Charlemagne hate thread

1  2018-11-16 by RainbowSama

Carloman was always the true and rightful king of the franks, unjustly assassinated by a nosebleed. screw that manchild carolingian


Open your eyes. Einhardanon basically said it was an inside job by the Lombards.

Charlemagne spread Christianity in Europe, and that's a bad thing.

His grandad stopped the Islamic invasion of Europe too, double plus ungood.

What are Egbert and Boniface? Chopped liver?

Wasn't he just a little bit presumptuous claiming to be crowned in Rome and all that? Like, if I met someone like him online, I'd probably roll my eyes A LOT. 🙄 🙄 🙄


People named Lombardy they go house?

Imagine some dumb Frank thinking he's equal to the unfaltering line of actual Emperors in Constantinople 😂😂😂

Franklets can't even into a real empire without fragmenting in a single generation. How will they cope?

Retard Franks always wanted to LARP as Roman

After he got dabbed on by the Basque I knew it's over for Frankcels

At least they didn't get dropped by the Turk.

It was the Venetians and the dumbfuck Angelos that did it in, the Turks just finished then off

>survive from 500 BC to 1453 AD

>literally takes the Carthaginians, the Gauls, the Parthians, the Huns, the Franks, the Anglo Saxons, the Ostrogoths, the Visigoths, the Vandals, the Sassanids, the Arabs, the Slavs, the Bulgarians, the Pope, the Seljuks, the Crusaders, the Venetians, the Genoese, the Serbs and finally the Ottomans to kill them.

wow so shit.

Hey I don't see your beloved unbroken emperors doing anything about those Lombards harrasing our Holy Father! If they're so great where are they?

Changes Dynasty

Yo FUCK charlemagne fr saxon till i die


Ooga booga me pagan

Get in the wicker man loser we’re ensuring a bountiful harvest

This but unironically.

If we had more King’s like Ælfæd England would still be a proper Anglo Saxon nation!

Karlings get out reeeee

Nice ck2posting though

wtf i can trace my lineage back to Charlemagne, i am reporting this for hate speech.

>a fucking pedigreed mayo


Meh, it's true for 95+% of Northwestern Europeans (ancestry, not being able to directly trace it), 42 generations back for my family.

So are you saying we was kangs n shit?

We was all kangs over the woolly mammoths n shit.

Everyone waz kangz if you look hard enough since nobles tended to live and bear more survivable offspring due to nutrition and wealth.

This is true, Mayo's like to imbreed

t. literally any yuropoor

This body which called itself and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

This is a trite and oft-repeated comment but for some reason I feel compelled to upvote it!

Voltaire was the second shitposter in human history, after Diogenes

Diogenes was the ancient equivalent of the t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m is a public masturbator?

Tbf it was an empire of sorts (a federation of duchies), just not a very solid one.

Poor Voltaire

It was more of a federation before the 12th century. In fact, at the beginning of the high middle ages the HRE was more centralized than France to the west (where power had basically devolved to the level of count). When Frederick II died and the rule of his dynasty ended, it was steadily downhill until it was more of a confederation than a united country.

France took forever to federalize, they didn't even seriously start trying to get Bretons to learn French until after the Revolution.

Yeah but in general late medieval and early modern France has a really powerful central government by the standards of the day. There were a thousand arbitrary ancient privileges and specific laws for a thousand different places, and the King had to please the nobles into submission with lavish spending on parties and pleasantries in Versailles, but by and large when the King said something, it got done. Whereas in the HRE, the emperor had very little power (but still had a responsibility to protect everyone in these nearly independent states anyway).

I read once though that before the French revolution, less than half the people spoke French. There was ironically a lot more cultural and linguistic diversity in pre-revolutionary France, than probably even modern France... modernity kind of stamped it all out and made culture more uniform.


Franks BTFO

What the fuck even is this thread

It’s about ancient, and extremely boring eurofag history.

Western European history is great and filled with lots of incest and regicide.

tbh Euro history is way more interesting than Chinese history, mostly because the European historical tradition came from a bunch of playwrights while the Chinese one came from bureaucrats.

be Chinese

Fragment and lose millions from war-related starvation

The geopolitics memes when that inevitably happens again are gonna be great.

I still have extended family there, rip.

Methinks it's not too far away now.

I'm going to upvote this for the sake of promoting discourse regarding the Carolingians, but I've gotta say you're a stupid piece of shit and I hope your opinion gets you tied to a wagon and dragged through the streets of Aachen.

History is a patriarchal construct TBQH.

Okay, but consider this: Charlemagne had Astolfo as one of his paladins, without Charlemagne we may never have known about the best girl.

tfw come to post about best trap in a thread vaguely related to him, and find a much better post with the same purpose already made

There is one thing we can all get behind.

implying you're not getting in front to have Astolfo peg your bussy with his Trap of Argalia.

This is the guy with the shitty shows on VH1 and MTV right?

Fucker is short as hell...

Which is funny since historically he was at least 6 feet tall.

Tfw cucked by qt aryan Norse Vikings uwu

Imagine never living up to your daddy the romans

Shout to all my colorblind people

Each and everyone of y'all, if you call a fire engine green

Aquamarine, or you think water is pink

"Dawg, that's a date." "Looks like an olive to me."

"Look, there's an apple!" "No, it's not, it's a peach!"

Big beard so definitely a chinlet

Imagine caring about history before the 18th century lol

pls understand i only know history from the lens of my crusader kings 2 video game!

He has a radio show now

lol, its over for Merovignian Dynastycells