Daddy seems vv worried this morning

1  2018-11-15 by ConservativesRBIGgay


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want.

Imagine projecting this hard


imagine victimizing yourself this hard

Mueller is a Republican appointed by Bush, what is daddy even trying to say?


I saw this tweet too

What Trump is saying here is Mueller has one of his kids by the balls.

Sometimes inidly hope Trumpnwill go one one of these spergouts so we can all assume someone from his camp is about to get arrested...then watch Hilldawg get arrested. Just to flip the script slightly.

Q actually predicted this.

Can you Americans just start another civil war and stfu?

You are so fucking annoying Amerimutts.

In this situation genocide is unironically the answer.

start another...war

Sure thing friend! Where are you located, so that we can bring you the optimum amount of Freedom and Democracy?

Unrelated but do you have oil?

Is American education so bad you don't know what the word "civil war" means?

it'll be a civil war once Uncle Sam occupies you ;)

It still wouldn't be a civil war because occupied countries are not citizens.

A civil war needs to be a war between citizens.

occupied countries are not citizens

Not with that attitude

You never answered the question about oil. Lol not like it’s important(lol) or anything lol, but seriously do you?


civil war

That looks like two words. Which would be ‘words’.

Are you one of those North Africans?

I know you know what the word "war" means. So I'm wondering if you know what the word "civil" means in the context of "civil war"

Ah, I think you missed the joke friend. You see the ellipsis in the original response? That means I deliberately omitted ‘civil’.

An ellipsis is a grammatical device for omitting a word or phrase from a quote.

In this case, you misunderstood the joke and promptly lost all pretense of civility.

It’s ole though, happens to us all.

What a retarded joke

Uh huh.

So now we have: serious poster, can’t understand plural words, and an illiterate mong who can’t appreciate ellipsis humor.

What nation are we bombing?

Imagine trying this hard

You missed a period. Hopefully you’ll get one next month.

S E N T I A N T ?

He’s subscribed to a subreddit dedicated to penis shaped objects, cut the poor man some slack.

It’s a pretty retarded joke but probably not as retarded as your response

Daddy should nuke something the world is so boring

The drama would be boundless.

I think he should nuke SF and tweet about friendly fire, just to make the hilarity better.

I guess those reported sealed indictments are coming soon after all…


Don't what?

Daddy is getting pretty spooped out. DDF TO THE RESCUE!

Come on now America, you have had your fun with us, show us who you really elected!