Unattractive people of /r/unpopularopinion get their feelings hurt by hearing they can't get supermodels

1  2018-11-14 by uniqueguy263


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Don’t get why you can’t both judge people by their looks AND being realistic about your expectations tbh.

I once had this friend. He was such a bumble bee, both I looks as well as his personality. Just like a friendly hobbit this dude just buzzing through life. Anyway he was like a virgin till he hit 20 and then had a short sting with this annoying Christian bitch. Then one day day break up and he is totally heart broken. Fast forward 3 months he suddenly show up with this absolutely 10/10 smoking blond girl. And like funny too. Like wtf. I wasn't jealous because I am realistic about my expectation, which these days just rate slightly above the homeless women screaming at your kids, but holy shit a lot of people turned really vicious on him.

Like they were friendly to him before but then both girls and boys started cutting him like they took it personally he had a hot girlfriend now. It was really weird. Some of the guys started talking over him or making backhanded compliments to him in hearing distance of his gf. The girls just became toxic shit talking him all the time. Thankfully my bumble bee friend was mostly oblivious to it.

Now what really stood out to me was that it weren't the really hot people who became toxic or the really ugly people, it were all normies caught in the middle that turned on him.

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OP of that thread's salty cause he got turned down by some ugly ass chick lol

That's the entire thread lol. That thread's OP is apparently an incel tho so especially him

In this case radical centrism is: thinking that you can marry a supermodel and thinking marrying someone you don't find attractive is a good idea is equally stupid.