The UK government and parliament are tearing themselves apart on May's Brexit deal

1  2018-11-15 by opaaaaa5



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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

If you get

0 Back: Juhanam for you

3 back: you're off the martyr list

5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly

10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ


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fix the formatting mods pls


thank you this was important to me

The new version looks like shit on my phone now.


The old one did too so I'm not changing it. It's a font issue.

Just wrap it in a code block.

The firwt four spaces in the quote are being ignored and I'm to lazy to find out why.

Also change "brother" to "akhi" tyvm

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Wow I watched her defend the deal in parliament, and she looked completely devastated as even her own party members shat on her.

She’s holding a press conference at 5pm. Do you think she’ll resign?

Maybe she'll behead Boris live on air and then commit seppuku.


As if that would kill him. Tentacles would probably sprout out of his neck and put his head back into place.


that would be something

I can’t wait for Brexit to finally happen so I can go to England and LARP 28 days later.

Unfortunately it will more likely be a horrible mixture of "This is England", "Shameless", and "One foot in the grave".

So just like Parliament?

Yes, but with less posh retards slobbering faux-latin out of their dumb inbred, toothy mouth holes and more fat, bald men moaning about things they can barely see out of their wrinkled little eye-holes sank into their disgusting, floppy, bull-dog faces.

It'll be really cheap too. I want to tour allnthe newly destitute and collapsing rural areas and laughy at the doughy ugly retards.

They really need to just hold another fucking vote and be done with it. I think it's become pretty clear the majority of the population doesn't want Brexit and likely has no idea what they were even voting for.

They need to just admit they're retarded and call it off.


tbh I think it's too late to quit now, and I say that as a yuropoor

Yeah Juncker is fully committed to making an example of the UK so the Slavs don't get any ideas about leaving the union.

I don't think the Slavs or Hungarians would be stupid enough to try but yeah

Sure, swap "leave the union" for "backtalk their Belgian betters".

I don't think any sl*v country would seriously consider that anyway. If anything the Greeks would've been more likely to leave but they kinda missed the bus on that one

We're in the meme-timeline now. No normal ideas are allowed.

They can't lol.

UK courts does not allow it and EU courts has not taken the case. Probably would requires constitutional amendments in EU law which would be a very long process.

From what I understood, most of them were protest votes or something.

"lol whoops. anyway good luck with this one cya"

Lah Mao

Fuck off. Give me Brexit or give me death.

Brexit rurals will get theirs.

Bongs are just lashing out because they aren't ready to accept that even leaving the EU won't wash off their permanent yuropoor stench.

Can't wait to do customs invoices and deal with tarrifs to ship anything to France lmao wow

Imagine being British in 2018

Imagine being Pakistani-British. The shame would never come out.

You are tearing me apart Theresa!

I was listenning to the parlament debates or whatever and I noticed that I don't actually listen to what they're saying, I just enjoy the accent. I feel dirty now.

The UK is such an embarrassment. How does the greatest empire in the world become Alabama Island in such a short amount of time?

Brexit is a shit show haha