1  2018-11-15 by Wraith_GraveSpell


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

christcucks and feminists deserve each other

Watch yourself. Those seem dangerously close to swears.

Fuck cunt.

cuck isn't a swear, p. sure

I said they were close to swears. So use caution.

Noted and upvoted. Caution deployed.



That kind of talk is not appreciated or allowed here. Final warning.

No u, asshole.

Ironically that’s exactly the kind of talk we are trying to avoid.

Ironically this is r/drama where even the fucking sidebar swears at you, but do feel free to have another one of those meltdowns for us.

Imagine unironically thinking this isn't low tier bait

imagine unironically thinking any low tier bait would keep trying for this long

Imagine underestimating the power of severe autism

Imagine thinking.

Imagine all the people

maybe low tier, but definitely high quality and high quantity.

Very rare when it comes to bait.

You are now BANNED from the Internet.

thank fucking god for that

I'm a mod here, and he can swear as much as he fucking likes.

Fuck u

make him a mod so he can ban everyone who swears

Yes I accept the position. This is wonderful.

if you accept the position then assume the position.


Make him a mod. But don't give him many mod powers. That way we can ping him all the fucking time

Imma fuck u in the ass

make sure u say no homo

Hey I got some black and white hair dye in the back does that mean I can swear by my head? Just wondering how the Lord's rules work.

I don’t understand what that means, but no. Never swear.

Matthew 5:36

No, fuck off.



My thread. My rules (LORD's rules).


//////////////////////////// Victim: Libtard Status: Destroyed ———————————— Additional notes: Epic style ////////////////////////////

That's a troll.

Nah i have gotten banned on from subreddits for swearing.

I'm really torn on it. I want to believe he's a troll just because it is just so ludicrous, but I have never seen such a committed troll. He does this shit literally every day and has for quite a while.


It isn't every day he has only has like submitted 8 or so threads.

Unless he is also commenting in random threads everyday as well.

Hes a master level troll. This is the same dude who made all the anti-swearing bots

The dedication though...

yeah, just seems like a particularly committed troll tbh.

I thought that, but No troll would go this far would it?

That comment makes me think he might be genuine.

Nah, it’s just a Ned Flanders LARP.

Is there anything in the Bible against swear words?

If Jesus cries because people say "What the fuck" it's a miracle he was even willing to get nailed down to a cross.

Since he was eminently enlightened by God's presence, it is fair to assume that sins and the corruption of one's soul bother him as much, if not more, than physical pain.

He sounds like a whiny bitch, then.

Maybe, I don't know if saying swear words is a sin, that's why I've asked. He might be down with it.

Considering that Jesus spent a good chunk of his time with sinners, according to the Bible, he'd probably be down with a lot of things.

He still wanted to purify their soul (which is possible thanks to forgiveness), and open the doors of Heaven to those who surround him. This does not mean that he was down with swear words, neither that he wasn't. Is it possible that there is no serious Christian theologian on r/drama. What a shame.

Which probably means he was some kind of lawful neutral, then.

Not really, since he would still willing to send some of them to Hell (namely, does who did not stop sinning, and we still don't know if saying swear words is a sin).

Since his concept of justice includes eternal torture, I think it is fair to say that he is Chaotic to say the least. Also a x-neutral Jesus would not be able to intervene in the world, so there would be no Providence.

A very convincing argument. I agree.

Paul thinks that swearing is bad

take that as you will

Matthew 5:34-37 Ephesians 4:29 Ephesians 5:4 Luke 6:45 Matthew 12:36-37

Shit checks out yo.

1 is about making oaths, 4 doesn't seem to be particularly about swearing in context and 5 is again about not saying "empty words" (so the lesson is to always follow up on your promises to fuck some motherfucker's shit up like cool old rappers did, unlike modern day windbags who are all bark and no bite). And Paul is a known phoney, nobody should listen to his prudish bullshit.

Paul is a known phoney, nobody should listen to his prudish bullshit.

Ahh so you keep kosher as a Christian huh?

Of course not because Matthew 12:1-13

This guy's comment history is the fricking jackpot.


The last time he got posted here I probably spent an hour going through his history, it’s truly fascinating. After an exchange with him through private messages I’m starting to believe he’s actually serious about this.

Well fuck

Well I came to the conclusion through thought and prayer. I took a look at the worlds problems and tried to find one that was under appreciated and overlooked. I prayed on it and waited for an answer. And then it hit me. A true sign from the LORD: I heard someone say the D word on the television that was on in the other room. In that moment I knew what My life’s calling was: make the world a more uplifting place through language. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Troll for sure

I don't know, christians are weird. I was sent to catholic school for 1st-8th grade and I remember when South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut came out, one of our priests went and watched it like opening weekend. He incorporated this into one of his sermons and specifically mentioned the number of times each different swear word was used (and some were stupid high, fuck had 400-something mentions I think).

To this day I have no fucking clue why he did that, but I've always thought it was probably funny for other movie goers to see this crazy priest in the corner furiously trying to keep up his running tally of bad words.

do you think i've fed him enough words yet

I think he's clearly on a divine path that's caused you to froth at the mouth and become a complete emotional wreck. I think you need to feed yourself some bible.

i fed myself some bible but it was past its sell by so it just told me the more i swear at him the better his reaction is

Sounds like you need to lock yourself in a room and don't come out until you've read the thing and have purged the aspergers demons in your head.

that wouldn't generate several days of fedorcallahan drama though soooooo

Believe it or not you're the spectacle not him right now. Sooooo read that bible.

it takes a little reading comprehension and a little time to realise the man now whining about MUH SOLEMN OATHBREAK is the finest spectacle and being a wonderfully bible obsessed retard is a fine source of drama too

I'll pray for your soul.

What a weird yet boring troll.

Exactly. This one is kind of obvious and dumb. While some other trolls are outrageous but believable

Apparently he's good enough to bait redditors but that's not much of an accomplishment

Motherfucking pissy shit





heck = hell + fuck

get b&


Imagine falling for b8 this hard, retards.

Doing the Lord's work one shitpooppost at a time

Thanks for editing your comment but you can still see where the swear is crossed out. Please figure out a way to remove it entirely. LORD bless.

you fucking homosexual

Dont @ me again you christfag


probably one of the few lolcows who should not get modded here

heck off.

Not saying words because only because everyone says they're naught lmao

🎵 Mom I'm sorry for saying frick 🎶

Because if I say I like the moon landing then you might suprise me by saying there was a bunch of swearing involved in it.

If I say I don’t like the moon landing then you might say they used clean language the whole time. There is no way for me to know how much swearing was involved in the whole thing.


Jeez guys. Don't swear. Stick to blasphemy and praising Satan like the rest of us.