/r/Thinspocommunity has been quarantined while /r/proED and /r/proEDMemes have both been banned. /r/thinspocommunity reacts.

1  2018-11-15 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


Jews did this


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They quarantined r/edfood too. Which unironically has great low calorie recipes ๐Ÿ‘€

Wtf. They got a national hotline quarantine message to.

Is a reddit admin high or something?

high fat

It's 2018, you can't say that. The politically correct term is "hella thicc like Daddy๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ".

They are Americans bruh. If the meals doesn't have over 1000 calories then it is clearly a eating disorder.



/r/1200isplenty has you covered for all your binge night meals

I just had an argument in a teen mom sub with a proED poster, so Iโ€™m feeling extra good about this ban.

being against proED

Out out out.

To someone without an eating disorder, those subs seemed not really as advertised. Whenever I came across posts they never seemed to contain meal portions or nutritional content even approaching the normal kind of stuff I eat. They seemed too insulated from reality for the users own health, mental or physical. Like that edfood place a guy has a 100cal breakfast, which is awful.

Like saying we don't encourage ed but 'some people aren't ready to stop', and then all the content is just bragging about how little you eat, and preventing users from even suggesting it's not healthy or not enough to live, is just a weasely way to continue the cycle.

Thinking land whales are hotter than flesh skeletons in 2018 lmao

I'm sorry I know you meant this lightheartedly but a lot of us who have EDs actively don't want to be sexualised. Despite what the media portrays, a lot of us have experienced sexual mistreatment and any sign of secondary sex characteristics (for girls this means boobs, hips, etc.) is terrifying. And a lot of us would rather be "flesh skeletons" than feel sexualised.

Wtf did you think those subs were proED was for people with ED to bond and EDFood was for discussing eating with ED. It wasnโ€™t some antiED nonsense which is what you seem to want. Go to HAES or whoever with that with the rest of the fatties.

antiED nonsense

Lmao nigga just waste away nigga like what even is organ failure just eat tea

Lmao nigga just waste away nigga like what even is organ failure just eat tea

Your mayo is showing. Christ.

Think it's just my lack of body dysmorphia and mental illness showing

Really burned him there, champ.


Trannies: funny

People that have mental breakdowns over sandwiches: not funny?

Are you some sort of retard? I'm not moralfagging here, I don't care what people laugh at

Imagine going to an pro ana meeting and beating the shit out of everyone there.

Totes not a serial killer.

imagine only being able to fantasize about beating up string beans

Sounds like how I spend my Tuesdays

I think for everyone downvoting this to hell, the OP might have been describing the Reddit admins (mods?) as the people beating people while theyโ€™re already down. It was a devastating blow to all those who received support there.

Could be wrong though.

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Proed contrary to it's name was not for the glorification of eating disorders. It was there for support, discussing things that only people who have suffered in a similar way can truly understand. There are other subreddits for physical and mental disorders that are there for the same reasons and I doubt they'll be removed. People really want to get up in arms over there being places like proed but it was one of the most supportive and least judgmental places I've been on Reddit. They discouraged restriction and purging and offered support in recovery. There are toxic places on the internet specificely for triggering people like thinspo those should be taken down.

This, exactly, it was so supportive.

Eating disorder drama is great because they get winded and need a nap so easily.

implying that the only ED is anorexia even though only 1 in 10 people with an ED are anorexic

Have you tried keeping your mouth shut about things you obviously don't know shit about, sweetie? Isn't it ironic that you make fun of people suffering from a mental illness when you obviously have an extra chromosome? ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

Thought those were about the other kind of ED๐Ÿ†

One time I read a comment about ED that made me furious (can't remember exactly what it said) and I wrote a two paragraph passive-aggressive reply to that comment only to realise that it was talking about erectile dysfunction, not eating disorders lmfao.