Fake men made at real woman who does fake sports calling them out

1  2018-11-15 by ArlenBilldozer


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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The lowest of the low.

Rounda can come give me an anal thrashing any day of the weak

" You’re not just ‘The Man,’ you are the millennial man. You are the skinny jeans-wearing, v-neck sporting, avocado toast-munching, winged shoe-wearing, millennial man. With a bubble-wrapped ego and a porcelain self-perception "


Ronda is legit the sexiest woman alive right now. I would get pegged off of her with pride and joy.

They say avocados are a "dumb and dated meme" but I literally had a bunch of stretchears reeeing at me just recently because I said something derogatory about avocados.

dude latinx lmao

Wrestleshit 😴😴😴😴😴

I haven't sat down and watched WWF in more than a decade - after Eddie's death I just don't have it in me anymore.

(Lynch is largely written as a heel, but universally beloved by fans and cheered loudly at every show, which has upended the usual dynamics.)

Why won't the plebs sit down and have the opinions we told them to have??