Self-hate thread

1  2018-11-16 by dootwthesickness_II

We all do, right?


Do mayos deserve to die ? If so then you’ve answered your question...

Well, I do have to check “white” on official applications, usually.

Idk how people can still be against a genocide that’s accomplished by rampant interracial sex. Seems like a win-win to me

Why aren’t hot brown, yellow and black SJWs trying to mate with my right now to further the mayocide? All talk no action.

Anyone else they've developed an incest fetish out of some latent desire to escape adulthood stress?

Like, I put myself in the position of receiving sexual care from a mother. Do I just want affection that I might have missed out on as a child?

Think of all the missed opportunities to be molested by your mom?


Well, now it comes out as sexual frustration, but maybe what I want is something more innocent. But my psyche can't revert to a childlike state.

Now, this is content worthy of r/Drama.

every man subconsciously wants to kill his father and fuck his mother

Personally I don't really get the mommy fetish, little sister seems more appealing to me, laying down with each other to learn what each other's bodies are for, now that's hot.

You and Lena Dunham would have a lot to talk about!

every man subconsciously wants to kill his father and fuck his mother

Absolute bullshit.

Neutral Milk Hotelcels OUT

Manlets aren't human

It never even began for minicels.

Um we prefer the phrase temporarily embarrassed lanklets sweaty

But we don't give a fuck about your """preferences""".

But I thought this was a self hate thread for us manlets to cope? 😞

And for me to make fun of you.

Love, someone who's on the right side of 6 feet.

I'm telling my mom about you

dude bussy lmao


More like permanently 😢

I'll get taller one day! Believe it! 🍥

I am all my problems, no one else.

This but unironically

Hastag relatable

You know that Bill Hicks line about every word from an artist who has done a commercial is like a turd falling into his drink? That's how I feel every time I open my mouth.

You get a lot of work in commercials? I hear that pays well.

Isn’t that why were here

I want to fucking die

Count me in.


catches glimpse of reflection in microwave oven door at 3 am while eating pop tarts and knowing I have to wake up in 3 hours


I'm on reddit instead of going to the gym or doing anything even remotely useful because I'm a lazy sack of shit.

I do both but I should be more social because drinking alone is bad for you I've heard

you should stay in the house and never leave it because you're a literal pedophile, and not going outside is doing a service to society.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.


I was supposed to study for Calc this week.

I didn't do a single problem and now it's Friday.

It's been 7 hours since you posted this comment, I hope you did something.

I got drunk and went to bed, now I'm rushing on my way to class.

Calc I?

only subconsciously, which is honestly even more fucked up than hating yourself consciously and manifests itself in really weird ways

Sometimes I feel bad for being so fucking cool that other people feel inferior.

Felt good to get that off my chest.

Duh. We all are autistic enough to post on r/drama
