Landlord's confession upsets a lot of people

1  2018-11-14 by Rkavei


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Those comments read like what you would see from chapotards. I wish people who took introductory sociology weren't so hellbent on sharing their opinions.

They are chapotards

That was my suspicion but I didn't feel like digging through post history to prove it.

Nigga there’s a guy named fucklandlords69 who commented 30 times in the thread and probably got like 1000 karma for it.

Got linked to their nest; they have been invading.

sorry to break it to you ma’am, but it looks like yer thread’s got a perty serious Chapo infestation. We’re gonna have to fumigate.



I. Hate. Goddamn. HIPPIES.

How the fuck can chapotards be this pissed over someone owning a building when CTH literally makes over a million dollars annually on Patreon? No way can you convince me it costs that much to talk into a blue yeti mic about Praxis

Chapotards will latch onto any excuse to externalize their crippling depression & anxiety

They're externalizing their failure.

That includes their "crippling" depression or anxiety. Society caused those.

Daily reminder that chapo's main concern about arming themselves is that they're worried they'll all kill themselves if given access to guns.

So called “leftists” who don’t believe that guns are the only way the proletariat can protect themselves from the abuses of the rich befuddle me, and I’m not even a leftist

I guess it’s because the left in the West skews rich and young, and these kids don’t know about how the world works

Yeah the absolute contradiction of agitating for violent revolution and wanting to ban weapons lmao

Here’s a secret, the left in the West are rich kids who don’t care about the poor and want a revolution because they assume they will be party elite afterwards

It's a mix of those and actual poors who are too fucking stupid to realize they're being fleeced by the first group.

Wait, that was a secret?

No but the party in question is in total denial

An open secret.

It’s usually not the same people. The college white girls and the LGBTQ wing tend to be the anti-gun ones; the commies and race/power activists tend to be much more pro-gun. It’s almost like the “left/progressive” coalition makes very little sense and is gonna cannibalize itself sooner or later.

It’s usually not the same people. The college white girls and the LGBTQ wing tend to be the anti-gun ones; the commies and race/power activists tend to be much more pro-gun. It’s almost like the “left/progressive” coalition makes very little sense and is gonna cannibalize itself sooner or later.

It's cannibalizing itself constantly... Oroborous politics.

Can it really cannibalize itself within a two-party system? I'm excited to see what happens

Yep. If the mainstream Dems move too far left they’re not going to be able to take the moderates with them. Right now the young radicals and left-leaning moderates vote for mainstream Dem candidates because the right is so absurd, but once (if) the Republicans get out of this retarded Trump/Tea Party phase and put up more moderate candidates (a tall order but still) the Dems will a. lose moderate votes and b. not really be able to demonize the opponents as effectively. The Dems’ main selling point right now is ORANGE MAN BAD; once they lose that they don’t really have a very coherent message.

more like 69ing itself

Look what happened with the Tea Party in right-wing politics.

Dems aren't leftists lol.

This is the main reason that while exploring communist/socialist politics I never really fell into any movements or identified with communist positions. An example I'd ask people why they want to ban guns if the government is some evil force killing all the black or something, and every time without fail no one ever had a solid answer.

There's at least one on Reddit that alive and well on Reddit:

One of their leaders possibly instigated the 2017 Charlottesville car attack by repeatedly pointing an AR-15 at the driver before it happened. He's on video beforehand with the gun, and saying afterward that he did it, but nobody is reporting on it. See my post history for cites.

Yeah I know the guy you are talking about, a university professor. Not reprimanded in any way. Heres a vid of him being confronted. Best part is when he says the camera man is intruding on private property but her stops himself and only says property.

Wait have you considered that not all of them agree on gun control

the government is fascist and totalitarian and wants to put us all in concentration camps, so lets let them set infinite regulations and checks to stop people ever being able to get guns

The first real gun rights movement in the US was the Black Panthers.

Like how the fuck do they think actual functioning lefitst governments like Rojava survive?

they don't. They want a revolution that will make them the top dogs afterwards, they don't even think of what it takes to actually make it work and function


We've never needed the NRA more than we need them now.

Lol. Commies will hunt kulaks and the NRA will hunt doctors and (((thugs)))

i know what im getting someone for christmas

Communists only care about people they don't like having more money than them, everything else is just an excuse

CTH own their own means of production or something, so it's totally fine for them to be rich. CTH revolution will just guillotine landowners and stock investors.

The same way Televangelists cry when talking about why they need a private jet to spread the Word of Jeeeezzuusss.

I don't think you understand donations versus rent...

Go back to your cesspool. Chapo swine.

Please, lick all the dirt off the boots you so dearly hold on to clean.

Lmao, how is this unironically the default chapo response? It doesnt even make sense in the current cultural context

Because what else are you trying to say in the context of a thread about a landlord?

Imagine owning things 😂😂😂

Lol your moronic communist ideology is the definition of “boot licking”

Yes, I have unimaginative amounts of pictures of Karl Marx, and I pray everyday ofc.

Hmm I see that being true somehow. Lick away at them boots man!

donates neetbucks to rich podcasters

I haven't donated a cent to anyone.

Lol broke boi

Wow, the people arguing against me would make a joke about money and poverty, I'm shocked!

You're the only joke here. Please stay. A commie sperg would liven up the comments.

I aim to please.

Aww, be nice to him. He probably isn't old enough to legally work in his state.

I’m not arguing I’m bullying you

Poor = lazy and dumb. Prove me wrong

It's over for wealthcels

Right, your parents pay for your chapo subscription.

Obsessive auto erotic obsession with boots stemming from childhood without a strong father figure. Next patient!

Imagine being a /r/Tinder poster and claiming any high ground? You're a putrescence mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.

You are a fiend and a coward, and you have bad breath. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. I despise everything about you. You are a bloody nardless newbie twit protohominid chromosomally aberrant caricature of a coprophagic cloacal parasitic pond scum and I wish you would go away.

This may all be true, but none of that is as bad as being a chapotard.

Is this some play on the grinch song or soemthing? Idk why but it just felt like it was lol

What did he mean by this?

I don't think you understand rent

I don't think you understand vector calculus.

Nothing to do with this conversation, it's just something you probably don't understand.

Well you’d be wrong

Sure. One is a useless waste of your money, the other prevents you from being homeless.


You have to go back

Okay, fuck you for making me defend Chapo Traps: Their rationale is that the show hosts sell their own labor, and thus are workers. In their minds, landlords simply squat in building offices collecting money, without providing the tenants with a service. Obviously they're oversimplifying how building management works, but that's their logic.

Also, a ton of the people on that sub hate the podcast anyway.

Anyone who thinks that's how houses work has never had to do maintenance themselves. They've probably never even had to complain to a landlord about something broken, because they'd have at least seen someone fix their toilet or whatever.

The landlord is literally talking about him providing services in his OP though. How can Chapo be this hypocritical?

Easily. They're dumb.

no wonder its appealing to them if they think "worker" implies getting paid 100k a month to be a fag on the internet

When the revolution comes all wages will be paid via crowdfunding.

The number one thing that chafes chapos the most is that private ownership of land is a thing.

Private property in the capitalist sense is a farce

Yet I feel better about land being decentralized and owned by tens of millions of citizens than one collective government.

Because they literally believe that they're the only ones smart enough to own property. If only they could own everything, then they could dole out exactly what everyone else needs at exactly the right time.

No, literally. This is a core tenant of Marxism. "Central Planning." There's a reason it's killed 100 million people.


WHILE CTH DOES (?????¿¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿)

my fucking god this people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Seems pretty well costed. I'm not sure the MTG verbiage, does socery mean it can be played at any point in the chain?

Fumigate was great when it was in standard, there's basically always a board wipe that costs 3WW so it's the card that fills that role.

Sorceries can be played during your main phase when the stack is empty. So probably the opposite of what you were asking. You're probably thinking of instants, which can be played on either player's turn by the player who has priority.

What do you mean "any point in the chain?" You can only play Magic cards to the top position of the stack, and when both players decline to put something on the stack the top thing resolves and has its effect.

You mean "the stack" you fucking casual?

A player who has priority may play a sorcery card from his or her hand during a main phase of his or her turn when the stack is empty. Playing a sorcery as a spell uses the stack. When a sorcery spell resolves, the actions stated in its rules text are followed. Then it's put into its owner's graveyard.

I don't think I can be a casual of s game I never played. I just know similar games with different words for similar mechanics.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Dude. It's in the sidebar. JFC

I like to defy expectations.

No, Sorceries can only be played when you can play a Creature. You're thinking of Instants.

It was awesome in Standard but Settle The Wreckage is the new hotness.




I hate when Chapo does that. I was on a thread on /r/jobs and saw a CTH person calling the economy a Pyramid scheme

Will this help fumigate?🚁💨

Totally unironically, everyone is jumping over each other to prove him right.

Housing is still a luxury. Crying about it doesn't change that.

"housing is a luxury" is a pretty douche take too tbh

BoTh SiDeS

OP is a dick but Chapo tears are more delicious than any bourgeois justice.

OP is an amazing troll.

Is sure as shit isn’t a right.

Nothing is a right unless we make it so

Natural rights are ones that you have by simply existing. They’re ones that don’t impose on anyone else. As in the very basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of property. Anything more and you’re saying that someone else has to provide for people. Endorsing their liberty.

just because some shitty dead people said it 300 years ago doesn't make it fundamental ethics you fuckin mctwinkie

The only thing dumber is thinking you can build anything on the back of modern nihilism. When we kill the fable there won't be a new one.

modern nihil - what the fuck are you - every single tismo in this thread is just inserting "thing I don't like" into my very minimal reply

So quit being a cryptic little twat and say what you believe so we can shit on your inevitably dumb as fuck opinions, you fucking faggot.

I can't have any dumb as fuck opinions if I don't have any opinions, *bitchhhh***

So we should disavow The Communist Manifesto, too right? Cause it was made by a shitty dead guy 200 years ago.

Except it’s fundamental ethics

Like natural rights?

yes. why do you ask?

Of course

No, god himself sent the prophet Karl Marx to return the sins that jesus tried washing away.

You could make a religion out of this.

You're mistaken. Natural and legal rights are two types of rights. Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government, and so are universal and inalienable (they cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws). Legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system (they can be modified, repealed, and restrained by human laws).

just because you say a thing doesn't make it some sort of innate truth of the universe. learn to think good and get back to me

I can’t even tell if I’m being rolled. Well done.

rolls u

fuck, a crit fail. you must be weighted

you know that's just some shit some dudes made up right

Rich cis white male slaveowners to be exact

Nope. Natural and legal rights are two types of rights. Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government, and so are universal and inalienable (they cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws). Legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system (they can be modified, repealed, and restrained by human laws).

Ok this is actually a pretty solid troll ur wasting it on /r/drama go use that shit in the wild

I can't tell if you're the one trolling him or not, lol. Rights never meant something given to you, that definition got co-opted for a political agenda. Natural rights an inalienable because they exist outside of the scope of a government. You can say what you want, own things and protect yourself in nature.

you can say what you want, own things, and protect yourself

Who the fuck made these the three rights you had? God?

If you're a religious sort of man, yes. I'm guessing you're not, so you're going to ask if you think it's okay for another being in the wild to kill you, or take your things or cut out your tongue. Obviously you wouldn't be okay with that. These are things you will stop from happening if you can help it. You're going to shoot the cougar that thinks you look like you're a good meal, you're going to build and protect your cabin and you're going to tell someone to fuck off if they tell you that you can't mention something you feel needs to be mentioned.

You will do these things regardless of whether or not there's a government involved. The only entity that can actually exercise control over you or have judgement over you is God himself (or nature, if you want). Hence the term God-given rights (or natural rights).

There's some argument over whether land counts as property (a very old argument), but the basic idea remains. Rights are in a sense, are claims you can defend.

Yourself. Unless you're a subhuman retarded pussy.

Let's see how long that right to life lasts if I dump you somewhere without access to food and shelter

Well you sure as shit will starve to death if you dont exercise the right to pursue property and complain about how property isn't pursuing you.

Me grug Me kill other grug with rock Other grug not die because I had no right to kill him because of natural rights

go be retarded at somebody else

basic rights to life

But does this mean "right to not be killed unwittingly" or "right to the basic necessities for life" (food, clean water, shelter, and debatably medicine)? That's been a fundamental political sticking point ever since it became impossible to just wander in to the woods, pick a plot of land to defend and live off of it without someone getting mad at you.


It means the right to not be killed unwittingly, You have the right to kill yourself with your bad choices

Plenty of states have impeded on what you call "natural rights". Who is enforcing these rights? Is it just your religious beliefs? Will God step in after-life to enforce them? Because you're talking about it like it's the Ten Commandments.

Rights only exist when people decide to respect them. Thats the case for right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness (which could encapsulate the next few), food, water, housing, health care, education, etc.

They’re the most basic of rights. If rights exist at all those ones do.

They’re the most basic of rights. If rights exist at all those ones do. And yes the pursuit of those things is your right.

How mind-fuckingly retarded do you have to be to not understand this is completely circular logic and your rationale for what are "basic rights" is completely arbitrary?

-Things people say when they’ve never read Locke

It means the right to not be killed unwittingly

So that count medical aid, right ? After all you didn't make the choice to get cancer.

Plenty of cancers are due to people’s choices.

It means you have the right to not be killed by other people’s actions. You don’t have a right against nature taking its course. People don’t have a duty to help you just because you exist.

That's pretty fucking different from what you said previously buddy.

More interestingly, this view point has fascinating implications. So for you the american government must pay for everyone that got cancer since the start of the nuclear test as we know it significantly raised the risk of cancer. That doesn't exactly seems to be what you were trying for.

Moreover a second implication is that the companies responsible for nutrition lies like the one about sugar being less dangerous than fat should be held responsible for the death of fatasses. Which is funny.

nuclear test as we know it significantly raised the risk of cancer.

from 20% to 20.3%.

So you could say the government is responsible for 1.5% of all cancers.

Don’t tell me what I was trying for. Because you’re obviously too stupid to now what I am saying.

It’s an obvious fact that the usage of nuclear weapons is harmful to humanity and I can’t imagine how retarded you’d have to be to ever think otherwise or to even assume that someone you’re talking to does. So if you think you’ve backed me into some rhetorical corner, that would highlight how dumb you are. No one should use nukes mmk pumpkin?

And yes. All bad actors who intentionally mislead people regardless of the health implications should absorb held accountable. What kind of idiot would even think otherwise? Man you’re dumb. I hope you’re at least good looking.

So healthcare is included, then ? As for every sickness (or almost all) you can find that the state influenced the rate of it.


Imagine not even having a consistent tought about the basis like what are rights, lmao.

I know it's brutal talking to some of these people

"People". Pretty sure lolbertarian don't count as human beings.

What are you talking about fucko

lolbertarian and them being considered as people. The whole natural right shebang is a libertarian thing after all.

It’s also a thing in many other philosophies so goob jerb

It's pretty much exclusively lolbertarians tho.

These are rights that we all have as human beings regardless of the prevailing governmental opinion

No, these are rights listed and afforded de jure to US citizens under the Constitution, protected by the government and funded by the tax base. Outside? Not a citizen? Nobody is guaranteeing you those rights unless you have citizenship under a similar forceful entity that cares, and certainly not the US government who will consider you collateral damage at best if you stand too close to a target.

Not true. These are rights that exist regardless of a government’s opinions. Regardless of who violates them. These rights are the nature of human social interaction.

Prove it. History vastly disagrees with you on that.

It’s how we live our lives. Or rather want to

I'm referring to the "respect the right of others to do the same" part.


There is no natural impulse to respect the right of other people's life, liberty, pursuit of property, etc. There are also plenty of impulses to violate the rights of others in that regard to fulfill one's desire for something not within that scope, e.g. Religious terrorism.

Nah. If you believe in yourself you believe in the right to life and liberty

That's not a valid assumption for a good proportion of people.

Sure it is

Considering how slavery, exterminating foreigners, and pillaging civilians was accepted practice for the overwhelming majority of human history, no it isn't.

Sure it was

Natural rights are ones that you have by simply existing.

So, absolutely none?
You need some way to enforce rights, otherwise they're empty words.

How do you enforce your right to life if someone kills you? Right area something that all people feel they have.

How do you enforce your right to life if someone kills you?

By forming a community that punishes murder severely.

Right area something that all people feel they have.


It doesn’t matter who enforced them. That’s a desperate question. The fact is that you have them by the mere fact of your existence.

The fact is that you have them by the mere fact of your existence.

Go hug a bear and tell me how that right to life works out.

You sound too retarded to know what natural rights mean. So I won’t bother explaining this to you.

Look retard, if I'm not allowed to build a shitty scrap metal hut in a walmart parking lot and kill local wildlife for food, then housing is absolutely a right.

Expensive housing close to town center is a luxury. You typically don't need it if you can't afford (don't work in town center).

more expensive housing is a luxury

Of course

housing isnt really the same as "shelter" though

you dont automatically get a deluxe house by human rights

You also can't deem bare minimum housing "luxury" unless you are on a quest to make words meaningless

They don't do anything useful and the market is telling them to move,out of the city but they're too stupid to understand it.

That comment section should be called World of Tankies.

The communists really came out of the woodwork for that one. It was kind of comical. Where the fuck did they all come from? Surely they don't hang out in /r/confessions

Are you accusing ChapoCommuneShack of violating Reddit tos you capitalist cispig?!

Fucking tankies smdh.

Commiecide when?

How can a sub brigade this much and still be allowed to exist?

It's because they're...


leaming_irnpaired 40 points 2 hours ago

youll be shown the wall eventually, fucking class traitor.

FUCKING LOL @ username


It's pretty solid. Ngl

Its a pretty good keming joke

Literally a death threat too

It’s bait, but it works so well.

Doesn't seem like bait. It's not crazy enough

It's probably not.

People who do exactly that turn up in /r/fi. Usually they own a duplex, live in half, rent the other half. If your tenant knows the landlord is next door they tend to complain about the most menial shit.

I'm convinced people are making this post in innocuos but loosely moderated subs, find a sub that would take offense to this post and share it on the sub's discord, and then post the ensuing fight in meta subs.

I'd like to join them.


There's always karma in being dicks to each other in the internet

Man, fuck landlords and their stupid bitch-ass ambiguous fossilized fish

Look both ways before crossing the street, commie.

I do look all the ways. I really do be acting like that

The spontaneous forces of capitalism have been steadily growing in the countryside in recent years, with new rich peasants springing up everywhere and many well-to-do middle peasants striving to become rich peasants. On the other hand, many poor peasants are still living in poverty for lack of sufficient means of production, with some in debt and others selling or renting out their land. If this tendency goes unchecked, the polarization in the countryside will inevitably be aggravated day by day. Those peasants who lose their land and those who remain in poverty will complain that we are doing nothing to save them from ruin or to help them overcome their difficulties. Nor will the well-to-do middle peasants who are heading in the capitalist direction be pleased with us, for we shall never be able to satisfy their demands unless we intend to take the capitalist road. Can the worker-peasant alliance continue to stand hrm in these circumstances ? Obviously not. There is no solution to this problem except on a new basis. And that means to bring about, step by step, the socialist transformation of the whole of agriculture simultaneously with the gradual realization of socialist industrialization and the socialist transformation of handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce; in other words, it means to carry out co-operation and eliminate the rich-peasant economy and the individual economy in the countryside so that all the rural people will become increasingly well off together. We maintain that this is the only way to consolidate the worker-peasant alliance.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

I am a bot. Contact for questions

"Don't you want to abolish state power?" Yes, we do, but not right now; we cannot do it yet. Why? Because imperialism still exists, because domestic reaction still exists, because classes still exist in our country. Our present task is to strengthen the people's state apparatus - mainly the people's army, the people's police and the people's courts - in order to consolidate national defence and protect the people's interests.

Ok, where's the /socialism or /chapotraphouse brigade link?

For fuck sake, I was being mostly facetious! Way to be such a stereotype /CHP.

land that he tells himself he owns

Holy shit, they come off as jealous AF. I think Tankies really are just envious kids who wish they could own an apartment complex and rake in the cash.

You actually need to maintain and manage it, too much work.

Better to just burn it down so everyone has to be homeless IMO

I think its a more popular opinion that we'd imagine. Everyone hates their landlord.

I don't. My landlord's pretty chill. She tells my loud-ass neighbors to shut up, gets maintenance dudes down to my apt on about a half hour notice, and otherwise leaves me the fuck alone.

I suspect these idiots have never even been on a lease before.

Lol in order to be on a lease they'd have to work to afford it. But since work is capitalist-class-induced-slavery, guess they'll have to settle for the oppression of mommy's house and her you-can-only-have-tendies-3-dinners-a-week rule

Yeah, my landlord sends me fancy cookie boxes on the holidays, and raised my rent after 2 years by a whopping 1.5%

Something tells me CTH users would be like the majority of section 8 tenants who are horrible fucking neighbors who creep you out.

Commies do tend to live slovenly lifestyles, even if they aren't loud or obnoxious to their neighbors the fucking smell will probably do them in.

As dumb as the Donald but with better grammar.

Chapo wagecels on suicide watch

Now you know damn well chapocels dont have jobs


You mean upsets communist retards. Remember folks tankies arent people.

LOL at the commies in that thread hating on all property owners.

They're predictably all focusing on the fact that they're a "bougie" landlord at all, rather than the whole lying aspect... which was the point of the post.

Holy shit did Chapo brigage the post? I actually can't believe there's that many normal people that take this so seriously

What do u mean take seriously? Downvoting is not hard lmao

Bro there were 1.5k comments on it lol

now that's an infestation

LMAO those retards threatening to murder a landlord because he....bought a house 😂

Do they think that if it was illegal to rent a property out to others that people would just build houses for free?

The government should own all houses. Then they could give them to CTH listeners for free, and exclude people with problematic opinions.

Scratch a chapo and a tankie bleeds

Then they should hire government workers to manage and maintain the homes.

Wait, hold on.

landlords aren't class traitors unless they accumulated their land without inheriting it.

lol they actually believe that social mobility is bad

You don’t need social mobility when everyone is poor.

My dad who is an immigrant, who lived frugally, despite earning a very good salary so he could buy out properties and rent them out = Filthy bourgeoisie that needs to die.

Chapotard, earning the same as my dad but blowing it on drugs, Alcohol, the latest tech etc. Inherits property of the same amount = Just a member of the oppressed proletariat.

a landlord who was born a member of the owner class and continues to act in the interests of that class (i.e. charge rent etc) is, by definition, not a "class traitor." the logic goes that thats a bad thing, because the owner class is parasitic and exploitative. this is extremely basic interpretive reading, how retarded are you to miss the point that badly?

Working for your wealth: class traitor

Getting your wealth for free and never working a day in your life for it: Oppressed prole

When grandma kicks the bucket I'm gonna be such a prole.

yes, they in fact do think everyone should do everything for them for free

On one hand this guy is a lying piece of shit and knows he’s a shitty landlord

On the other hand, Chapo tears

I have two hands

I dont blame the land lord. Some Renters will pester you nonstop about the dumbest shit if they think you have any influence on the situation.

why do you think he's a shitty landlord?

Because he’s lying about being a landlord

that's just good praxis

Do not confuse me for a chapotard i cant stand them

Good find OP. I'm not trying to defend the owner (don't know how he's running his operation), but I do know one thing:

If the losers in that thread were given the land, tools, and human resources necessary to develop and communally own their own apartment complex (for "free"), it'd be a festering pile of bloody shit within a month. They have no conception of how difficult it is to maintain a community of 10 people, much less 150.

Read Orwell's classic homage to catalonia

Boooo. Go back to playing Warframe

When's the Switch release?

Bwaaa someone hasn’t read Marx. Once the people own the means of production, they will create success for all.

Step 1: collect underpants Step 2: ? Step 3: success for all!

I mean landlords are scum, but that has nothing to do with rental property ownership.

Being a landlord to an alartment block is just an occupation for human piles of shit.

Owning property is evil lol

YIKES Chaptards sure r some bitter poors 😬😬😬

Every single person outraged by landlords is a poor and thus have no impact on reality.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would like a word with you

Oh they may have money thanks to their ancestors, or thanks to scamming the government. But they're definitely not working and not contributing positively to society.

Don’t tenants read what they sign?


Examine your own practices. Are you the kind of landlord who you would hate to live under?

My property has fairly good ratings online!

prove it, post a link to the reviews

Should I post my competitors page so you guys can 1 star that?

Now that's good bantz.

He unironically should have posted his competitor's property. It's a dirty trick but quite effective.

Fuckin goteem

I love how they didn’t continue a 30 reply comment chain after that last reply too. I imagine the first guy thought he was a mastermind genius then he just got shut down so fucking hard.

They realize that without landlords their rent wouldn't be free right?

I don't think they can think that many steps ahead.

To everyone in that thread: You sound poor!

Imagine being this pathetically mouldable and susceptible to suggestion. No wonder far lefties have a boner for censorship and speech policing - it's just projection, as usual.

Why would chapotards care about landlords when they live in mummy's basement?

cause if landlords didn't exist they could just go find a free house to live in

Mummy is a type of landlord and they hate doing chores.


That's where you're wrong pal

Wow there’s so much awful, stupid and dumb content on Reddit posted each day in the comments that it’s really hard for something terrible to stand out. But that comment section is legitimately embarrassing.

Landlords are money-grubbing, parasitic, heartless, bloodsucking capitalists

jesus christ chapo, cool it with the antisemitism

What did the landlord say that set them off? He posted a confession that doesn't even seem that bad.

For owning property

Seriously though, fuck all landlords. They have no place in a modern society. These rent seeking parricites need to be executed.

the angst

God damn parricites

Chad property owner vs virgin property manager.

I just don't get tankies. At all.

this was quite literately an episode of cheers.

So people are mad this guy owns shit and charges people to use it? WTF is he supposed to do?

Let those who deserve it live there without paying rent

Why would anyone buy investment real estate then?

Why should they?

Because bluiding apartment complexes gives people who can't afford to buy a house out right a place to live. If you have a non emotional argument for why this shouldn't be the case I'd love to heard it.

Not if they don’t build affordable housing.

Why not have the government bluid affordable housing and allow private investors bluid more risky investment properties?

Why do that? So the rich can continue to exploit the poor? So developers can lock out good area from affordable housing and keep for themselves? What’s wrong with the government doing it all?

Because then you can use the property taxes from the private properties to make more affordable housing, leading to more overall affordable housing

Or just take the properties and use that itself. Why do you assume landlords are the only people who know how to make buildings?

I never said that, in fact I literally said that the government should bluid affordable housing 2 comments ago. Also wouldn't using something like say, a beachfront condo, as affordable housing a waste of resources? The property tax on that alone would be able to fund multiple affordable housing contracts.

Take all the poor people and ship them to Ohio, but unironically.

have you ever tried to think things through?

Remember when seriously threatening to kill someone on the internet was something you’d get ridiculed for doing. What happened to that?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

Millennial memes. Gross.

Every time I hear socialist and communist rhetoric I just have to point to every failed state that ever tried it and the number of graves they have filled with their failed policies.

I'm a liberal Democrat and even I think these people are retarded.

Your bosses will withhold money from you if you don't work for them. You know, the stuff you need to feed yourself and get healthcare and pay parasites like you to not be homeless. And they make profit off of our work, which means they are not paying us the full value of that work. They are just as much parasites as you are.

Lmao, imagine thinking other people owe you money just for existing and work is basically blackmail... 25 points, this thread got brigaded hard...

You know you joke about it but in my country landlords ARE becoming class traitors. The greed and absolute ignorance of these people is fucking disgusting. I get it its not like that in a lot of other places, but where I am from we experienced a vast market change in over few years in what is a almost unregulated market. I had agents lie to me, landlords making up shit to keep deposit, etc. It's fucking retarded. So yeah, I want to shoot all landlords. It odesnt make much sense but I dont have any other forum to vents this. Fuck them

I had a few landlords / property managers who I didn't like. So I bought a house, and now rent out the rooms to friends and coworkers I get along with.

I charge them fair market rates for rent and return their security deposits. They like living with me, so much that I've had people come back to me after moving out asking if they could move back in with me!

If you think there are too many bad landlords, become one more good one. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

You do realize not everyone can be upper middle class and be able to afford another property [besides one for myself and my family] to rent out? The rent we pay here is about 60% of my income. I CANT save to even wish to afford property for myself, or even get a loan. There are about 40% of population who can't do that either. My lanord didnt change my intercom for 6 months. When he did he told be to be happy because it cost 600 euros [800 dollars]. I checked, the intercom costs 120 dollars. And this AFTER 6 MONTHS. And this is from a man who gets 200000k from rent every month from rent revenue

i want to shoot all landlords

Yeah you act like they owe you rent for living in your head 24/7.


I only had good ones

I really think it depends what country you live

Oh damn, that is a buttload of butthurt

It's especially interesting because the op's confession isn't even particularly noteworthy. He tells a white lie to make his life slightly easier. As far as I can tell, the thread is just full of people that hate him for owning a property he rents out, lmao


That thread is seriously making me consider fascism

For real, this pushes me from libertarianism to Pinochet

always remember to be guided by the holy light of radical centrism

When did you decide to become a pedophile and why are you thinking of becoming gay?

Do you are have stupid?

Lol. Imagine being this retarded. Let me guess. DDF member?

youll be shown the wall eventually, fucking class traitor.

10 to 1 reddit isn't going to ban this guy for threatening physical harm, because he isn't an evil right-winger...

Should I post my competitors page so you guys can 1 star that?

This guy’s good

Why do chapocels have such hatred for ordinary successful people? Is it because of deep insecurity at their own lack of success?

youll be shown the wall eventually, fucking class traitor

"class traitor"

do they even know they sound like stormfront? i've had it. my sides hurt

That's a lot of poors!

Nothing is more hilarious than seeing chapo rabidly foam at the mouth and seeth over perfectly normal economic contracts and relationships for ideological reasons. . This indignant attitude of theirs reminds me of the middle ages when lending money with interest was seen as a sin by the church and only (((some people))) engaged in usury.

Chapo posters are pathetic, lol.

Serious Post: So my dad is a liberal and a "landlord", by that he owns the house next door which he rents out to tenants. For this reason, according to Chapo, he deserves to be hung up by a meat hook and is scum.

There must be some horseshoe here, "landlords" "cops" "corporations" ect... It's a weird collection upon which all of problems of our world lay that really draw the angry rage of these people. SlateStar Codex had an interesting article about this type of rage among hyper political people

Noice thread to cast my net.

Unironically brilliant.

“Sir, this decision is costly and ineffective.”

“Hey, I just work here.”

“Officer! I’m being mugged!”

“Oh shit lemme call the cops!”

“Mr. President, I-“

“You must be mistaken. I am the Vice President. The greatest Vice President, just the best, believe me.”

Just another fine example of crapitalism on display front and center. Just exploit people financially and deceive them anyway necessary to get ahead.

ITT: Unironically defends landlords.

I'm not sympathetic to people who exploit the fact the vast majority of millennials cannot afford housing. The rising cost of housing is also due to landlords and the unfortunate fact that so many people need to rent. Developers will always build luxury housing, never low income housing, so the housing crises gets worse.

I'm not sympathetic to people who exploit the fact the vast majority of millennials cannot afford housing.

They're privileged, though so fuck em. Millenials should be paying for illegal immigrants housing and sleeping on the streets its only fair.

The cost of housing isn't due to landlords, it's because houses don't grow on fucking trees and then magically maintain themselves.

There is one place where there is a point to be made about real exploitation by landlords but they're too dumb to realize it. Some of the excessive cost of housing is due to lobbying by homeowners and landlords to have the government restrict the supply of new housing through zoning laws. Restrict the supply, prices go up artificially, and the wealth of the lower classes (renters and first-time buyers) gets transferred to the upper classes on a massive scale.

But the problem here is central planning and the solution is more of a free market, so Chapo will never want to change it.

Ironically the most leftist places are usually the worst offenders in this regard. San Francisco has the strictest zoning laws of any major city. It's a haven of liberals and communists who claim to care about the poor, but in reality they push these policies that hurt the poor a lot more than anything else the government does.

Please achieve basic economic literacy.

Says the rube using lolbertarian talking points.

nice comeback bro, read a fucking book you ignorant piece of trash

Cute. Why would I argue with idiots that keep reusing libertarian talking points.

"Everyone that disagrees with me must be poor". Depressing seeing lolbertarian and neoliberal trash in r/drama.

I also like how you deliberately leave out the bit about real estate speculation.

"Muh evil government". I do hope the Democrats retake the White House and raise your taxes. How fucking stupid are you? More than 80% of new units in the United States largest metropolitan areas are luxury. The housing crisis is mostly do to the constant construction of luxury buildings.

I'm suppose to be sympathetic to parasites that keep raising rent, the cost of living for the majority of people, then bitch about "muh bootstraps"?

how do you think real estate speculation works

I missed you, prince.

We're fucked either way, everyone here is acting like there is this cool fair way money and shit is allocated and that it's just the problem of every preceding generation to deal with whatever retarded model the people before them cooked up to allocate a dwindling amount of shit.

It's really fun then to keep in mind that banks straight up got bailed out for their fuck ups or that literally most wealth generated in the US straight up goes to a fuckin percent of a percent. it's almost like these Chapo tards are just here to make talking about these things unacceptable.

This thread is full of unironic DDFaggots, don't expect a warm welcome.

The problem with class consciousness is the bourgeoisie have it and the proles do not.

From CTH. I swear to God this is so close to self awareness.

i love how they all hate landlords in chapo but without them theyd all be homeless

do they think under communism theyd just get a free house and be able to maintain their current lifestyles

Buttfurious commie blowing up my inbox with "FITE ME IRL" shit. I'm surprised he can see his keyboard through the tears.

so you aren't actually going to take the opportunity to hurt a commie? That's ok, not everybody's willing to back up their threats. As I said, you wouldn't say any of those threats to my face. Point proven, thank you very much.

I only own/rent out four apartments but I dream of owning 38 due to the triggering potential.

Seriously, tho. Actually managing the places you rent is a full time job. Most plebs would end up drinking rainwater and shitting in buckets if they had to actually had to maintain their own services and facilities.

One of the chapotards in there:

Im a former white supremacist who is now Transgender(mtf), and a marxist historian. AMA

You can't make this shit up.

The only thing worse than capitalism are communists

I take offense to you calling commies "people".

Rentpoors are the real cockroaches they don't even pay property taxes.