Some dude faked having a fanbase to schedule a European tour

1  2018-11-14 by POST_BUSSY


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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That's fucking funny. Underworld is a well known venue in London, you usually don't get to play there without being somebody in the rock scene.

Dude’s in the wrong business. Shitty musician for sure but definitely a bomb ass producer. Needs to overthink his career options.

Reminds me of the guy that made his backyard the highest yelped reviewed restaurant in London.

Yeah, but he did it for a laugh and the articles and the profile. It was a good career move for him. This dude just fucked himself publicly. I wonder what he thought would happen? That he'd take England by storm, that we'd all come charging out to see some guy we'd never heard of for £15 a ticket?

I saw some speculation that he would be able to take "proof" of a sold out tour and try to get a record deal with it

Makes as much sense as anything else he did.

The Bernie Madoff of rock music.

Sounds like tech people who use their GitHub or SO stats to get hired, or "influencers" with their follower counts

He could probably sell the film rights. There’s something in this.

I didn't know about that one. Thanks for the good laugh!

Holy shit this is juicy drama. As usual though, some dumb culture war shit will be at the top instead of this though.

“Daddy said a thing and the SJW’s at ChapoCrapHouse can’t cope! 😘😘”

Woah whow woah, What happend?

The SJWs at ChapoTrapHouse cAnt cope!!! They're shitting in the toilet shower.

I got really excited about this link title but then it was a bamboozle.

Chapo goes full tubgirl


Nothing, I am actually positive this guy is only able to be reflexively retarded/defensive anytime politics comes up. Case in point Lol

In the year of our lord 2018, we still have retarded faggots whispering 'hillary' into eachothers ears to give eachother chills. lmao



Culture wars are funny, get over it.

Culture wars over the legitimacy of culture wars are even better.

You better be masturbating this month!

they are funny but not at the expense of literally every other kind of drama.

Imagine being so not invested in the culture wars you don't recognize this quote. SMH 😤

I recognized the quote but I thought you were using it to make a point tbh :/

I always thought this was a South Park quote

This is so 2016 😴😴😴

Link to the drama?

This is some hilarious shit. The dude might just make it as a meme.

Shitty musician? Maybe. Can’t tell. Don’t listen to greasy long hair mayo noise. But the dude could make a living as a producer. Managed to land a European tour with literally 0 fans, managed to book some apparently pretty well known venues and now might even sell them out through some obscure media coverage.

He is playing some seriously generic sounding stuff there, there is far more interesting metal. Meme music doesn't have to be good though.

Hmm... But being a manager for a band that already has some momentum behind them isn't the worst idea for him.

Are you kidding? If he managed to pull this stunt off with no name & no fans, imagine what this dude can do with some momentum.

I'm not kidding? Said it wasn't a bad idea. Just think he might battle to get hired after these stunts depending who he approaches, idk.

I remember reading this on Metal-Sucks a couple days ago. I absoutely respect the drama and the hustle.

Everyone's hating but this guy DEFINITELY did this 50% jokingly like " I bet I can convince these retards I'm famous".

Seems like it. Dude apparently has some cash to throw around to buy views/comments and a somewhat professional video.

The music was absolute garbage, but maybe that speaks more to him having no real interest in it.

He clearly planned this for awhile and knew he had to pretend to be famous in order to book these places. I can't imagine how much money he spent buying likes and views.

Meanwhile Rebecca Black gets a record deal.

I listened to one of his songs. Definitely wasnt absolute garbage. I think it was called Living is Dying.

Not my thing, but the music definitely didnt suck.

That's the song I listened to.

the music definitely didnt suck.

Strong disagree.

Thats fair I suppose, if youre speaking as to your own tastes. I thought it was pretty good for someone with 0 fans and 0 ticket sales thats obviously doing everything on his own, including I believe playing all of the instruments.

Meh, to each their own, I guess, but it sounded like shit my friends would write back in 2004.

Yeah but have your friends played the Underworld in London?

No, but they also didn't have thousands of dollars to throw around to fake their popularity.

Its not funny when theyre self aware, jesus christ

Im 100% in support of thia guy. Fuck the music industry and the bloodsuckers they breed

Just from the pictures he looks like a completely self absorbed narcissist.

No, I think he’s legit deluded. Back in the MySpace era, most bands cooked the books to one degree or another. Spending hours adding people who weren’t going to see them anyway, sort of thing, but I don’t know if anyone’s done it on this level at all.

He’s now tweeting about there being some sort of grander point to it all, however, this seems to have all been done with borrowed money.

"and lied about ticket sales numbers in order to book gigs in certain European clubs."

I used to have a venue and this kind of guys are ruining people life; they are everywhere nowaday, you have to be able to check constantly their sales by calling left and right, checking internet etc.

Fucking cunts. I hope his career is done.


No shit, it's a prank

Yeah, "lmao bussy" aside, this guy's actually a cunt. Everyone " respecting the hustle", doesn't realize he's fucking over talented people who've worked their whole live for this.


Too bad the talented people didnt know about this one weird trick!

"Click here to find out this one weird trick that Venue owners HATE for you to know!"

This sub should form a “band.”

"The Elastic Band"

Every man and his dog is “talented”, but this guy is now meme famous.

I mean, playing his genre requires actually mastering an instrument instead of having a big ass and letting a producer fix your shit song.

how are people's lives being ruined?

you have to be able to check constantly their sales by calling left and right, checking internet etc.

You mean you have to actually do your fucking job?

No, I actually have to do more than my job, I have to control childish cunts that have no idea what a disaster it can be to invest in their lies.

Unlike them I haven't the time and resource to spend on their case constantly and as you could see if you weren't that retarded some big companies are being fucked over too, happens all the time.

In case you don't know scammers are pretty resourceful. That's is how this twat managed to fucked over musicians and if the venues he booked were a bit smaller he could have carried on for quite a bit.

It ain't our job to spy on everyone, and sometimes I have barely the time since I'm fucking your fat mum too.

My mom ain't fat, you're thinking of your sister.

Maybe try not to fuck fat chicks? It seems to be making you inordinately angry.

Snivel snivel. Preaching to the choir. Wah....i have to call people.

These are large venues, they can eat shit and i have no quarrels with what this guy did.


While it seems that he went too far with the lying and dishonestly, to the point of opening himself up to possible legal have to admire the sheer bravado of this guy.

We live in a fake it until you make it culture, and had this guy pulled it off, people would be saying things like "Brought his musical message to the masses from outta nowhere", or "In a show of marketing brilliance he rose to the top", or some other form of kudos. Instead, he got busted, got shamed, and is being thrown around as a joke.

I know nothing of him, don't know his music, don't really care on way or the other, but at least he does something, he plays an instrument or instruments. Just on slight (or more perhaps) musical skill and market manipulation, this guy is miles ahead of so many current "stars" whose greatest claim to fame is the biological endowment of a vagina.

greatest claim to fame is the biological endowment of a vagina.

Do you mean a female vagina or a male vagina?

You'll find both at the Huffington Post

greatest claim to fame is the biological endowment of a vagina.

Which they SHAVE.

You act like just having it is enough, when some paperazzo gets a photo of your hairy cunt it's OVER

Wair, he's not just trolling them? Those pictures are REAL???

The funniest thing about this is he thinks Scotland isn't part of the United Kingdom.

Not if Mrs. Sturgeon has anything to say about it.

I wake up daily in the hopes to see an article about a second independence referendum being announced.

fuck uk politics is the most depressing thing rn. like daddy and the dems are a meme, but this is actually going to be bad.

Wait until the Brexit shitshow happens, IndyRef2: Buckfast Boogaloo is gonna start looking pretty good.

Using Buckfast & Irn Bru bottle caps as a currency sure must look appetising to those who voted remain.

Just know that if Remain wins the People's Vote, we're going all-in on Hard Remain: Schengen, the Euro, the whole bit. That's how this works, right?

The Scotland issue is not as complicated as the Norn Iron situation. Has anyone worked out if there will be a land border with the Fenians?

Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the meeting going on right now is about that, the written agreement that the EU & UK have proposed mentions there being no hard border (I think, it’s not been released, just leaks/speculation) but NI will still be in the Single Market and Scotland won’t, Mother Nicky doesn’t like that - none of us do.

Belfast is in the UK too LMAO.

Didn’t even pick up on the belfast one, good shout!

The Republican in me beamed when I saw that.

Bussy, Indeed!

My bet is this dude is the next big performance artist that no one takes seriously until he khs

I don't quite get how he expected this to play out...

Holy living fuck irl shitposting

This is hysterical! I bet he thought just the exposure would launch his music career.

I don't understand how you can look at his shittily edited video that cuts between a huge crowd that looks like Rock in Rio and this guy alone on stage and believe it for one second. A crowd of 20,000 in his promotional video, only 291 tickets pre-sold, "yea this guy looks legit we'll let him play our venue".

I can’t stop laughing at that first video where he’s alone in front of a narrow backdrop with no lighting effects and the camera is zoomed out enough that you can literally see that that’s all there is to the setup. THEN it shows 20k fans in an audience. I found myself saying “wait wait wait wait” out loud.

That's great, but can we talk about "bigged up" for a second, because that shit has to stop.

Also, next time anyone says "fake it til you make it," just direct them to this story.

Seriously. This is the definition of fake it til you make it. If they make a "phrase"/euphemism" dictionary, they can literally just put a pic of this Jared Thretin guy.

Show-business people are another kind of crazy.

This reminds me of a similar sort of story with a guy named Cory Machado. Bought tons of fake followers on twitter (over 1 million) and claimed to be a world famous pro soccer player. Even managed to get himself verified on Twitter. Turns out the soccer team he claimed to play for didn't actually exist. There is a lot of weird stuff surrounding him and his fake life. Like a fake documentary narrated by "Morgan Freeman". The craziest part is he managed to catfish a female pro-wrestler into a relationship based on his status as a famous soccer player. He's dropped the facade eventually but she still ended up marrying him and threw away a potentially promising career.

There is a thread on Kiwifarms about him if you want to know all the details. It's kinda fascinating. It's even updated with his latest attempts to be a wrestler and start his own wrestling promotion and all the weird stuff surrounding that too.

That woman who married him must be some kinda fucked up. How do you fall in love with someone so detached from reality?!

At first I thought maybe she was just trying to get some money out of the guy, but more and more it seems like she's not all there either.

Pro wrestling

Detected from reality

Seems like a match made in heaven.

Maybe she liked his fake it till you make it can do attitude.


Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.

There's also Carlos Kaiser), who managed to join no less than seven clubs in Europe and South America, always pretending to be injured to avoid actually having to play.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids

Every pop star for the last 90 years.

My hair is prettier and longer.

Yuck You should shave

My netherparts are shaved.

This is fucking hilarious.

I bet that what we're doing here was his real endgame. None of us had ever heard of this guy but his story has 268 upvotes. There are a couple people in the comments saying "I listened to his stuff and it's not all that bad." He knew the jig would be up after his first live show, but now he has an opportunity to build up a real fanbase who otherwise would have never looked him up. In 10 years the venue where he got his start is gonna be begging him to play for them and he'll be making lots of stupid demands like "I want a kiddie pool full of crispy M&M's, but replace the orange ones with Skittles."

Unless his music is damned good (which from what I've heard, is not really) he'll be forgotten really soon.

Making music that's "damn good" is only one way to convince lots of people to spend money to watch you perform. Generating good sound waves is only one skill in a working musician's toolkit.

His voice is pretty good, but that's about it. Everything else about him is cringe.

now this is juicy

I wish I had thought of this back in my band days. Would have been hilarious to book our shitty metal band to play overseas.

This dude has balls of steel

Bravo, i've never seen anyone troll so many music fans this good

The CMA awards amount to nothing more than signal boosting by music row of the urbanized crap they push on FM radio for a slightly larger market share.

Miss me with that gay shit

Metal is the anime of music