Conservative and alt right hate thread

1  2018-11-15 by TatsuyaOW


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Their memes are getting pretty bad these days, imo

Who would’ve though stealing /pol/ memes from 2013 would’ve gotten old


No emojis? Gtfo off my subreddit

pls don't be so mean to me!

Now that's kawaii desu ne af

A: hehe you're an NPC.

B: I'm not the NPC, you're the NPC.



It's like watching lane minions in LoL or DOTA fight each other but with shitposts.

NPC didn't even start as a political meme. It was just about how some people claim to have no inner voice.

Lots of people don't think in words too

The NPC meme is really dumb

t. NPC

admitting to being an NPC to own the conservatives

Accidentally misunderstanding a study to own the libs

NPC is still a good insult cause it has so many uses. Also it made leftoids hilariously buttmad and spawned so many articles about it.

It's just another word for sheeple, which has been identified as stupid for decades now.

It's used exclusively by people like this

People on trains?

That's what happens when you give boomers the keys to your meme.

they are a buncha weenies and im gonna steal their lunch money

Like every right-wing meme I see these days is boomer nonsense

this has potential to become a massive shitstorm, i approve

Both are shit but alt right nerds are way more intrusive on this sub than tankies who generally start one stupid argument then go back to /r/FULLCOMMUNISM

The MDE purge didn’t work they’ve just scattered 😢

67% upvoted


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Best NO U I have seen on this sub.

Don't worry, by 2020 that number will hit 56%


They’ve gotten pretty predictable.

lol get owned by gamegate noob

If that wasn't a prop gun, I'd expect him to have accidentally shot himself by the time he was done playing with it.

I'm a liberal so they are my natural enemy

Surprised you're liberal, going by your favorite topic of discussion I had you pegged as a lolbertarian, if not full ancap.

the left cant meme

This still holds true ime. If you go on the drama related discord’s it is a bunch lefty mayos sharing edgy pol memes. Tells you all you need to know. I will say the Charlie Kirk turning point memes have been a pretty good effort.

I only stay in there for the channel where we're allowed to post furry porn

I never go in those channels, maybe I should 🤔

If you go on the drama related discord’s it is a bunch lefty mayos sharing edgy pol memes. you contract incurable ass cancer and die a horrible, albeit deserved death.


emem tnac tfel eht

Eat my Bussy libtards

Now that's fucking based

You're the poster boy for radical centrism, now post your anus

Careful, or I'ma call Ben Shapiro to set your house on fire and block the exits with a barricade of FACTS and REASON

Not the manlet!

Ben Shapiro SLAUGHTERS impoverished orphans with a hatchet of LOGIC and REASON

Why did you write "retard" twice in the title?

"white" covers all three


The W word.

Despite orange man being president they haven't fielded a single anti gay Muslim death squad. I'm super disappointed.

And haven’t nuked shit

I was promised death camps for minorities. I guess they're saving it for the election year.

brings new meaning to the term October surprise it does

Hey you can't vote if you're locked in a train! Checkmate libtards.

Oh man now I'm picturing signs like you'd see at an amusement park, but instead of "You must be this tall to ride" they say "You must be below this BMI to vote".

Lots of money could be made in "7-day election crash diets" that don't get completed.

emergency overnight liposuction! Loose up to 200 lbs of disgusting fat before election day!


Repealing the 13th amendment so we can literally own the libs!

Ewwwww no. Ownership comes with certain responsibilities, legal, moral and ethical.

Just wait for the caravan to get here. Both sides have been promising death squads for them, surely it must be true this time? Jk Trumps just gonna pussy out again

I think it's so brave for them to form a caravan to come to the US knowing full well we are a fascist dictatorship that shoots brown people for sport.

They call those "police" in America and yes they have been especially bad since drumpf became "president".

No, from what I hear the boys in blue are more along the lines of a criminal gang/shakedown org.

I'm looking for actual death squads, or at the very least Fedaykin.

dune references


Could be worse, could be alt right

yes they have been especially bad since drumpf became "president".


Almost as if that was always a fantasy born from your barren brainwashed vacuum of an intellect that never had a chance of becoming reality.

Almost as if that was always a fantasy born from your barren ~~brainwashed ~~ alcohol soaked vacuum of an intellect that never had a chance of becoming reality.



It is. We'll have a communist hate thread later on.

It is, this is a response to the libtard hate thread. This sub has to balanced and radically centrist, don’t hate me for doing my job.

Conservatards get out

Nooo, if there's hating going on then I want in on it.

the right cant meme



The fact that you made an account to stalk this guy after he butthurt you, speaks volumes of your mental state.

What are you talking about?

Your comment history

My comment history? Who butthurt me?

Fuk u man

We should gas everyone who isn't a radical centrist

You had me at "gas everyone."


They’re terrible, but I find very few of them terrible in an amusing way.

Fucking brave.

2012 I want border security, limited government, and a strong 2nd amendment and I’m called a conservative.

2018 I want the same shit and I’m “alt right”

Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon and the proud boys hijack the movement to represent vile hate

*Doesn't say a word*

Assumes all liberals think he's alt-right for being conservative


Remind me, who are the snowflakes again?

Proud boys welcome people from all races. They are western chauvanists.

Steve bannon is great

Richard Spencer is a self-avowed socialist.

Even Steve Bannon's family hates him

This is proof the alt right are retarded

It’s ok! Any minute now Trump will reveal that he has evidence of massive voter fraud and every state election will be called for republicans, just as Q predicted!

In 2019 you will still be a massive faggot

3018: ur a faggot

The revolution cant come a day too soon and they will be the first against the wall

out of the woods I am I am

lol imagine getting this angry over internet banter like a fag

Who is angry?

people who make hate threads because some guy done a pepe meme

This thread is 100% pure projection.

To me? Or the libtards commenting

Compared to the left they're hug pussies. Cucks, every one of them

What is the connection between the alt right and geekdom?

gamergate and anime

There is literally no difference between the two threads you made