Fatties of /r/justneckbeardthings get triggered when you point out that fat people are gluttonous and lazy

1  2018-11-15 by BigTiddyAnimeWaifu


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Some people are fat for a medical reason though.

lmaoooooooooo i always love when burgers do these mental gymnastics to justify being obese

It’s true. It’s also true that you’re a moron.

it's true and it's also statistically irrelevant. go away fatty

Not fatty (lol) and you are still a moron.

OK fatty


The amount of people who are medically overweight (thyroid issues generally) is so fucking infinitesimally small that you shouldn't even consider them. 99.99999% of obnoxious ham planets are the weight a fucking elephants leg because they're so busy stuffing their face with tendies that they can't even breathe properly.

nah youre just talking out your ass. Substance Abuse Disorder is EXTREMELY common.

I love how you're always being nice tbh. I am going to tag you as a "sweet guy" now.

Fatties are gross though, so are chapotards like you.

Thank you so much ☺️


[In between the glurping sounds of swallowing.] Some people are fat for a medical reason though. [Chews more]


👸💅 👀💍

This must be shopped. Tell me it’s shopped. I’m scared.

Watch TLC sometime

Oh baby, that's not shopped. That's a normal day on "my 600 lb life" and all these, well most, developed health problems after becoming obese. Its like they're trying to take the "I have a thyroid problem" line to the next level.

Oh no

The entire series is "I can't lose weight" and not so subtle cuts to them asking their parents, no matter the landwhale's age, to order a pizza.

A pizza for them and a pizza for 4 other people.

Is being an Amerilad a medical issue?

being american is a medical issue by itself

Hot damm

Fitcels BTFO

Incurable one.

Yes, that's why no one gets treated for it. :p

Yes, hence big pharma

Someone should remind that landwhale that fatfucks with real genetic/hormonal isssues in the first world are an insignificant demographic and that “food addiction” is not a real medical condition.

Can I ask how it's different?

can you explain why doctors disagree with you senpai?

They don't

nah, idfc about fat people, but comparing them with china and japan is bs. Obesity is symptom of our post-scarcity food supply and comparing it to Asian countries that arent able to feed their citizens without importing food is disingenuous.

god bless amerilards


Crumpets are pretty fat to according to statistics.

I see so many walking to campus every day. Can confirm

which uni

All of them

I can't go to every uni and shank every balding overweight manlet who goes there so unless you want me to call this whole thing off you better tell me which uni he goes to, bucko.

If you think I know him, you're beyond retarded

Playing dumb, hmm? I see you've had experience.

My goodness, save some chromosomes for the rest of us!

Other countries have similar obesity rates, but burgers manage to push their obesity further. No other country could produce multiple seasons of a show called ‘My 600lb Life.’


A very difficult challenge, because 600 lb lives don't last very long.

But when you've got thousands of the fuckers just in this country alone, shit, that show's gonna be on for forty seasons.

Not a lot of recurring characters though

That's what keeps it fresh obviously

Most of the people that were on that show are still alive

Ah, that's a shame

It’s just anglos

Iceland and Norway too

I'm German and we have too many fatties as well, Britain has the same issues. Obesity stats for OECD countries are quite high in general. The only acceptable ones are Japan and South Korea.

Probably all that pork and beer, right Abdul?

idk I eat neither of those

You didn’t have to tell me, Mohammed

I'm not Muslim, I'm Lutheran, like Bergman

german too autistic to realise somone is mocking his country

Stop, he'll behead u

posts in child free and r/politics


My child free post was a joke making fun of them lol

Except Finland is fatter than us. Jog on snownigger.

Have you seen obesity stats for Mexico? It's literally every prosperous country that's not Asian.

muh whatafatism

Sounds like you're fat.

i'm going bald and i got in grown hairs all over my legs but being fat is not one of my problems, praise be to allah


You're the one who got defensive over it, fatty

It’s always “some” never me. As if the existence of it makes it ok for them. Lol

Because obese people need to justify their existence apparently.

Because that's the only kind of gymnastics they do

Weird how fat people refuse to accept how calories work.

the funny thing is that only hypothyroidism and cushing syndrome cause obesity

The 0.01%

Some people are fat for a medical reason though. Because they let themselves get so fuking fat they can't move


The problem is, I don't think these people understand exactly how bad their diet is

Give them a break, it's the only gymnastics they'll ever do

It’s just like if a sub about toxic and trashy males is full of toxic and trashy females 🤔

Why is it OK to laugh a fat neckbeards then immediately claim all fat women are suffering from a "virus"?

because fat women are beautiful QUEENS

If she breaths she's a thot

Vagina wielders BTFO

If she doesn't she's a dead thot





Fat women > other women. More ass/tiddy to grab, and they always try way harder during sex, like they have something to prove.

God bless fat women


More for me, though I'm not single anymore so I'm off limits

KingVape, master of all that is fat tiddy

I'm more into big fat butts, but I do love some fat tiddy

What about that smell they get when all the dead skin, sweat, etc gets trapped in their many folds? Do you lick them clean?

That sounds more like someone who's morbidly obese, which I am not into

i like the smell of unwashed asshole and sweat starter pack

Big girls are still clean lol

not from my experience with thme

you can smell them when they enter the room

Nah, they usually smell like some kind of Victoria's Secret spray

This is blacker than any comment I have ever read on BPT.

thots don't want to accept any agency. They hate being depicted as passive objects where life just imposes things onto them, yet they also cherish it.

But it really is genetic. Women are naturally gross, fat, blobs of flesh so they can be suitable horrific breeders.

Because men are disposable duh, fatty

Because fat men are not in anyway FIERCE

In fairness, it's not safe to be below a fat person, you best be putting yourself above them.

The real hot take.

Subs like /r/NiceGuys and /r/justneckbeard things are often filled with losers trying to make fun of other people to feel better about themselves.

said on r/drama

Inb4 we acknowledge it

Eh still not as bad as those other two subs.

I think we can soon change that... you fucking low life loser asshole “qwerty” pffft how immature and lazy. I’m out. #micdrop

How rude of you to say that penischef.

Who uses QWERTY? Be a real Colemakkk Zebra!

This sub is a lot less hypocritical than those subs. It's still a trash bully sub, but it's not bullying a mirror like those places


losers trying to make fun of other people to feel better about themselves.

Thats literally ever sub ever tho, trashy, thathappened, quityourbullshit,drama, shitredditsays, imtotalpieceofshit, shitpoliticssay, subredditdrama, braincels,inceltears.

i could go on tbh

Why do these subs even exist in 2018? Just losers laughing at losers while being smug about it

It's LIBERAL losers laughing at people they assume aren't liberal, innit.

All of reddit is people sitting around in closed echo chambers to suite their particular set of beliefs making fun of other people. That's the whole point of the website.

and this was the only sub that was so good at it that we required sanctions

keep up the good work, goys

Ok I am dumb and I do ask dumb questions but isnt there the equivalent female incel to balance shit out?

Yes, it infests trollx and GC.

r/nicegirls I think.

Yes but no one gives a shit


Lol. You posted your own post to drama after you got down voted by neckbeards. There really isn't even that much drama. This is you crying about your down votes.

You really showed them.

idk, the amount of drama i see in that comment chain is about the same as other /r/Drama threads

nothing really wrong with op's submission 2bh

That's a really low bar. I get that some of you are fine with mediocrity, but a debate is about as PC of drama as you can get.

And on top of that, claiming one made the drama is like showing us your own shit. It's definitely impressive if it's good, but if it's just a regular shit, then we just joined you in the bathroom for nothing. It's worse for us to see the poor showing than it is for those who you "caused drama to".

I'm not gonna run off to the mods on this one because they probably will eat your shit if you show it to them, but I'm gonna let you know that you all gotta do better.

This isn't your safe space from neckbeards who are demolishing your arguments.

Is this pasta lol?

Call me Chef Boyardee.

He's just showing how easily baited people are, there and here. People gobble that shit up.

Literally you. I'm sick of eating this type of shit. Hence my comment. You go ahead and feast on that garbage.

Neckbeards are a gigantic fiction of their imaginations. It's a gigantic projection. I remember their Halloween pics, most of them didn't have to put much effort to look like a neckbeard.

I remember that. All they literally had to change was wear a fedora and cargo shorts.

Is this /r/fatpeoplehate now?

Implying that mocking burgers is bad



what are you even talking about?

Muricans have a propensity towards the mighty burger, thus they are occasionally referred to by their overpowering dish.

I like burgers, and I'm fat are you making fun of me?

I am now baconator.

KFC double down

Double-stuffed thunder-puft.

So it would seem

you know who else hates fats? modern medicine

Its PoundMeToo bud.

You really do sound fat

Nothing wrong with hating fat people.

Don't cocktease me like that.

Nah, reality is /r/fatpeoplehate.

I neither disagree or agree with this statement

It's true, though. I'm fat as shit and it's because I'm a lazy, sugar-consuming loaf that would rather watch cartoons than walk five miles after work.

Just jealous cus we can afford food

Mommy’s good boy point aren’t irl currency

A double cheeseburger is only a dollar moron, Jamal bullies ten times that just out of fat white boys like you lol

Like I get that stuff like depression, thyroid shit, and food addiction can cause you to overeat and get fat... But how can you want yourself to look like that? These people should hate that they've gotten this obese and should want to be fit