"The College SJW Starterpack" sorted by controversial

1  2018-11-15 by Snowayne2


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Everyone who claims to have never met someone like that irl is just unknowingly outing themselves as someone who has never been to a University in the US.

And that's a good thing

Well there are people who don't live in the US,like 40% of reddit. I know that is a hard concept to wrap around an ameriburger's head sometimes.

University in the US

If I wasn't aware of places outside of the US, I probably wouldn't have thought to add this.

40% seems high

They released the info awhile back,not exact number but close.

You’re on an American website, retard. Why don’t you stick to whatever geocities forum is popular in your irrelevant shitty country, loser.

Or any trendy gentrified neighborhood

Or is one

Sadly not just in the US bro.

This is 100% spot on. Even the weird Christian university down the street from me has a few.

Openly laughed at the “hair color (pick 2)” line.

This “starterpack” is a strawman and relies on a shitty three-year old joke to get upvotes

I'd be worried about joke persistence.


This is one of the weaker "sjw" starterpacks but they're really in no position to complain about the joke being tired because "monster guzzling camo-wearing dude with a pickup truck compensating for his tiny dick" gets upvoted like every week

leftists can never take a joke ever.

I mean extreme right typically can't either but the REEEEing is always louder from the left side of the fence.

things were more fun when the religious right was also in the mix

everyone except mooslims are functionally atheists today 😴😴😴

It's less that and more the media has a shinier right-wing stereotype to fixate on than the Evangelicals and Republicans realized they don't have to pander quite so hard to that base.

Believe me, they're still around.

Also, political Catholicism doesn't fit neatly into the contemporary Amerimutt political framework.

Really? TD always seem to have super christian quotes.

They call the literally embodiment of the seven-deadly-sins (greed, pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust, envy) 'God Emperor', which I believe is in turn a violation of the first commandment.

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

The sloths internal organs are fixed to their ribcage. This prevents their lungs from being compressed while hanging upside down!

Can you like, fucking not?

hey, this is important

Okay, that's pretty fucking cool.

Let's try for a new one. sloth

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

Both Two-toed and Three-toed sloths grow to 1.5 to 2 feet long.

Well, that make just 6 toes maximum. That's pretty fucking small bot friendo.


sloth sloth sloth sloth

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

The sloth is the worlds slowest mammal!


Lots of atheists too.

They got a big batch of boomer qultists after their sub was shuttered

I never thought I’d be nostalgic for the religious right’s moral crusades but the left picked up the torch right where the right left it amd are somehow even more shrill and annoying.

Because they think being atheists is the ultimate virtuous and intellectual position.

I ain’t even religious but these people are so fucking annoying.

We need a Crusade to reclaim crusades for the Church

I'm sad lenin killed the religious radical left, that's one meme ideology I want to become popular, radical left wing christianity

In Russia this meme is kinda popular, because there are many people who miss both the Russian Empire and the USSR. They behave like discount Strasserists tho.

Russia has unironic nazbols too

idk the left is usually a little more clever with their reeeeing. There are some genuine "literally shaking" types out there for sure, but I find more often that they cover it up with middle school girl snark, to make it sound like they aren't taking it personally.

Rightards on the other hand will just proceed with unabashed reeeeing from the get-go. Its not that they're more easily triggered, they're just worse at hiding it.

At least the rightoids are honest in that they are butthurt by something. Lefties attempting to hide behind smug emojis and outright denial of reality just comes across even more pathetic somehow.

yeah i mostly agree, but the lefty strategy is more effective for the uninitiated.

Look at all the people in the thread acting like the only reason they don't like the starterpack is that the joke is old, or its a strawman. Obviously most of those commenters felt attacked by the starterpack, but they're passing their objection off as impartial third-party criticism.

Every once in a while the right approaches things like this, and it always garners more sympathy than the typical "lol triggered". Critical comments on obvious non-jokes on /r/PoliticalHumor come to mind.

Lol yeah they keep saying people like this don't exist, so I guess 15% of my graduating class was imaginary.

sigh it's almost as if ya'll...

uh, sweaty...

I'm surprised you consider that more clever.

well the bar is low.

I think you're over-thinking it.

There's nothing more clever than just punching someone in the mouth.

Well yeah


middle school girl snark


clever in the sense that it works. Our culture is so awash with empty sarcasm that putting "muh" in front of something is like the modern day equivalent of aFrench courtesan's witty repartee.

We all know that the cleverest insult is just repeating what the person said but lIKe tHiS.

mUh fReEzE PeAcH

muh 18th century French courtesan's repartee

idk the left is usually a little more clever with their reeeeing.

I see you haven't read the comments in /r/politics for a while.

the left is more clever? they just sob and repeat accusations of -isms or -phobias until everyone involved longs for the ability to perform a 60th trimester abortion.

Probably because most rightoids are approaching senility and not really on reddit that much except to follow Q.

Rightn's are workin' and prayin' don't got time for REEEEE'n.

It's not even that offensive of a starter pack. It's just makeup/hair/sticker choices.

It’s pretty weak as far as starter packs go. Just some facial accessories and some Bernie stickers slapped on. Which is really sad given the sheer amount of material in the subject.

Took about 5 minutes to make, obviously, and while that’s a great ROI I wouldn’t be proud enough to put my watermark on it.

What about the momruepai watermark?

He’d put his face on any old trash so yeah.

Take that back.


Don’t drink the bong water.

Let's be real, those guys probably have bigger dicks than the hipsters who use /r/starterpacks. They have small dicks, but anyone's more manly than a /r/starterpacks user

Also, every single starterpack has a cracked screen and Starbucks in it

I like the "Upper midddle class women don't even exist, I've never seen one" defense, real convincing stuff.



What's wrong with wearing camo? I don't have a pickup truck but at least 60% of the liquid in my body is fentanyl.

Reddit is so fucking man hating it's insane. Reddit literally filled with millions of female fat ugly man haters.

This totally doesn't exist, but I'm super fucking mad about it even though it doesn't exist and it supposedly wouldn't apply to me even if it did. ALT RIGHT STRAWMAN

openly admitting you've spooked yourself retarded


This totally doesn't exist, but I'm super fucking mad about it even though it doesn't exist and it totally wouldn't apply to me even if it did. ALT RIGHT STRAWMAN

I can totally see my stepdaughter angrily typing this on her Apple laptop with her blue hair shaved up on one side, the stretchy/droopy knit hat hanging off the back of her head, gigantic horn rimmed glasses, and her always-charming body odor.

Suuuure these people don't exist.

haha this is so me, omg.

If this stereotype doesnt exist, then why is there 1000 salty comments posted in 4 hours?

Also, I think the NPC meme got overdone real quick, but why the hell is every single comment saying "I've never met someone like this"?

"Oh, I don't have any assholes in my friend group" said the asshole.

I live in deep red state and i know at least a dozen people that at least 70% of the post describes

I love that logic because I genuinely don't know a single homosexual, trans person, autist, or anyone who uses Tumblr. I know, redundant and all, but still.

I hate the NPC meme shit because it devolves into "no u" back and forth

That's what makes it funny.

ive seen plenty of people like this, and im not even from burgerland

they're just convenient straw(wo)men for the alt-right and affiliates


I literally see the fat with colourful hair white woman thing at least once a day in Toronto.

OP is a trump supporter (post history).


I think the rightoids will win that one regardless.

iMacs and guitars vs the best comeback in human history.

That comeback isn't real though.

No no, the Garand killed plenty of commies.

Yeah but that particular Garand isn't real. Also wouldn't an M16 be a better choice anyway?

Yeah but that particular Garand isn't real.

Keenly observant as ever, chum.

Also wouldn't an M16 be a better choice anyway?

The gun that both caused and lost Vietnam?

The gun that both caused and lost Vietnam?

t. guy that read the Zombie Survival Guide and considered it to be a source on the M16's combat effectiveness

Shya. Err. Like I would read a real book.

Punisher baby.

That particular Garand is from fucking fallout

No shit, that's like, exactly my point. Bravo.

In Korea? Or do you mean when we offloaded our surplus at the end of the war?

I did mean Korea, yeah.

Though let's not kid ourselves, the M14 is a glorified Garand.

Kinda wordy...

Literally brand new unblemished collage. That is so preposterous.

Yeah. Anything left in the sun looks like shit after like one month. Just look at billboards.

Needs more minion memes to reach peak boomer

Should have been an AK-47

I thought about it, and it's actually hard for me to pin down a spot far enough back in history to begin explaining all the things that are wrong with that.

No, because it would achieve the maximum butthurt with both sides falling over each other to explain how it's all wrong. As you demonstrate btw.

Jesus, I've never seen it in the wild before. This is some National Geographic-level stuff right here.

Look, all I'm saying is that shopping "this machine kills commies" on an ak47 would cause a lot of people to lose their shit telling you how it's all wrong. Which is funny because it can't even be wrong, the wood wouldn't shed the words or gunpowder refuse to ignite when pointed at a commie.

You would be one of those people.

I understand that's what you're saying now. The poster wasn't supposed to be vague.

imagine trying to make this argument on r/drama

Imagine not knowing what seriousposting is.

Imagine still thinking "imagine..." is clever.

congrats. you're even more of an insufferable faggot than i first suspected.

Imagine thinking anyone gives a shit what you personally think.

I hope you're still a teenager and have time to grow out of this stupidity

Greatest comeback? Probably shoulda posted Mosin.

to take over unpopular opinion and this sub too.

At this point that sub has nothing to do with truly unpopular opinions, it basically is "slut shaming is bad mmmkay my fellow feminists", and the sub has always been a sub dedicated to "look at me, I'm so special, anti-mainstream and unique" type of attentionwhoring

There are Chapo regulars in there saying SJWs don't exist, the same people who compared using the word "retard" to the holocaust ...

I can't keep up with internet politics lore but aren't chapotards lefties who like using retard?

Not anymore. There are so few insults that they can tolerate, they had to make up their own.

post hog chud

How does the boot taste, fascist?

Like your mom's box when she's on the rag

Better than having no food at all I guess


my favorite is magachud though lol. that seems to trigger literally everyone who isn't a chapotard.

"Dirtbag left"

Can't use mean words

people pushing this ideology believe unironically that 95% of the population is mentally defective

If I spent all my time around chapotards I'd think that too

They used to be. Then they got overrun by the regular reddit left crowd.

as the userbase/audience grew they became less and less "dirtbag" left.

i think one of the hosts is somewhat anti-idpol and a lot of the fans hate her as a result. she actually created a huge controversy with the DSA over being ableist or whatever

Twitter bio: ✊Activism, fighting fascism and white privilege. Proudly socialist, INFP, ♋Cancer, 🏳️‍🌈queer, ➕HIV+. He/him/comrade. #BLM #BlueWave

"I've never seen an SJW in my entire life! This is just all made up by the alt-right and Russian shills!"

Yin yang cancer?

infinity'd 69= cancer (astrological)


Some times we living in when people advertise that.

People dont believe shame should be a thing. Those people are wrong but thats what they believe.

Do these people go around brigade stuff they find offensive? I see them all over the place.

Yes, and they can even ping :(

that's fucked up. it's clearly worse than the holocaust and, dare i say it, maybe even gamergate

Kind of boring tbh

satire should make people uncomfortable and challange their beliefs

but not mine though

t. Plebbit

"satire" should make people I DON'T LIKE uncomfortable and challange conform their beliefs into mine and the rest of the hivemind



The thing that always gets me is /r/politics posters calling out T_D users. Like "my dumpster is better than your dumpster" or "my shit-eating habit is healthier than your piss-jar-hoarding habit."

When two t_d posters are in a sub, it's a brigade by Russian bots. When 300 r/politics posters are in a sub, it's business as usual.

“You can smell the guy who posted this”

“OP is an angry incel”

“I bet the guy who made this is just jealous these girls won’t fuck him.”

The “comments in a starter pack about a girl” starter pack

Do it.

give us the link my dude

Post it pussy.

“I bet the guy who made this is just jealous these girls won’t fuck him.”

Didn't know OP wanted AIDS

“I bet the guy who made this is just jealous these girls won’t fuck him.”

One of these attempted to get me to fuck her once while I was drunk and I have to say, even if it was my lone chance to have sex in life I would never take it. They smell cheesy up close. 🤢

Very low tier satire. Hilarious that anyone would upvote this or be so upset about it.

real question have you ever seen a nose ring be attractive on a girl? I haven't. In fact i've seen girls take them off and become more attractive.

You gotta agree that if you use the term SJW or triggered regularly, people are gonna assume you're 14

Everything in that post is accurate except for the Bernie shit. SJW Thots would never support a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Yeah, they were all QQing about BernieBros when he was running.

that thread is a disaster holy shit i love it

Mind if I sort by... CONTROVERSIAL

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This is so lazy and outdated lol move on


I miss pinging. That guy in there collectijism had got to be one of the dumbest sister fuckers on this site. His whole profile is a hilarious and illiterate mess

you’re an incel

Reminder that pizzashill was right again.

those comments are really interesting because both right-wing and left-wing opinions are getting downvoted

Imagine getting mad a starterpack

This post was made by the chill person gang

How dare they put a Half-Life 2 sticker on that trigger machine. They are ruining a good game

"SJWs don't exist" -SJW