Current Avenatti post ban list. Ouch.

1  2018-11-15 by Trollioo1


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Ban....delete. Whelp apparently I'm retarded. RIP.

OP, it's delete.

But who cares, this is hilarious.

stop reeeeposting, Stanley.. We know it's your alt.

Ed, complaining about alts.

He’s angry his god avenatti turned out to be a piece of shit to the surprise of nobody but him.

Nah I don't think he cares about that at all. He is just booty blasted that Politics could be criticized and deserve it so he is in spin mode.

Imagine my shawk that an Indian is booty blasted

MAGAtards projecting their messiah complex onto "the left" ? Check.

This whole Avenetti bullshit is like a fucking case study on the grand delusions and absolute domination of propaganda over the right. Nobody on the left gives a shit about this guy, but CNN thought they might so they plastered him all over their network for a while, rightard media saw this and thought "wow the left must really love this guy" and has now built up a whole "messiah like following on the left!" of him that literally does not exist outside your delusions.

Attack him all you want, nobody gives a shit, and at this point the Dems will probably end up running Biden in 2020 with a potted plant as his VP and he'll win in a fucking landslide.

Oh and the potted plant will beat Pence in multiple debates because it will identify as female and he'll automatically disqualify himself. Now that's just sad.
