The West is in the midst of a long-term civilizational decline

1  2018-11-14 by Abu_Ivanka_alAmriki

Leftists: 🤗😁☺️

Rightists: 😡😢😫

Centrists: 🍿🍿🍿


This is so retarded, can we hit 50 likes?

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I remember when /r/Drama wasn't a bunch of autists posting about dinosaurs, platypuses, Taylor Swift and whatever garbage this is, but an SRD substitute for people who wanted less grandstanding and more slurs.

Those days are long gone friend.

imagine wanting anything like SRD, absolutely disgusting

Is SRD without grandstanding really "anything like SRD"?

Did SRD ever not grandstand?

Like 6 years ago it used to be fairly right leaning. Then the SJW's went and ruined it like they do everything.

Wow. TIL. I wonder what happened.

I remember it happening around the same time SRS became irrelevant. They also got some new mods that were very left leaning too around the same time. I recall it took more then a year before it became complacently insufferable.

It was not right leaning by any measure in 2012 but it definitely wasn't stupidly left yet

Your probably correct and im just remember it being more right leaning then it actually was because of how far left it has swung in recent years.

It was slightly center left but barely. It also p quickly turned into a retarded and drama filled debate """"""""battleground""""""" and then rapidly swung left.

The change in cb/cb2 is more like what you described; they were filled with Romney supporters and routinely jerked about how reddit users are anti cop college student lunatics.

I'm ashamed I've been reading meta subs long enough​ to remember this shit.

I remember those days. Its nice to look back on that and remember Reddit has always been terrible.

cb changed when they went offline for "summer vacation" like a bunch of autists and then changed into having like 10 regulars commenting. Totally killed the subreddit and diversity of views

What happens with CB2? It’s full of suicide-americans and fat gussy rn. I can’t imagine it ever not being a fever swamp. I’m relatively new to the Metasphere can you give a little history lesson?

CB was formed by r/circlejerk mods/regulars when the whole faces of r/atheism thing happened and they decided it was too ridiculous to even cj about. I don't remember why cb2 was formed, I think it might have been made for whenever circlebroke went private for 'summer' for shits and giggles but idk or it might have been for lower effort content idk.

In any case, apart from libertarian and occasional MRA/anti uberfeminist stuff it was basically impossible to find even mild right wing circlejerks outside like literally r/conservative and subs devoted to straight up racism and shit. ;

CB was for mocking and "counterjerking" the prominent circlejerks. Since 99.9% was uberleft (only really​ pushing back in big subs with racism/sexism/whatever when it came to shit like white privilege and mansplaining and shit), all counter jerking was mocking all the big lefty circlejerks: muh sWEEDen, muh fuck the police, muh kill the rich, DAE Romney wants to go back to segregation, muh socialism, etc etc.

I've typed this out on my crappy phone just realized I actually have no clue when/how cb turned into the even more sufferable version it is now. I think it just gradually gotore posters that would focus on the cjs about pop feminism and shit and then went private for summer and those were really the only posters that stuck around after that?

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Me too. It just clutters the sub

It was terrible 😣

Don't worry, we also have grandstanding here

Since the ping ban. It's SRD but on the opposite side of the spectrum and with more "le bussy".

It's gotten worse since then, but before we still had long seriousposts that happened to be directed at a pinged user who happened to give them an excuse to rant (and didn't actually care that much 80% of the time)

And now with this place being run over with rapefugees? YIKES!!

Ed how many months ago were you posting about le epic bussy? Let new friends enjoy their meme ❤️


1 day old account


U got me Ed. I was mocking new users while in fact only being a user for a day ;(.

Can you explain what is mayocide? I keep seeing people say it! Also what is a “lol cow”? It’s such a strange expression.

Thanks 🙏

mayocide the answer to a problem, lol cows are the good content posters (as in they are being milked for content and make people laugh, being called a lol cow is a huge complement)

you idiot, you absolute moron.

: ( why would you say that

'grandstanding'. As if most of the actual drama posts aren't just '[people I disagree with] have a discussion about [strawman]'

I remember when /r/Drama wasn't a bunch of autists posting about dinosaurs, platypuses, Taylor Swift and whatever garbage this is

Literally when ?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

nabisco has alzheimers :(

63 day old account

Hi, newfriend

Stop masturbating.

Left: slaves who suffer from stockholm syndrome and schizophrenia. Right: Slaves who are starting to stand up against their oppressors. Centrists: Slavers who sold themselves into slavery ironically.

the ultimate centrist take is the one that makes the right not look retarded

every time

Sooner the west is carved by its victims like a turkey it is, the sooner all the nonwest world can finally be a great place

Well, no shit. But it was brought about mostly BY radical centrists, so...

The leftarts and the right wingers only showed up after Neoliberal free trade devastated the American working class. They are a symptom of the decline, not it's cause. Neoliberalism is the cause.