learn to read. Bravo 👏👏👏

You wrote literally 2 words and I responded to them, 120 lbs at 6 ft is dangerously skinny.


It literally is. It's extremely dangerous to be under and 18 BMI and it just gets more dangerous the lower you go.

Models are able to maintain that weight for a decade without issue. I know some who did. You sound like a really jelly fatty


I'm 6ft ~150lbs and I'm skinny as fuck already. Another 30 off and I would be pretty much just bone.

Are you a woman who models?

I'm referencing the fact that you think a 120lb 6ft male wouldn't be dangerously underweight.

Can you read? Of course not. I said male models would weigh more.

Fuk, I can't reead

Well BMI is mostly bullshit on its own, but a 'healthy' BMI starts at 19.5.

BMI is good enough for most people and is only really lacking when you're in the overweight area with low BF. You won't get into the obese range with low BF without steroids.

Holocaust-survivor levels of thin.

Edit: That is a BMI of 16.3

ok now, don't bully us gaunt boys

There are no 120lbs dudes in porn

Taking a metaphor on Drama and putting it in an autistic compiler

This guy clearly doesn't watch midget porn.

that's why you should never train your legs, makes your dick look huge

Or you can be a manlet 😎

Try being 6'8"

Damn dude, she's dumb but you might be dumber. She's calling 6ft tall 120 lb people skinny little sticks, and saying they don't put any effort into themselves because they don't go to the gym

I can't understand fat girls and I will make non effort to

Barely anyone actually goes to the gym or looks like he does


  1. i dont speak whale

  2. the fact she includes the 6ft tall bit (👈👈👈 lmao @ u manlets 😂😂😂) suggests shes listing positive traits and saying how many of them actually have it? its always mens height/womyns weight in these online sperg figts. ur tellin me shes insulting all the manlets by sayin they r taller than they r? ooooook 🤕🤕🤕

most gussy wudnt want an anorexic man, thats gussy weight

It's over for skellycels

when you weigh less than your gf that's pretty weird ...

not wanting to be a literal baby with a mommy gf


yeah if youre a fatty like you

I'm 6' and 140. It looks like I ran a marathon and the finish line was Treblinka. If I lost 20 pounds, I'd be clinically dead.

Lol ugly women not understanding that most women WANT to look sexy for their partner. Who does she think is footing the bill for lingerie?

TIL you can wish yourself six feet tall by "putting effort into yourself"

Hahahaha that was the comment that I had to screenshot and send to my friends to scream about like. It literally broke my brain. Are they planning to have kids with every woman they look at?? Do these guys flirt with girls by saying “I want to breed with you”? It hurts to read

More evidence of mental disorders. Wtf is wrong with that sub?

They all have BPD lol, which unsurpisingly they bring up even though its completely unrelated to the topic. Just insane gussy making everything about them again

that I had to screenshot and send to my friends to scream about like


Also, shitloads of women I meet on online dating seem to have a “get pregnant”/“have your babies” fetish that they kinda joke about but when it comes time to bang they clearly are into it.

Yeah man. Girls wanting hot nut is a thing and its the most socially desirable kink in the developed world.

Kink? It is literal normal biology. Women desire it because that's how the world keeps reproducing.

Not according to "we have too many people" edgeturds with a poor understanding of the civilization they live within.

TERFs vs Circlebrokers is seriously fantastic to watch


Watch them murder each other and we finish off whoever's left.

Obvious troll

how many of the men who upvoted that are six feet tall and weigh 120 lb????

I'm genuinely curious why this person thinks 6 feet tall and 120 lbs are the stats of an attractive man, that's like a skeleton. "Severely underweight" BMI. I know not everyone is into the whole muscular look but surely no one is into emaciated. Just a generally healthy looking but weak 6 ft man would be at least 160 lbs and a more conventionally attractive muscular one would be anywhere from 175 to 190 lbs.

And also,,, Victoria’s Secret is a company that sells exclusively to women! Why would the VS fashion show be about men in the first place?! I mean it kind of is, because men are terrible and they have make everything about themselves, but in reality, VS needs to appeal to women more than they do men

I mean it's kind of a valid point but then again VS is the one making the call anyway so they're appeal to am authority that has already disagreed with them. The truth is, like with men, being attractive has a whole lot to do with what the ones they're trying to be attractive to think.

Tbh, if they did the plus-sized VS Runway show now, they could find hot enough chicks for it. Just gotta find cosplayers and alt-girls.

I think the point is they tried, but people didn't like it.

VS is peak aspirational, it's just the way it is. I think it's kinda' cool that it's dying with dignity, look at news media, it's trashing around, whining, and ruining everything for everyone on its way out.

I think the chicks on there are a bit undercurvy for my taste, but VS should be able to set their standards. And people watching that show and producing that show don't want 400lbs women or a thong covering up a massive dick bulge.

thong covering up a massive dick bulge.

🤔 come to think of it, I do want to see that

Hint, the VS fashion show isn't for the masses. It's for trophy wives who can drop several hundred dollars on lingerie they can wear to seduce the pool boy.

fuck we need pinging back

I remember this person

I get brain cancer everytime I see that name on cb2. There's some sort of insane dissonance between a peak sweaty neckbeard username, and some whiny bitch who spends their whole day crying about mean people on the internet.

Fat women are considered attractive though, because up to a certain point the extra fat accentuates curves/tits/ass/etc. There's entire communities dedicated to chubby, thick, BBW, etc sized women. It's only fat men who aren't seen as desirable, that's why the body positivity movement is framed as for women only.

Because any hole is a goal. And any port in storm. And you dont look at hearth when you are poking the fire.

Nah, a bit of chunk on a man is a good thing. It can really bring out the ❤️ Daddy 😍😘❤️ in you.

I hate that, skinny chicks are the best, even the "good" fat stored in hips, add, and tits is gross.


BigTiddyAnimeWaifu is German IIRC. He probably likes that Auschwitz look.

that's a bit much, a skinny East-Asian girl (still healthy though) with a non curvy figure would be fine

Non-Asian Asian fetishists are fucking weird

Well he's a pedo so...

no I'm not.

Sure thing buddy. I'm not the one fantasizing about flat chested young looking asians girls.

well there's literally nothing wrong with doing so. Dont shame me just because I like cute, relatively flat girls!

rude, and I'm not weird either.

dont shame me for liking skinny flat short girls

Isn't this Yamete's new account after his last one got suspended (probably for posting lolis)?

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a German NEET living out his weird internet fantasy of injecting his hebebophilia fetish into literally every discussion he can.



mayos don't care about thicc, we've made this clear.

There is a big difference between curves and being a fat fuck.

You can be above the average fitness level and curvy. Being a hamplanet puts you into the 'dead in ten years' category of health.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the only straight men who watch Victoria's Secret shows watching it because their SO got control of the remote?

you can't expect CB2ers who spend their whole day screaming into the void to know that

Turbospergs can't comprehend that we don't give remotely as much of a shit about models as they would like us to give. They want men to be obsessed about fat boobs because they literally have no other redeemable qualities

Oh no of course not, what straight man wouldn't give a shit about stupid clothes no one would ever wear?

Jack Sprat could eat no fat His wife sipped all the lean And got on Reddit

Is this guys tweet saying that most men aren't attracted to fat chicks or she-males? Who would have guessed?


Lmao what the fuck does incompatible with fertility mean

While it's a very neckbeardy thing to say, my dear possibly fat circlebroker, the point is that psychical shape in both men and women send signals of how good of a partner you may be. We don't live in a fucking vacuum where every little thing is a social construct.

God I wish so hard we could ping.

It also means that American-sized folk are more likely to miscarry, and probably have the dead fetus stuck in their ass fat.

They all need to go back to tumblr

Your dirty sweat, my sweetest potion
Your armpits swampy, little oceans
Your flabby butthole, a soggy cave
I put in my parts and let them bathe

Call me freaky, and call me sick
I like it sticky, I like it big (fat)
I hate it skinny, I hate it flat
I don't need mini, I like it fat

People laughing about your size
We can fuck them on your french fries
When I break open your kingsize bra
Your giant boobs are just wunderbar

Call me freaky, and call me sick (fat)
I like it sticky, I like it big
I hate it skinny, I hate it flat (fat)
I don't need mini, I like it fat

Every night I have this dream
I'm sliding down a slappy stream
Straight in your mouth the smeck is strong
I eat your lips your furry tongue

You call me freaky, you call me sick (fat)
I like you sticky, I like you big (fat)
I hate you skinny, I hate you flat (fat)
Don’t need you mini, I like you fat (fat)

So call it crazy or call it fate
Just with you I want, want to get laid
But your holes are hard... so hard to find
It doesn't matter I fuck you, fuck you from behind

lol 6'8 and 87lbs reporting in

Thank you Mr Skeltal