Inside the misunderstood culture of furries

1  2018-11-14 by Ayylmao11023


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It’s hard to “misunderstand” putting your dick in the family pet.

"I become very sinister — very forceful and intimidating," says Strike, author of a book on the fandom called "Furry Nation." "It's so much fun to become that other person — this kind of mysterious, alluring character. Some women really take a shine to him and it's really a blast."

let me have sex with your fuckin dog bitch

Nope. Furryside when?

Yesterday!! 😔😭

Most feel like depictions of sexual fetishists wearing furry costumes and cavorting at wild parties are inaccurate and downright unfair, say experts.

Polling the intern pool doesn’t count as consulting experts.

For the unaware, we're talking about a worldwide community estimated at hundreds of thousands strong who call themselves the furry fandom.

hundreds of thousands

Fucking. What.

It's true m8. There's at least half a million furries all around the world

half a million

We need a lot of gasoline and matches.

Good luck making it to Japan and Thailand lmfao

You guys remember like a decade and a half ago they'd used to make these articles to subtly mock them, and now they're 100% unironically defending furries?

What happened? Is this because of LGBT becoming more mainstream?

This is what Lisa Ling's show is all about. She finds some group of weird degenerates, pretends that they don't have any problems in their community, and then says they're just plain folks like anyone else except happier. Like, I don't know if she's claimed juggalos are a force for good yet, but it will happen sooner or later.

There are some terrifying facts laid out here.

Milfurs are furries who are current or past members of the military.

So they're infiltrating the armed forces now, perhaps hoping to use their military training in terrorist operations.

61.7% of furries reported being bullied from the ages 11-18

How are we failing our children so bad that this isn't even close to 100%?

"We find that, with most furries and their fur suits, there's no sexual element to it for the vast majority of fursuiters," says Plante.

Sure buddy.

How does somebody read this and not come to the conclusion that furries have a mental illness

HOw dOeS SoMeBoDy rEaD ThIs aNd nOt cOmE To tHe cOnClUsIoN ThAt fUrRiEs hAvE A MeNtAl iLlNeSs

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So furry isn’t about sex, but they included a picture of a dog-woman showing off her juicy ta-tas halfway down the page?

Did whoever gassed that con the other year end up getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom?